package be.nikiroo.fanfix.reader; import java.awt.EventQueue; import; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Library; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.Config; import; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.output.BasicOutput.OutputType; class LocalReader extends BasicReader { private Library lib; public LocalReader() throws IOException { File dir = Instance.getReaderDir(); dir.mkdirs(); if (!dir.exists()) { throw new IOException( "Cannote create cache directory for local reader: " + dir); } // TODO: can throw an exception, manage that (convert to IOEx ?) OutputType text = OutputType.valueOfNullOkUC(Instance.getConfig() .getString(Config.LOCAL_READER_NON_IMAGES_DOCUMENT_TYPE)); if (text == null) { text = OutputType.HTML; } OutputType images = OutputType.valueOfNullOkUC(Instance.getConfig() .getString(Config.LOCAL_READER_IMAGES_DOCUMENT_TYPE)); if (images == null) { images = OutputType.CBZ; } // lib = new Library(dir, text, images); } @Override public void read() throws IOException { } @Override public void read(int chapter) { } // return new luid public String imprt(String luid) throws IOException { try { Story story = Instance.getLibrary().getStory(luid); if (story != null) { story =; return story.getMeta().getLuid(); } else { throw new IOException("Cannot find story in Library: " + luid); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException( "Cannot import story from library to LocalReader library: " + luid, e); } } public File getTarget(String luid) throws IOException { MetaData meta = lib.getInfo(luid); File file = lib.getFile(luid); if (file == null) { luid = imprt(luid); file = lib.getFile(luid); meta = lib.getInfo(luid); } return file; } @Override public void start(String type) { final String typeFinal = type; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { new LocalReaderFrame(LocalReader.this, typeFinal) .setVisible(true); } }); } }