package be.nikiroo.fanfix.reader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import jexer.TAction; import jexer.TApplication; import jexer.TButton; import jexer.TCommand; import jexer.TKeypress; import jexer.TLabel; import jexer.TText; import jexer.TWindow; import jexer.event.TResizeEvent; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Library; import; import; import; import; public class TuiReaderStoryWindow extends TWindow { private Library lib; private MetaData meta; private Story story; private TText textField; private int chapter = -2; private List navigationButtons; private TLabel chapterName; public TuiReaderStoryWindow(TApplication app, Library lib, MetaData meta) { this(app, lib, meta, 0); } public TuiReaderStoryWindow(TApplication app, Library lib, MetaData meta, int chapter) { super(app, desc(meta), 0, 0, 60, 18, CENTERED | RESIZABLE); this.lib = lib; this.meta = meta; // TODO: show all meta info before? textField = new TText(this, "", 0, 0, getWidth() - 2, getHeight() - 2); statusBar = newStatusBar(desc(meta)); statusBar.addShortcutKeypress(TKeypress.kbF10, TCommand.cmExit, "Exit"); navigationButtons = new ArrayList(5); // -3 because 0-based and 2 for borders int row = getHeight() - 3; navigationButtons.add(addButton(" ", 0, row, null)); // for bg colour // when << // button is // pressed navigationButtons.add(addButton("<< ", 0, row, new TAction() { public void DO() { setChapter(0); } })); navigationButtons.add(addButton("< ", 4, row, new TAction() { public void DO() { setChapter(TuiReaderStoryWindow.this.chapter - 1); } })); navigationButtons.add(addButton("> ", 7, row, new TAction() { public void DO() { setChapter(TuiReaderStoryWindow.this.chapter + 1); } })); navigationButtons.add(addButton(">> ", 10, row, new TAction() { public void DO() { setChapter(getStory().getChapters().size()); } })); navigationButtons.get(0).setEnabled(false); navigationButtons.get(1).setEnabled(false); navigationButtons.get(2).setEnabled(false); chapterName = addLabel("", 14, row); chapterName.setWidth(getWidth() - 10); setChapter(chapter); } @Override public void onResize(TResizeEvent resize) { super.onResize(resize); // Resize the text field textField.setWidth(resize.getWidth() - 2); textField.setHeight(resize.getHeight() - 2); textField.reflow(); // -3 because 0-based and 2 for borders int row = getHeight() - 3; String name = chapterName.getLabel(); while (name.length() < resize.getWidth() - chapterName.getX()) { name += " "; } chapterName.setLabel(name); chapterName.setWidth(resize.getWidth() - 10); chapterName.setY(row); for (TButton button : navigationButtons) { button.setY(row); } } private void setChapter(int chapter) { if (chapter < 0) { chapter = 0; } if (chapter > getStory().getChapters().size()) { chapter = getStory().getChapters().size(); } if (chapter != this.chapter) { this.chapter = chapter; int max = getStory().getChapters().size(); navigationButtons.get(0).setEnabled(chapter > 0); navigationButtons.get(1).setEnabled(chapter > 0); navigationButtons.get(2).setEnabled(chapter > 0); navigationButtons.get(3).setEnabled(chapter < max); navigationButtons.get(4).setEnabled(chapter < max); Chapter chap; String name; if (chapter == 0) { chap = getStory().getMeta().getResume(); name = String.format(" %s", chap.getName()); } else { chap = getStory().getChapters().get(chapter - 1); name = String .format(" %d/%d: %s", chapter, max, chap.getName()); } while (name.length() < getWidth() - chapterName.getX()) { name += " "; } chapterName.setLabel(name); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // TODO: i18n String c = String.format("Chapter %d: %s", chapter, chap.getName()); builder.append(c).append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) { builder.append("═"); } builder.append("\n\n"); for (Paragraph para : chap) { builder.append(para.getContent()).append("\n\n"); } textField.setText(builder.toString()); textField.reflow(); textField.toTop(); } } private Story getStory() { if (story == null) { // TODO: progress bar? story = lib.getStory(meta.getLuid(), null); } return story; } private static String desc(MetaData meta) { return String.format("%s: %s", meta.getLuid(), meta.getTitle()); } }