package be.nikiroo.fanfix.output; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.Config; import; import; import; /** * Helper class to write info, cover and summary (resume) files. * * @author niki */ public class InfoCover { /** * Write both the .info and the .summary files by taking * the information from the {@link MetaData}. * * @param targetDir * the directory where to write the 2 files * @param targetName * the target name (no extension) to use (so you will get * and targetName.summary) * @param meta * the {@link MetaData} to get the data out of * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public static void writeInfo(File targetDir, String targetName, MetaData meta) throws IOException { File info = new File(targetDir, targetName + ".info"); if (meta != null) { BufferedWriter infoWriter = null; try { infoWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(info), "UTF-8")); String tags = ""; if (meta.getTags() != null) { for (String tag : meta.getTags()) { if (!tags.isEmpty()) { tags += ", "; } tags += tag; } } writeMeta(infoWriter, "TITLE", meta.getTitle()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "AUTHOR", meta.getAuthor()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "DATE", meta.getDate()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "SUBJECT", meta.getSubject()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "SOURCE", meta.getSource()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "URL", meta.getUrl()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "TAGS", tags); writeMeta(infoWriter, "UUID", meta.getUuid()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "LUID", meta.getLuid()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "LANG", meta.getLang() == null ? "" : meta.getLang().toLowerCase()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "IMAGES_DOCUMENT", meta.isImageDocument() ? "true" : "false"); writeMeta(infoWriter, "TYPE", meta.getType()); if (meta.getCover() != null) { String format = Instance.getInstance().getConfig() .getString(Config.FILE_FORMAT_IMAGE_FORMAT_COVER) .toLowerCase(); writeMeta(infoWriter, "COVER", targetName + "." + format); } else { writeMeta(infoWriter, "COVER", ""); } writeMeta(infoWriter, "EPUBCREATOR", BasicOutput.EPUB_CREATOR); writeMeta(infoWriter, "PUBLISHER", meta.getPublisher()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "WORDCOUNT", Long.toString(meta.getWords())); writeMeta(infoWriter, "CREATION_DATE", meta.getCreationDate()); writeMeta(infoWriter, "FAKE_COVER", Boolean.toString(meta.isFakeCover())); } finally { if (infoWriter != null) { infoWriter.close(); } } if (meta.getResume() != null) { Story fakeStory = new Story(); fakeStory.setMeta(meta); fakeStory.setChapters(Arrays.asList(meta.getResume())); Text summaryText = new Text() { @Override protected boolean isWriteCover() { return false; } @Override protected boolean isWriteInfo() { return false; // infinite loop if not! } @Override public String getDefaultExtension(boolean readerTarget) { return ".summary"; } @Override protected void writeStoryHeader(Story story) throws IOException { } @Override protected void writeStoryFooter(Story story) throws IOException { } @Override protected void writeChapterHeader(Chapter chap) throws IOException { } @Override protected void writeChapterFooter(Chapter chap) throws IOException { } }; summaryText.process(fakeStory, targetDir, targetName); } } } /** * Write the cover file. * * @param targetDir * the target directory * @param targetName * the target name for the cover (the extension will be added) * @param meta * the meta to get the information out of */ public static void writeCover(File targetDir, String targetName, MetaData meta) { if (meta != null && meta.getCover() != null) { try { Instance.getInstance().getCache().saveAsImage(meta.getCover(), new File(targetDir, targetName), true); } catch (IOException e) { // Allow to continue without cover Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(new IOException("Failed to save the cover image", e)); } } } private static void writeMeta(BufferedWriter writer, String key, String value) throws IOException { if (value == null) { value = ""; } writer.write(String.format("%s=\"%s\"\n", key, value.replace("\"", "'"))); } }