package com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.dialogs; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.*; /** * Simple message dialog that displays a message and has optional selection/confirmation buttons * * @author Martin */ public class MessageDialog extends DialogWindow { private MessageDialogButton result; MessageDialog( String title, String text, MessageDialogButton... buttons) { super(title); this.result = null; if(buttons == null || buttons.length == 0) { buttons = new MessageDialogButton[] { MessageDialogButton.OK }; } Panel buttonPanel = new Panel(); buttonPanel.setLayoutManager(new GridLayout(buttons.length).setHorizontalSpacing(1)); for(final MessageDialogButton button: buttons) { buttonPanel.addComponent(new Button(button.toString(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { result = button; close(); } })); } Panel mainPanel = new Panel(); mainPanel.setLayoutManager( new GridLayout(1) .setLeftMarginSize(1) .setRightMarginSize(1)); mainPanel.addComponent(new Label(text)); mainPanel.addComponent(new EmptySpace(TerminalSize.ONE)); buttonPanel.setLayoutData( GridLayout.createLayoutData( GridLayout.Alignment.END, GridLayout.Alignment.CENTER, false, false)) .addTo(mainPanel); setComponent(mainPanel); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param textGUI Text GUI to add the dialog to * @return The selected button's enum value */ @Override public MessageDialogButton showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI) { result = null; super.showDialog(textGUI); return result; } /** * Shortcut for quickly displaying a message box * @param textGUI The GUI to display the message box on * @param title Title of the message box * @param text Main message of the message box * @param buttons Buttons that the user can confirm the message box with * @return Which button the user selected */ public static MessageDialogButton showMessageDialog( WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI, String title, String text, MessageDialogButton... buttons) { MessageDialogBuilder builder = new MessageDialogBuilder() .setTitle(title) .setText(text); if(buttons.length == 0) { builder.addButton(MessageDialogButton.OK); } for(MessageDialogButton button: buttons) { builder.addButton(button); } return; } }