package be.nikiroo.fanfix; import; import; import; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.StringId; import; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.output.BasicOutput; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.output.BasicOutput.OutputType; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.reader.FanfixReader; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.reader.cli.CliReader; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported.BasicSupport; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported.BasicSupport.SupportType; /** * Main program entry point. * * @author niki */ public class Main { /** * Main program entry point. *

* Known environment variables: *

* * @param args *
  1. --import [URL]: import into library
  2. --export [id] * [output_type] [target]: export story to target
  3. * --convert [URL] [output_type] [target]: convert URL into * target
  4. --read [id]: read the given story from the * library
  5. --read-url [URL]: convert on the fly and read * the story, without saving it
  6. --list: list the stories * present in the library
  7. *
*/ public static void main(String[] args) { int exitCode = 255; if (args.length > 0) { String action = args[0]; if (action.equals("--import")) { if (args.length > 1) { exitCode = imprt(args[1]); } } else if (action.equals("--export")) { if (args.length > 3) { exitCode = export(args[1], args[2], args[3]); } } else if (action.equals("--convert")) { if (args.length > 3) { exitCode = convert( args[1], args[2], args[3], args.length > 4 ? args[4].toLowerCase().equals( "+info") : false); } } else if (action.equals("--list")) { exitCode = list(args.length > 1 ? args[1] : null); } else if (action.equals("--read-url")) { if (args.length > 1) { exitCode = read(args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null, false); } } else if (action.equals("--read")) { if (args.length > 1) { exitCode = read(args[1], args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null, true); } } } if (exitCode == 255) { syntax(); } if (exitCode != 0) { System.exit(exitCode); } } /** * Return an {@link URL} from this {@link String}, be it a file path or an * actual {@link URL}. * * @param sourceString * the source * * @return the corresponding {@link URL} * * @throws MalformedURLException * if this is neither a file nor a conventional {@link URL} */ private static URL getUrl(String sourceString) throws MalformedURLException { if (sourceString == null || sourceString.isEmpty()) { throw new MalformedURLException("Empty url"); } URL source = null; try { source = new URL(sourceString); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { File sourceFile = new File(sourceString); source = sourceFile.toURI().toURL(); } return source; } /** * Import the given resource into the {@link Library}. * * @param sourceString * the resource to import * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int imprt(String sourceString) { try { Story story = Instance.getLibrary().imprt(getUrl(sourceString)); System.out.println(story.getMeta().getLuid() + ": \"" + story.getMeta().getTitle() + "\" imported."); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.syserr(e); return 1; } return 0; } /** * Export the {@link Story} from the {@link Library} to the given target. * * @param sourceString * the story LUID * @param typeString * the {@link OutputType} to use * @param target * the target * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int export(String sourceString, String typeString, String target) { OutputType type = OutputType.valueOfNullOkUC(typeString); if (type == null) { Instance.syserr(new Exception(trans(StringId.OUTPUT_DESC, typeString))); return 1; } try { Story story = Instance.getLibrary().imprt(new URL(sourceString)); Instance.getLibrary().export(story.getMeta().getLuid(), type, target); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.syserr(e); return 4; } return 0; } /** * List the stories of the given type from the {@link Library} (unless NULL * is passed, in which case all stories will be listed). * * @param typeString * the {@link SupportType} to list the known stories of, or NULL * to list all stories * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int list(String typeString) { SupportType type = null; try { type = SupportType.valueOfNullOkUC(typeString); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.syserr(new Exception( trans(StringId.INPUT_DESC, typeString), e)); return 1; } new CliReader().start(type); return 0; } /** * Start the CLI reader for this {@link Story}. * * @param story * the LUID of the {@link Story} in the {@link Library} or * the {@link Story} {@link URL} * @param chap * which {@link Chapter} to read (starting at 1), or NULL to get * the {@link Story} description * @param library * TRUE if the source is the {@link Story} LUID, FALSE if it is a * {@link URL} * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int read(String story, String chap, boolean library) { try { FanfixReader reader = new CliReader(); if (library) { reader.setStory(story); } else { reader.setStory(getUrl(story)); } if (chap != null) {; } else {; } } catch (IOException e) { Instance.syserr(e); return 1; } return 0; } /** * Convert the {@link Story} into another format. * * @param sourceString * the source {@link Story} to convert * @param typeString * the {@link OutputType} to convert to * @param filename * the target file * @param infoCover * TRUE to also export the cover and info file, even if the given * {@link OutputType} does not usually save them * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int convert(String sourceString, String typeString, String filename, boolean infoCover) { int exitCode = 0; String sourceName = sourceString; try { URL source = getUrl(sourceString); sourceName = source.toString(); if (source.toString().startsWith("file://")) { sourceName = sourceName.substring("file://".length()); } OutputType type = OutputType.valueOfAllOkUC(typeString); if (type == null) { Instance.syserr(new IOException(trans( StringId.ERR_BAD_OUTPUT_TYPE, typeString))); exitCode = 2; } else { try { BasicSupport support = BasicSupport.getSupport(source); if (support != null) { Story story = support.process(source); try { filename = new File(filename).getAbsolutePath(); BasicOutput.getOutput(type, infoCover).process( story, filename); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.syserr(new IOException(trans( StringId.ERR_SAVING, filename), e)); exitCode = 5; } } else { Instance.syserr(new IOException(trans( StringId.ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, source))); exitCode = 4; } } catch (IOException e) { Instance.syserr(new IOException(trans(StringId.ERR_LOADING, sourceName), e)); exitCode = 3; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Instance.syserr(new IOException(trans(StringId.ERR_BAD_URL, sourceName), e)); exitCode = 1; } return exitCode; } /** * Simple shortcut method to call {link Instance#getTrans()#getString()}. * * @param id * the ID to translate * * @return the translated result */ private static String trans(StringId id, Object... params) { return Instance.getTrans().getString(id, params); } /** * Display the correct syntax of the program to the user. */ private static void syntax() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (SupportType type : SupportType.values()) { builder.append(trans(StringId.ERR_SYNTAX_TYPE, type.toString(), type.getDesc())); builder.append('\n'); } String typesIn = builder.toString(); builder.setLength(0); for (OutputType type : OutputType.values()) { builder.append(trans(StringId.ERR_SYNTAX_TYPE, type.toString(), type.getDesc())); builder.append('\n'); } String typesOut = builder.toString(); System.err.println(trans(StringId.ERR_SYNTAX, typesIn, typesOut)); } }