# Configuration options # # (WHAT: language, FORMAT: language (example: en-GB) or nothing for default system language) # Force the language (can be overwritten again with the env variable $LANG) LANG = # (WHAT: reader type, FORMAT: CLI or LOCAL) # Select the default reader to use to read stories (CLI = simple output to console, LOCAL = use local system file handler) READER_TYPE = # (WHAT: directory, FORMAT: absolute path, $HOME variable supported, / is always accepted as dir separator) # The directory where to store temporary files, defaults to directory 'tmp' in the conig directory (usually $HOME/.fanfix) CACHE_DIR = # (WHAT: delay in hours, FORMAT: integer | 0: no cache | -1: infinite time cache which is default) # The delay after which a cached resource that is thought to change ~often is considered too old and triggers a refresh CACHE_MAX_TIME_CHANGING = 24 # (WHAT: delay in hours, FORMAT: integer | 0: no cache | -1: infinite time cache which is default) # The delay after which a cached resource that is thought to change rarely is considered too old and triggers a refresh CACHE_MAX_TIME_STABLE = # (WHAT: string) # The user-agent to use to download files USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0 -- ELinks/0.9.3 (Linux 2.6.11 i686; 80x24) # (WHAT: directory, FORMAT: absolute path, $HOME variable supported, / is always accepted as dir separator) # The directory where to get the default story covers DEFAULT_COVERS_DIR = $HOME/bin/epub/ # (WHAT: directory, FORMAT: absolute path, $HOME variable supported, / is always accepted as dir separator) # The directory where to store the library LIBRARY_DIR = $HOME/Books # (WHAT: boolean, FORMAT: 'true' or 'false') # Show debug information on errors DEBUG_ERR = false # (WHAT: image format, FORMAT: PNG, JPG, BMP...) # Image format to use for cover images IMAGE_FORMAT_COVER = png # (WHAT: image format, FORMAT: PNG, JPG, BMP...) # Image format to use for content images IMAGE_FORMAT_CONTENT = png # (FORMAT: not used) # This key is only present to allow access to suffixes LATEX_LANG = # (WHAT: LaTeX output language, WHERE: LaTeX) # LaTeX full name for English LATEX_LANG_EN = english # (WHAT: LaTeX output language, WHERE: LaTeX) # LaTeX full name for French LATEX_LANG_FR = french # (WHAT: other 'by' prefixes before author name, FORMAT: comma-separated list) # used to identify the author BYS = by,par,de,©,(c) # (WHAT: Chapter identification languages, FORMAT: comma-separated list) # used to identify a starting chapter in text mode CHAPTER = EN,FR # (WHAT: Chapter identification string) # used to identify a starting chapter in text mode CHAPTER_EN = Chapter # (WHAT: Chapter identification string) # used to identify a starting chapter in text mode CHAPTER_FR = Chapitre