package be.nikiroo.jvcard;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import be.nikiroo.jvcard.parsers.Format;
import be.nikiroo.jvcard.parsers.Parser;
import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils;
* A contact is the information that represent a contact person or organisation.
* Each {@link Data} inside can be binary encoded or not: if it is binary
* encoded, it has an active BKey number (not -1) associated to it (of value 0
* if still not sorted, or unique for the whole {@link Contact} if already
* processed).
* @author niki
public class Contact extends BaseClass {
private int nextBKey = 1;
private Map binaries;
* Create a new Contact from the given information. Note that the BKeys data
* will be reset.
* @param content
* the information about the contact
public Contact(List content) {
* Return the preferred Data field with the given name, the first one if
* none is preferred, or NULL if none at all.
* @param name
* the name to look for
* @return the {@link Data} field, or NULL
public Data getPreferredData(String name) {
Data pref = null;
int ipref = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (Data data : getData(name)) {
if (pref == null)
pref = data;
if (data.getPreferred() < ipref)
pref = data;
return pref;
* Return the value of the preferred data field with this name, or NULL if
* none (you cannot differentiate a NULL value and no value with this method
* -- for that, check {@link Contact#getPreferredData(String)}).
* @param name
* the name to look for
* @return the value (which can be NULL), or NULL
public String getPreferredDataValue(String name) {
Data data = getPreferredData(name);
if (data != null && data.getValue() != null)
return data.getValue().trim();
return null;
* Get the Data fields that share the given name.
* @param name
* the name to look for
* @return a list of Data fields with this name
public List getData(String name) {
List found = new LinkedList();
for (Data data : this) {
if (data.getName().equals(name))
return found;
* Return a {@link String} representation of this contact formated
* accordingly to the given format.
* The format is basically a list of field names separated by a pipe and
* optionally parametrised with the 'at' (@) symbol. The parameters allows
* you to:
* - @x: show only a present/not present info
* - @n: limit the size to a fixed value 'n'
* - @+: expand the size of this field as much as possible
* In case of lists or multiple-fields values, you can select a specific
* list or field with:
* - FIELD@(0): select the first value in a list
* - FIELD@[1]: select the second field in a multiple-fields value
* You can also add a fixed text if it starts with a simple-quote (').
* Example: "'Contact: |N@10|FN@20|NICK@+|PHOTO@x"
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param separator
* the separator {@link String} to use between fields
* @return the {@link String} representation
public String toString(String format, String separator) {
return toString(format, separator, null, -1, true);
* Return a {@link String} representation of this contact formated
* accordingly to the given format.
* The format is basically a list of field names separated by a pipe and
* optionally parametrised. The parameters allows you to:
* - @x: show only a present/not present info
* - @n: limit the size to a fixed value 'n'
* - @+: expand the size of this field as much as possible
* In case of lists or multiple-fields values, you can select a specific
* list or field with:
* - FIELD@(0): select the first value in a list
* - FIELD@[1]: select the second field in a multiple-fields value
* You can also add a fixed text if it starts with a simple-quote (').
* Example: "'Contact: |N@10|FN@20|NICK@+|PHOTO@x"
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param separator
* the separator {@link String} to use between fields
* @param padding
* the {@link String} to use for left and right padding
* @param width
* a fixed width or -1 for "as long as needed"
* @param unicode
* allow Unicode or only ASCII characters
* @return the {@link String} representation
public String toString(String format, String separator, String padding,
int width, boolean unicode) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String str : toStringArray(format, separator, padding, width,
unicode)) {
return builder.toString();
* Return a {@link String} representation of this contact formated
* accordingly to the given format, part by part.
* The format is basically a list of field names separated by a pipe and
* optionally parametrised. The parameters allows you to:
* - @x: show only a present/not present info
* - @n: limit the size to a fixed value 'n'
* - @+: expand the size of this field as much as possible
* In case of lists or multiple-fields values, you can select a specific
* list or field with:
* - FIELD@(0): select the first value in a list
* - FIELD@[1]: select the second field in a multiple-fields value
* You can also add a fixed text if it starts with a simple-quote (').
* Example: "'Contact: |N@10|FN@20|NICK@+|PHOTO@x"
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param separator
* the separator {@link String} to use between fields
* @param padding
* the {@link String} to use for left and right padding
* @param width
* a fixed width or -1 for "as long as needed"
* @param unicode
* allow Uniode or only ASCII characters
* @return the {@link String} representation
public String[] toStringArray(String format, String separator,
String padding, int width, boolean unicode) {
if (width > -1) {
int numOfFields = format.split("\\|").length;
if (separator != null)
width -= (numOfFields - 1) * separator.length();
if (padding != null)
width -= (numOfFields) * (2 * padding.length());
if (width < 0)
width = 0;
List str = new LinkedList();
boolean first = true;
for (String s : toStringArray(format, width, unicode)) {
if (!first) {
if (padding != null)
str.add(padding + s + padding);
first = false;
return str.toArray(new String[] {});
* Return a {@link String} representation of this contact formated
* accordingly to the given format, part by part.
* The format is basically a list of field names separated by a pipe and
* optionally parametrised. The parameters allows you to:
* - @x: show only a present/not present info
* - @n: limit the size to a fixed value 'n'
* - @+: expand the size of this field as much as possible
* In case of lists or multiple-fields values, you can select a specific
* list or field with:
* - FIELD@(0): select the first value in a list
* - FIELD@[1]: select the second field in a multiple-fields value
* You can also add a fixed text if it starts with a simple-quote (').
* Example: "'Contact: |N@10|FN@20|NICK@+|PHOTO@x"
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param width
* a fixed width or -1 for "as long as needed"
* @param unicode
* allow Uniode or only ASCII characters
* @return the {@link String} representation
public String[] toStringArray(String format, int width, boolean unicode) {
List str = new LinkedList();
String[] formatFields = format.split("\\|");
String[] values = new String[formatFields.length];
Boolean[] expandedFields = new Boolean[formatFields.length];
Boolean[] fixedsizeFields = new Boolean[formatFields.length];
int numOfFieldsToExpand = 0;
int totalSize = 0;
if (width == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < formatFields.length; i++) {
return str.toArray(new String[] {});
for (int i = 0; i < formatFields.length; i++) {
String field = formatFields[i];
int size = -1;
boolean binary = false;
boolean expand = false;
int fieldNum = -1;
int valueNum = -1;
if (field.length() > 0 && field.charAt(0) != '\''
&& field.contains("@")) {
String[] opts = field.split("@");
if (opts.length > 0)
field = opts[0];
for (int io = 1; io < opts.length; io++) {
String opt = opts[io];
if (opt.equals("x")) {
binary = true;
} else if (opt.equals("+")) {
expand = true;
} else if (opt.length() > 0 && opt.charAt(0) == '(') {
try {
opt = opt.substring(1, opt.length() - 1);
valueNum = Integer.parseInt(opt);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (opt.length() > 0 && opt.charAt(0) == '[') {
try {
opt = opt.substring(1, opt.length() - 1);
fieldNum = Integer.parseInt(opt);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
try {
size = Integer.parseInt(opt);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
String value = null;
if (field.length() > 0 && field.charAt(0) == '\'') {
value = field.substring(1);
} else if (valueNum >= 0) {
List vv = getPreferredData(field).getValues();
if (valueNum < vv.size()) {
value = vv.get(valueNum);
} else if (fieldNum >= 0) {
List ff = getPreferredData(field).getFields();
if (fieldNum < ff.size()) {
value = ff.get(fieldNum);
} else {
// we don't need the *data* in binary mode...
if (binary)
value = getData(field).size() > 0 ? "x" : null;
value = getPreferredDataValue(field);
if (value == null) {
value = "";
} else {
value = StringUtils.sanitize(value, unicode);
if (size > -1) {
value = StringUtils.padString(value, size);
expandedFields[i] = expand;
fixedsizeFields[i] = (size > -1);
if (binary) {
if (value != null && !value.equals(""))
values[i] = "x";
values[i] = " ";
} else {
values[i] = value;
totalSize += value.length();
if (width > -1 && totalSize > width) {
int toDo = totalSize - width;
for (int i = fixedsizeFields.length - 1; toDo > 0 && i >= 0; i--) {
if (!fixedsizeFields[i]) {
int valueLength = values[i].length();
if (valueLength > 0) {
if (valueLength >= toDo) {
values[i] = values[i].substring(0, valueLength
- toDo);
toDo = 0;
} else {
values[i] = "";
toDo -= valueLength;
totalSize = width + toDo;
if (width > -1 && numOfFieldsToExpand > 0) {
int availablePadding = width - totalSize;
if (availablePadding > 0) {
int padPerItem = availablePadding / numOfFieldsToExpand;
int remainder = availablePadding % numOfFieldsToExpand;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (expandedFields[i]) {
if (remainder > 0) {
values[i] = values[i]
+ StringUtils.padString("", remainder);
remainder = 0;
if (padPerItem > 0) {
values[i] = values[i]
+ StringUtils.padString("", padPerItem);
totalSize = width;
int currentSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
currentSize += addToList(str, values[i], currentSize, width);
return str.toArray(new String[] {});
* Update the information from this contact with the information in the
* given contact. Non present fields will be removed, new fields will be
* added, BKey'ed fields will be completed with the binary information known
* by this contact.
* @param vc
* the contact with the newer information and optional BKeys
public void updateFrom(Contact vc) {
List newDatas = new LinkedList(vc);
for (int i = 0; i < newDatas.size(); i++) {
Data data = newDatas.get(i);
int bkey = Parser.getBKey(data);
if (bkey >= 0) {
if (binaries.containsKey(bkey)) {
newDatas.set(i, binaries.get(bkey));
this.nextBKey = vc.nextBKey;
public String getId() {
return "" + getPreferredDataValue("UID");
public String getState() {
return getId();
* Return a simple {@link String} representation of this contact without
* BKeys.
* @return the {@link String} representation
public String toString() {
return "[Contact: " + getPreferredDataValue("FN") + "]";
* Mark all the binary fields with a BKey number.
* @param force
* force the marking, and reset all the numbers.
protected void updateBKeys(boolean force) {
if (force) {
binaries = new HashMap();
nextBKey = 1;
if (binaries == null) {
binaries = new HashMap();
for (Data data : this) {
if (data.isBinary() && (data.getB64Key() <= 0 || force)) {
binaries.put(nextBKey, data);
* Load the data from the given {@link File} under the given {@link Format}.
* @param file
* the {@link File} to load from
* @param format
* the {@link Format} to load as
* @return the list of elements
* @throws IOException
* in case of IO error
static private List load(List content) {
List datas = new ArrayList();
boolean fn = false;
boolean n = false;
boolean uid = false;
if (content != null) {
for (Data data : content) {
if (data.getName().equals("N")) {
n = true;
} else if (data.getName().equals("FN")) {
fn = true;
} else if (data.getName().equals("UID")) {
uid = true;
if (!data.getName().equals("VERSION")) {
// required fields:
if (!n) // required since vCard 3.0, supported in 2.1
datas.add(new Data(null, "N", "", null));
if (!fn) // not required anymore but still supported in 4.0
datas.add(new Data(null, "FN", "", null));
if (!uid) // supported by vCard, required by this program
datas.add(new Data(null, "UID", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), null));
return datas;
* Add a {@link String} to the given {@link List}, but make sure it does not
* exceed the maximum size, and truncate it if needed to fit.
* Will always add one and only one {@link String} (potentially empty) at
* the end of list.
* @param list
* the list to add to
* @param add
* the {@link String} to (either fully or partially) add
* @param currentSize
* the current total size (managed outside of this method)
* @param maxSize
* the maximum size that cannot be exceeded (or -1 for
* "no maximum") -- if the maximum size would be exceeded by
* adding this {@link String}, only a part of it will be added;
* if the maximum size is already reached or exceeded (should not
* happen because of this method), an empty {@link String} will
* be added
* @return the number of characters added (the size of the last
* {@link String} in list)
static private int addToList(List list, String add,
int currentSize, int maxSize) {
if (add == null || add.length() == 0) {
if (add != null)
return 0;
if (maxSize > -1) {
if (currentSize < maxSize) {
if (currentSize + add.length() >= maxSize) {
add = add.substring(0, maxSize - currentSize);
} else {
add = "";
return add.length();