package be.nikiroo.fanfix.searchable; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.StringId; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported.SupportType; import be.nikiroo.utils.Image; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils; /** * A {@link BasicSearchable} for Fanfiction.NET. * * @author niki */ class Fanfiction extends BasicSearchable { static private String BASE_URL = ""; /** * Create a new {@link Fanfiction}. * * @param type * {@link SupportType#FANFICTION} */ public Fanfiction(SupportType type) { super(type); } @Override public List getTags() throws IOException { String storiesName = null; String crossoversName = null; Map stories = new HashMap(); Map crossovers = new HashMap(); Document mainPage = load(BASE_URL, true); Element menu = mainPage.getElementsByClass("dropdown").first(); if (menu != null) { Element ul = menu.getElementsByClass("dropdown-menu").first(); if (ul != null) { Map currentList = null; for (Element li : ul.getElementsByTag("li")) { if (li.hasClass("disabled")) { if (storiesName == null) { storiesName = li.text(); currentList = stories; } else { crossoversName = li.text(); currentList = crossovers; } } else if (currentList != null) { Element a = li.getElementsByTag("a").first(); if (a != null) { currentList.put(a.absUrl("href"), a.text()); } } } } } List tags = new ArrayList(); if (storiesName != null) { SearchableTag tag = new SearchableTag(null, storiesName, false); for (String id : stories.keySet()) { tag.add(new SearchableTag(id, stories.get(id), false, false)); } tags.add(tag); } if (crossoversName != null) { SearchableTag tag = new SearchableTag(null, crossoversName, false); for (String id : crossovers.keySet()) { tag.add(new SearchableTag(id, crossovers.get(id), false, false)); } tags.add(tag); } return tags; } @Override public void fillTag(SearchableTag tag) throws IOException { if (tag.getId() == null || tag.isComplete()) { return; } Document doc = load(tag.getId(), false); Element list = doc.getElementById("list_output"); if (list != null) { Element table = list.getElementsByTag("table").first(); if (table != null) { for (Element div : table.getElementsByTag("div")) { Element a = div.getElementsByTag("a").first(); Element span = div.getElementsByTag("span").first(); if (a != null) { String subid = a.absUrl("href"); boolean crossoverSubtag = subid .contains("/crossovers/"); SearchableTag subtag = new SearchableTag(subid, a.text(), !crossoverSubtag, !crossoverSubtag); tag.add(subtag); if (span != null) { String nr = span.text(); if (nr.startsWith("(")) { nr = nr.substring(1); } if (nr.endsWith(")")) { nr = nr.substring(0, nr.length() - 1); } nr = nr.trim(); // TODO: fix toNumber/fromNumber nr = nr.replaceAll("\\.[0-9]*", ""); subtag.setCount(StringUtils.toNumber(nr)); } } } } } tag.setComplete(true); } @Override public List search(String search, int page) throws IOException { String encoded = URLEncoder.encode(search.toLowerCase(), "utf-8"); String url = BASE_URL + "search/?ready=1&type=story&keywords=" + encoded + "&ppage=" + page; return getStories(url, null, null); } @Override public List search(SearchableTag tag, int page) throws IOException { List metas = new ArrayList(); String url = tag.getId(); if (url != null) { if (page > 1) { int pos = url.indexOf("&p="); if (pos >= 0) { url = url.replaceAll("(.*\\&p=)[0-9]*(.*)", "$1\\" + page + "$2"); } else { url += "&p=" + page; } } Document doc = load(url, false); // Update the pages number if needed if (tag.getPages() < 0 && tag.isLeaf()) { tag.setPages(getPages(doc)); } // Find out the full subjects (including parents) String subjects = ""; for (SearchableTag t = tag; t != null; t = t.getParent()) { if (!subjects.isEmpty()) { subjects += ", "; } subjects += t.getName(); } metas = getStories(url, doc, subjects); } return metas; } @Override public int searchPages(String search) throws IOException { String encoded = URLEncoder.encode(search.toLowerCase(), "utf-8"); String url = BASE_URL + "search/?ready=1&type=story&keywords=" + encoded; return getPages(load(url, false)); } @Override public int searchPages(SearchableTag tag) throws IOException { if (tag.isLeaf()) { String url = tag.getId(); return getPages(load(url, false)); } return 0; } /** * Return the number of pages in this stories result listing. * * @param doc * the document * * @return the number of pages or -1 if unknown */ private int getPages(Document doc) { int pages = -1; if (doc != null) { Element center = doc.getElementsByTag("center").first(); if (center != null) { for (Element a : center.getElementsByTag("a")) { if (a.absUrl("href").contains("&p=")) { int thisLinkPages = -1; try { String[] tab = a.absUrl("href").split("="); tab = tab[tab.length - 1].split("&"); thisLinkPages = Integer .parseInt(tab[tab.length - 1]); } catch (Exception e) { } pages = Math.max(pages, thisLinkPages); } } } } return pages; } /** * Fetch the stories from the given page. * * @param sourceUrl * the url of the document * @param doc * the document to use (if NULL, will be loaded from * sourceUrl) * @param mainSubject * the main subject (the anime/book/movie item related to the * stories, like "MLP" or "Doctor Who"), or NULL if none * * @return the stories found in it * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O errors */ private List getStories(String sourceUrl, Document doc, String mainSubject) throws IOException { List metas = new ArrayList(); if (doc == null) { doc = load(sourceUrl, false); } for (Element story : doc.getElementsByClass("z-list")) { MetaData meta = new MetaData(); meta.setImageDocument(false); meta.setSource(getType().getSourceName()); meta.setPublisher(getType().getSourceName()); meta.setType(getType().toString()); // Title, URL, Cover Element stitle = story.getElementsByClass("stitle").first(); if (stitle != null) { meta.setTitle(stitle.text()); meta.setUrl(stitle.absUrl("href")); meta.setUuid(meta.getUrl()); Element cover = stitle.getElementsByTag("img").first(); if (cover != null) { // note: see data-original if needed? String coverUrl = cover.absUrl("src"); try { InputStream in = Instance.getInstance().getCache().open(new URL(coverUrl), getSupport(), true); try { meta.setCover(new Image(in)); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Should not happen on Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(new Exception( "Cannot download cover for Fanfiction story in search mode: " + meta.getTitle(), e)); } } } // Author Elements as = story.getElementsByTag("a"); if (as.size() > 1) { meta.setAuthor(as.get(1).text()); } // Tags (concatenated text), published date, updated date, Resume String tags = ""; List tagList = new ArrayList(); Elements divs = story.getElementsByTag("div"); if (divs.size() > 1 && divs.get(1).childNodeSize() > 0) { String resume = divs.get(1).text(); if (divs.size() > 2) { tags = divs.get(2).text(); resume = resume.substring(0, resume.length() - tags.length()).trim(); for (Element d : divs.get(2).getElementsByAttribute( "data-xutime")) { String secs = d.attr("data-xutime"); try { String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") .format(new Date( Long.parseLong(secs) * 1000)); // (updated, ) published if (meta.getDate() != null) { tagList.add("Updated: " + meta.getDate()); } meta.setDate(date); } catch (Exception e) { } } } meta.setResume(getSupport().makeChapter(new URL(sourceUrl), 0, Instance.getInstance().getTrans().getString(StringId.DESCRIPTION), resume)); } // How are the tags ordered? // We have "Rated: xx", then the language, then all other tags // If the subject(s) is/are present, they are before "Rated: xx" // //////////// // Examples: // // //////////// // Search (Luna) Tags: [Harry Potter, Rated: T, English, Chapters: // 1, Words: 270, Reviews: 2, Published: 2/19/2013, Luna L.] // Normal (MLP) Tags: [Rated: T, Spanish, Drama/Suspense, Chapters: // 2, Words: 8,686, Reviews: 1, Favs: 1, Follows: 1, Updated: 4/7, // Published: 4/2] // Crossover (MLP/Who) Tags: [Rated: K+, English, Adventure/Romance, // Chapters: 8, Words: 7,788, Reviews: 2, Favs: 2, Follows: 1, // Published: 9/1/2016] boolean rated = false; boolean isLang = false; String subject = mainSubject == null ? "" : mainSubject; String[] tab = tags.split(" *- *"); for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) { String tag = tab[i]; if (tag.startsWith("Rated: ")) { rated = true; } if (!rated) { if (!subject.isEmpty()) { subject += ", "; } subject += tag; } else if (isLang) { meta.setLang(tag); isLang = false; } else { if (tag.contains(":")) { // Handle special tags: if (tag.startsWith("Words: ")) { try { meta.setWords(Long.parseLong(tag .substring("Words: ".length()) .replace(",", "").trim())); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (tag.startsWith("Rated: ")) { tagList.add(tag); } } else { // Normal tags are "/"-separated for (String t : tag.split("/")) { tagList.add(t); } } if (tag.startsWith("Rated: ")) { isLang = true; } } } meta.setSubject(subject); meta.setTags(tagList); metas.add(meta); } return metas; } }