[nikiroo-utils.git] /

My current planning for Fanfix (but not everything appears on this list): - [ ] Support new websites - [x] YiffStar - [ ] Two Kinds - [ ] Slightly damned - [x] New API on (faster) - [ ] Others? Any ideas? I’m open for requests - [x] e-Hentai requested - [ ] Find some FR comics/manga websites - [x] A GUI library - [x] Make one - [x] Make it run when no args passed - [x] Fix the UI, it is ugly - [x] Work on the UI thread is BAD - [x] Allow export - [x] Allow delete/refresh - [x] Show a list of types - [x] the menu - [x] a screen view - [x] options screen - [x] support progress events - [ ] A TUI library - [x] Choose an output (Jexer) - [x] Implement it from –set-reader to the actual window - [x] List the stories - [ ] Fix the UI layout - [x] Status bar - [ ] Real menus - [x] Open a story in the reader and/or natively - [ ] Update the screenshots - [ ] Remember the current chapter and current read status of stories - [ ] support progress events - [x] Network support - [x] A server that can send the stories - [x] A network implementation of the Library - [x] Write access to the library - [x] Access rights (a simple “key”) - [x] More tests, especially with the GUI - [x] ..even more - [x] support progress events - [x] Check if it can work on Android - [x] First checks: it should work, but with changes - [x] Adapt work on images :( - [x] Partial/Conditional compilation - [x] APK export - [ ] Android - [x] Android support - [x] Show current stories - [x] Download new stories - [ ] Sort stories by Source/Author - [ ] Fix UI - [ ] support progress events - [ ] Translations - [x] i18n system in place - [x] Make use of it - [ ] Use it for all user output - [ ] French translation - [x] French manual/readme - [x] Install a mechanism to handle stories import/export progress update - [x] Progress system - [x] in support classes (import) - [x] in output classes (export) - [x] Version - [x] Use a version number - [x] Show it in UI - [x] A check-update feature - [x] ..translated - [ ] Improve GUI library - [x] Allow lauching a custom application instead of Desktop.start - [ ] Add the resume next to the cover icon if available (as an option) - [ ] Bugs - [x] Fix “Redownload also reset the source” - [ ] Fix eHentai “content warning” access - [ ] Fix the configuration system (for new or changed options, new or changed languages) - [ ] remote import also download the file in cache, why? - [ ] import file in remote mode tries to import remote file!! - [ ] import file does not find author in cbz with SUMMARY file - [ ] import file:// creates a tmp without auto-deletion in /tmp/fanfic-…