package be.nikiroo.utils.ui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import be.nikiroo.utils.Image; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils.Alignment; import be.nikiroo.utils.resources.Bundle; import be.nikiroo.utils.resources.MetaInfo; /** * A graphical item that reflect a configuration option from the given * {@link Bundle}. *

* This graphical item can be edited, and the result will be saved back into the * linked {@link MetaInfo}; you still have to save the {@link MetaInfo} should * you wish to, of course. * * @author niki * * @param * the type of {@link Bundle} to edit */ public abstract class ConfigItem> extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static int minimumHeight = -1; /** A small 16x16 "?" blue in PNG, base64 encoded. */ private static String img64info = // "" + "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBI" + "WXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH4wURFRg6IrtcdgAAATdJREFUOMvtkj8sQ1EUxr9z/71G" + "m1RDogYxq7WDDYMYTSajSG4n6YRYzSaSLibWbiaDIGwdiLIYDFKDNJEgKu969xi8UNHy7H7LPcN3" + "v/Odcy+hG9oOIeIcBCJS9MAvlZtOMtHxsrFrJHGqe0RVGnHAHpcIbPlng8BS3HmKBJYzabGUzcrJ" + "XK+ckIrqANYR2JEv2nYDEVck0WKGfHzyq82Go+btxoX3XAcAIqTj8wPqOH6mtMeM4bGCLhyfhTMA" + "qlLhKHqujCfaweCAmV0p50dPzsNpEKpK01V/n55HIvTnfDC2odKlfeYadZN/T+AqDACUsnkhqaU1" + "LRIVuX1x7ciuSWQxVIrunONrfq3dI6oh+T94Z8453vEem/HTqT8ZpFJ0qDXtGkPbAGAMeSRngQCA" + "eUvgn195AwlZWyvjtQdhAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; /** A small 16x16 "+" image with colours */ private static String img64add = // "" + "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBI" + "WXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH4wUeES0QBFvvnAAAAB1pVFh0Q29tbWVudAAAAAAAQ3Jl" + "YXRlZCB3aXRoIEdJTVBkLmUHAAACH0lEQVQ4y42Tz0sVURTHP+fMmC7CQMpH1EjgIimCsEVBEIg/" + "qIbcBAW2Uai1m/oH2rlJXLQpeRJt2gQhTO0iTTKC1I2JBf5gKCJCRPvhPOed22LmvV70Fn7hwr3c" + "+z3ne+73HCFHEClxaASRHgduA91AW369BkwDI3Foy0GkEofmACQnSxyaCyItAkMClMzYdeCAJgVP" + "tJJrPA7tVoUjNZlngXMAiRmXClfoK/Tjq09x7T6LW+8RxOVJ5+LQzgSRojm5WCEDlMrQVbjIQNtN" + "rh0d5FTzaTLBmWKgM4h0Ig4NzWseohYCJUuqx123Sx0MBpF2+MAdyWUnlqX4lf4bIDHjR+rwJJPR" + "qNCgCjDsA10lM/oKIRcO9lByCYklnG/pqQa4euQ6J5tPoKI0yD6ef33Ku40Z80R7CSJNWyZxT+Ki" + "2ytGP911hyZxQaRp1RtPPPYKD4+sGJwPrDUp7Q9Xxnj9fYrUUnaszEAwQHfrZQAerT/g7cYMiuCp" + "z8LmLI0qBqz6wLQn2v5he57FrXkAtlPH2ZZOuskCzG2+4dnnx3iSuSgCKqLAlAIjmXPiVIRsgYjU" + "usrfO0Gq7cA9jUNbBsZrmiQnac1e6n3FeBzakpf39OSBG9IPHAZwzlFoagVg5edHXn57wZed9dpA" + "C3FoYRDpf8M0AQwKwu9yubxjeA7Y72ENqlp3mOqMcwcwDPQCx8gGchV4BYzGoS1V3gL8AVA5C5/0" + "oRFoAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; /** A small 32x32 "-" image with colours */ private static String img64remove = // "" + "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBI" + "WXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH4wUeESw5X/JGsQAAAB1pVFh0Q29tbWVudAAAAAAAQ3Jl" + "YXRlZCB3aXRoIEdJTVBkLmUHAAACKUlEQVQ4y5WTO2iTYRSG3+//v/+SJrG5SSABh1JQBHFJNUNR" + "YodCLoMoTkK0YKhQtBmsl01wKVZRBwcrgosg3SwFW9Cippe0VmlpB6uYqYIaNSZtbv/lOKRx0iR9" + "4YOzvOc8vOd8wLbG4nYGAKP9tshKr3Pq0zFXORt0UzbopvUeZ2ml1/niUcIWAYBzwwqr+xgAjCSt" + "wpXjWzx105Ha+1XsMgT8U6IJfPAacyfO50OXJi3VwbtbxMbidtZ3tiClbzi/eAuCmxgai4AfNvNn" + "KJn3X5xWKgwA0lHHYud3MdDUXMcmIOMx0oGJXJCN9tuiJ98p4//DbtTk2cFKhB/OSBcMgQHVMkir" + "AqwJBhGYrIIkCQc2eJK3aewI9Crko2FIh0K1Jo0mcwmV6XFUlmfRXhK7eXuRKaRVIYdiUGKnW8Kn" + "0ia0t6/hKHJVqCcLzncQgLhtIvBfbWbZZahq+cl96AuvQLre2Mw59NUlkCwjZ6USL0uYgSj26B/X" + "oK+vtkYgMAhMRF4x5oWlPdod0UQtfUFo7YEBBKz59BEGAAtRx1xHVgzu5AYyHmMmMJHrZolhhU3t" + "05XJe7s2PJuCq9k1MgKyNjOXiBf8kWW5JDy4XKHBl2ql6+pvX8ZjzDOqrcWsFQAAE/T3H3z2GG/6" + "zhT8sfdKeehWkUQAeJ7WcH23xTz1uPBwf1hclA3mBZjPojFOIOSsVPpmN1OznfpA+Gn+2kCHqg/d" + "LhIA/AFU5d0V6gTjtQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; /** The code base */ private final ConfigItemBase base; /** The main panel with all the fields in it. */ private JPanel main; /** * Prepare a new {@link ConfigItem} instance, linked to the given * {@link MetaInfo}. * * @param info * the info * @param autoDirtyHandling * TRUE to automatically manage the setDirty/Save operations, * FALSE if you want to do it yourself via * {@link ConfigItem#setDirtyItem(int)} */ protected ConfigItem(MetaInfo info, boolean autoDirtyHandling) { base = new ConfigItemBase(info, autoDirtyHandling) { @Override protected JComponent createEmptyField(int item) { return ConfigItem.this.createEmptyField(item); } @Override protected Object getFromInfo(int item) { return ConfigItem.this.getFromInfo(item); } @Override protected void setToInfo(Object value, int item) { ConfigItem.this.setToInfo(value, item); } @Override protected Object getFromField(int item) { return ConfigItem.this.getFromField(item); } @Override protected void setToField(Object value, int item) { ConfigItem.this.setToField(value, item); } @Override public JComponent createField(int item) { JComponent field = super.createField(item); int height = Math.max(getMinimumHeight(), field.getMinimumSize().height); field.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, height)); return field; } @Override public List reload() { List removed = base.reload(); if (!removed.isEmpty()) { for (JComponent c : removed) { main.remove(c); } main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); } return removed; } @Override protected JComponent removeItem(int item) { JComponent removed = super.removeItem(item); main.remove(removed); main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); return removed; } }; } /** * Create a new {@link ConfigItem} for the given {@link MetaInfo}. * * @param nhgap * negative horisontal gap in pixel to use for the label, i.e., * the step lock sized labels will start smaller by that amount * (the use case would be to align controls that start at a * different horisontal position) */ public void init(int nhgap) { if (getInfo().isArray()) { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(label(nhgap), BorderLayout.WEST); main = new JPanel(); main.setLayout(new BoxLayout(main, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); int size = getInfo().getListSize(false); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { addItemWithMinusPanel(i); } main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); final JButton add = new JButton(); setImage(add, img64add, "+"); add.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addItemWithMinusPanel(base.getFieldsSize()); main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); } }); JPanel tmp = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); tmp.add(add, BorderLayout.WEST); JPanel mainPlus = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); mainPlus.add(main, BorderLayout.CENTER); mainPlus.add(tmp, BorderLayout.SOUTH); add(mainPlus, BorderLayout.CENTER); } else { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(label(nhgap), BorderLayout.WEST); JComponent field = base.createField(-1); add(field, BorderLayout.CENTER); } } /** The {@link MetaInfo} linked to the field. */ public MetaInfo getInfo() { return base.getInfo(); } /** * Retrieve the associated graphical component that was created with * {@link ConfigItemBase#createEmptyField(int)}. * * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) * * @return the graphical component */ protected JComponent getField(int item) { return base.getField(item); } /** * Manually specify that the given item is "dirty" and thus should be saved * when asked. *

* Has no effect if the class is using automatic dirty handling (see * {@link ConfigItemBase#ConfigItem(MetaInfo, boolean)}). * * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) */ protected void setDirtyItem(int item) { base.setDirtyItem(item); } /** * Check if the value changed since the last load/save into the linked * {@link MetaInfo}. *

* Note that we consider NULL and an Empty {@link String} to be equals. * * @param value * the value to test * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) * * @return TRUE if it has */ protected boolean hasValueChanged(Object value, int item) { return base.hasValueChanged(value, item); } private void addItemWithMinusPanel(int item) { JPanel minusPanel = createMinusPanel(item); JComponent field = base.addItem(item, minusPanel); minusPanel.add(field, BorderLayout.CENTER); } private JPanel createMinusPanel(final int item) { JPanel minusPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); final JButton remove = new JButton(); setImage(remove, img64remove, "-"); remove.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { base.removeItem(item); } }); minusPanel.add(remove, BorderLayout.EAST); main.add(minusPanel); main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); return minusPanel; } /** * Create an empty graphical component to be used later by * {@link ConfigItem#createField(int)}. *

* Note that {@link ConfigItem#reload(int)} will be called after it was * created by {@link ConfigItem#createField(int)}. * * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) * * @return the graphical component */ abstract protected JComponent createEmptyField(int item); /** * Get the information from the {@link MetaInfo} in the subclass preferred * format. * * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) * * @return the information in the subclass preferred format */ abstract protected Object getFromInfo(int item); /** * Set the value to the {@link MetaInfo}. * * @param value * the value in the subclass preferred format * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) */ abstract protected void setToInfo(Object value, int item); /** * The value present in the given item's related field in the subclass * preferred format. * * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) * * @return the value present in the given item's related field in the * subclass preferred format */ abstract protected Object getFromField(int item); /** * Set the value (in the subclass preferred format) into the field. * * @param value * the value in the subclass preferred format * @param item * the item number to get for an array of values, or -1 to get * the whole value (has no effect if {@link MetaInfo#isArray()} * is FALSE) */ abstract protected void setToField(Object value, int item); /** * Create a label which width is constrained in lock steps. * * @param nhgap * negative horisontal gap in pixel to use for the label, i.e., * the step lock sized labels will start smaller by that amount * (the use case would be to align controls that start at a * different horisontal position) * * @return the label */ protected JComponent label(int nhgap) { final JLabel label = new JLabel(getInfo().getName()); Dimension ps = label.getPreferredSize(); if (ps == null) { ps = label.getSize(); } ps.height = Math.max(ps.height, getMinimumHeight()); int w = ps.width; int step = 150; for (int i = 2 * step - nhgap; i < 10 * step; i += step) { if (w < i) { w = i; break; } } final Runnable showInfo = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String text = (getInfo().getDescription().replace("\\n", "\n")) .trim(); for (String line : StringUtils.justifyText(text, 80, Alignment.LEFT)) { if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append("\n"); } builder.append(line); } text = builder.toString(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ConfigItem.this, text, getInfo() .getName(), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }; JLabel help = new JLabel(""); help.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); setImage(help, img64info, "?"); help.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {; } }); JPanel pane2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); pane2.add(help, BorderLayout.WEST); pane2.add(new JLabel(" "), BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); contentPane.add(label, BorderLayout.WEST); contentPane.add(pane2, BorderLayout.CENTER); ps.width = w + 30; // 30 for the (?) sign contentPane.setSize(ps); contentPane.setPreferredSize(ps); JPanel pane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); pane.add(contentPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); return pane; } /** * Create a new {@link ConfigItem} for the given {@link MetaInfo}. * * @param * the type of {@link Bundle} to edit * * @param info * the {@link MetaInfo} * @param nhgap * negative horisontal gap in pixel to use for the label, i.e., * the step lock sized labels will start smaller by that amount * (the use case would be to align controls that start at a * different horisontal position) * * @return the new {@link ConfigItem} */ static public > ConfigItem createItem( MetaInfo info, int nhgap) { ConfigItem configItem; switch (info.getFormat()) { case BOOLEAN: configItem = new ConfigItemBoolean(info); break; case COLOR: configItem = new ConfigItemColor(info); break; case FILE: configItem = new ConfigItemBrowse(info, false); break; case DIRECTORY: configItem = new ConfigItemBrowse(info, true); break; case COMBO_LIST: configItem = new ConfigItemCombobox(info, true); break; case FIXED_LIST: configItem = new ConfigItemCombobox(info, false); break; case INT: configItem = new ConfigItemInteger(info); break; case PASSWORD: configItem = new ConfigItemPassword(info); break; case LOCALE: configItem = new ConfigItemLocale(info); break; case STRING: default: configItem = new ConfigItemString(info); break; } configItem.init(nhgap); return configItem; } /** * Set an image to the given {@link JButton}, with a fallback text if it * fails. * * @param button * the button to set * @param image64 * the image in BASE64 (should be PNG or similar) * @param fallbackText * text to use in case the image cannot be created */ static protected void setImage(JLabel button, String image64, String fallbackText) { try { Image img = new Image(image64); try { BufferedImage bImg = ImageUtilsAwt.fromImage(img); button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(bImg)); } finally { img.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // This is an hard-coded image, should not happen button.setText(fallbackText); } } /** * Set an image to the given {@link JButton}, with a fallback text if it * fails. * * @param button * the button to set * @param image64 * the image in BASE64 (should be PNG or similar) * @param fallbackText * text to use in case the image cannot be created */ static protected void setImage(JButton button, String image64, String fallbackText) { try { Image img = new Image(image64); try { BufferedImage bImg = ImageUtilsAwt.fromImage(img); button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(bImg)); } finally { img.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // This is an hard-coded image, should not happen button.setText(fallbackText); } } static private int getMinimumHeight() { if (minimumHeight < 0) { minimumHeight = new JTextField("Test").getMinimumSize().height; } return minimumHeight; } }