package be.nikiroo.fanfix; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.Config; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported.BasicSupport; import be.nikiroo.utils.IOUtils; import be.nikiroo.utils.MarkableFileInputStream; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils; /** * This cache will manage Internet (and local) downloads, as well as put the * downloaded files into a cache. *

* As long the cached resource is not too old, it will use it instead of * retrieving the file again. * * @author niki */ public class Cache { private File dir; private String UA; private long tooOldChanging; private long tooOldStable; private CookieManager cookies; /** * Create a new {@link Cache} object. * * @param dir * the directory to use as cache * @param UA * the User-Agent to use to download the resources * @param hoursChanging * the number of hours after which a cached file that is thought * to change ~often is considered too old (or -1 for * "never too old") * @param hoursStable * the number of hours after which a LARGE cached file that is * thought to change rarely is considered too old (or -1 for * "never too old") * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public Cache(File dir, String UA, int hoursChanging, int hoursStable) throws IOException { this.dir = dir; this.UA = UA; this.tooOldChanging = 1000 * 60 * 60 * hoursChanging; this.tooOldStable = 1000 * 60 * 60 * hoursStable; if (dir != null) { if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } } if (dir == null || !dir.exists()) { throw new IOException("Cannot create the cache directory: " + (dir == null ? "null" : dir.getAbsolutePath())); } cookies = new CookieManager(); cookies.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookies); } /** * Open a resource (will load it from the cache if possible, or save it into * the cache after downloading if not). * * @param url * the resource to open * @param support * the support to use to download the resource * @param stable * TRUE for more stable resources, FALSE when they often change * * @return the opened resource * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public InputStream open(URL url, BasicSupport support, boolean stable) throws IOException { return open(url, support, stable, url); } /** * Open a resource (will load it from the cache if possible, or save it into * the cache after downloading if not). *

* The cached resource will be assimilated to the given original {@link URL} * * @param url * the resource to open * @param support * the support to use to download the resource * @param stable * TRUE for more stable resources, FALSE when they often change * @param originalUrl * the original {@link URL} used to locate the cached resource * * @return the opened resource * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public InputStream open(URL url, BasicSupport support, boolean stable, URL originalUrl) throws IOException { try { InputStream in = load(originalUrl, false, stable); if (in == null) { try { save(url, support, originalUrl); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Cannot save the url: " + (url == null ? "null" : url.toString()), e); } in = load(originalUrl, true, stable); } return in; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Cannot open the url: " + (url == null ? "null" : url.toString()), e); } } /** * Refresh the resource into cache if needed. * * @param url * the resource to open * @param support * the support to use to download the resource * @param stable * TRUE for more stable resources, FALSE when they often change * * @return TRUE if it was pre-downloaded * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public void refresh(URL url, BasicSupport support, boolean stable) throws IOException { File cached = getCached(url); if (cached.exists() && !isOld(cached, stable)) { return; } open(url, support, stable).close(); } /** * Check the resource to see if it is in the cache. * * @param url * the resource to check * * @return TRUE if it is * */ public boolean check(URL url) { return getCached(url).exists(); } /** * Open a resource (will load it from the cache if possible, or save it into * the cache after downloading if not) as an Image, then save it where * requested. *

* This version will not always work properly if the original file was not * downloaded before. * * @param url * the resource to open * * @return the opened resource image * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public void saveAsImage(URL url, File target) throws IOException { URL cachedUrl = new URL(url.toString() + "." + Instance.getConfig().getString(Config.IMAGE_FORMAT_CONTENT) .toLowerCase()); File cached = getCached(cachedUrl); if (!cached.exists() || isOld(cached, true)) { InputStream imageIn = Instance.getCache().open(url, null, true); ImageIO.write(StringUtils.toImage(imageIn), Instance.getConfig() .getString(Config.IMAGE_FORMAT_CONTENT).toLowerCase(), cached); } IOUtils.write(new FileInputStream(cached), target); } /** * Manually add this item to the cache. * * @param in * the input data * @param uniqueID * a unique ID for this resource * * @return the resulting {@link FileAlreadyExistsException} * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public File addToCache(InputStream in, String uniqueID) throws IOException { File file = getCached(new File(uniqueID).toURI().toURL()); IOUtils.write(in, file); return file; } /** * Clean the cache (delete the cached items). * * @param onlyOld * only clean the files that are considered too old * * @return the number of cleaned items */ public int cleanCache(boolean onlyOld) { int num = 0; for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (!onlyOld || isOld(file, true)) { if (file.delete()) { num++; } else { System.err.println("Cannot delete temporary file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } return num; } /** * Open a resource from the cache if it exists. * * @param url * the resource to open * @return the opened resource * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ private InputStream load(URL url, boolean allowOld, boolean stable) throws IOException { File cached = getCached(url); if (cached.exists() && !isOld(cached, stable)) { return new MarkableFileInputStream(new FileInputStream(cached)); } return null; } /** * Save the given resource to the cache. * * @param url * the resource * @param support * the {@link BasicSupport} used to download it * @param originalUrl * the original {@link URL} used to locate the cached resource * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error * @throws URISyntaxException */ private void save(URL url, BasicSupport support, URL originalUrl) throws IOException { URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", UA); conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", generateCookies(support)); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); if (support != null) { conn.setRequestProperty("Referer", support.getCurrentReferer() .toString()); conn.setRequestProperty("Host", support.getCurrentReferer() .getHost()); } conn.connect(); // Check if redirect if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection && ((HttpURLConnection) conn).getResponseCode() / 100 == 3) { String newUrl = conn.getHeaderField("Location"); save(new URL(newUrl), support, originalUrl); return; } InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); if ("gzip".equals(conn.getContentEncoding())) { in = new GZIPInputStream(in); } try { File cached = getCached(originalUrl); BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(cached)); try { byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } } finally { out.close(); } } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Check if the {@link File} is too old according to * {@link Cache#tooOldChanging}. * * @param file * the file to check * @param stable * TRUE to denote files that are not supposed to change too often * * @return TRUE if it is */ private boolean isOld(File file, boolean stable) { long max = tooOldChanging; if (stable) { max = tooOldStable; } if (max < 0) { return false; } long time = new Date().getTime() - file.lastModified(); if (time < 0) { System.err.println("Timestamp in the future for file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } return time < 0 || time > max; } /** * Get the cache resource from the cache if it is present for this * {@link URL}. * * @param url * the url * @return the cached version if present, NULL if not */ private File getCached(URL url) { String name = url.getHost(); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { name = url.getFile(); } else { name = url.toString(); } name = name.replace('/', '_').replace(':', '_'); return new File(dir, name); } /** * Generate the cookie {@link String} from the local {@link CookieStore} so * it is ready to be passed. * * @return the cookie */ private String generateCookies(BasicSupport support) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies.getCookieStore().getCookies()) { if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(';'); } // TODO: check if format is ok builder.append(cookie.toString()); } if (support != null) { for (Map.Entry set : support.getCookies() .entrySet()) { if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(';'); } builder.append(set.getKey()); builder.append('='); builder.append(set.getValue()); } } return builder.toString(); } }