package be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported; import; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.jsoup.helper.DataUtil; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import; import be.nikiroo.utils.Image; import be.nikiroo.utils.Progress; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils; class MangaFox extends BasicSupport { @Override protected boolean isHtml() { return true; } @Override protected MetaData getMeta() throws IOException { MetaData meta = new MetaData(); meta.setTitle(getTitle()); // No date anymore on mangafox // meta.setDate(); meta.setAuthor(getAuthor()); meta.setTags(getTags()); meta.setSource(getType().getSourceName()); meta.setUrl(getSource().toString()); meta.setPublisher(getType().getSourceName()); meta.setUuid(getSource().toString()); meta.setLuid(""); meta.setLang("en"); meta.setSubject("manga"); meta.setType(getType().toString()); meta.setImageDocument(true); meta.setCover(getCover()); return meta; } private String getTitle() { Element doc = getSourceNode(); Element el = doc.getElementsByClass("detail-info-right-title-font").first(); if (el != null) { return StringUtils.unhtml(el.text()).trim(); } return null; } private String getAuthor() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String author : getListA("detail-info-right-say")) { if (builder.length() > 0) builder.append(", "); builder.append(author); } return builder.toString(); } private List getTags() { return getListA("detail-info-right-tag-list"); } private List getListA(String uniqueClass) { List list = new ArrayList(); Element doc = getSourceNode(); Element el = doc.getElementsByClass(uniqueClass).first(); if (el != null) { for (Element valueA : el.getElementsByTag("a")) { list.add(StringUtils.unhtml(valueA.text()).trim()); } } return list; } @Override protected String getDesc() { Element doc = getSourceNode(); Element title = doc.getElementsByClass("fullcontent").first(); if (title != null) { return StringUtils.unhtml(title.text()).trim(); } return null; } private Image getCover() { Element doc = getSourceNode(); Element cover = doc.getElementsByClass("detail-info-cover-img").first(); if (cover != null) { String coverUrl = cover.absUrl("src"); InputStream coverIn; try { coverIn = openEx(coverUrl); try { return new Image(coverIn); } finally { coverIn.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getTraceHandler().error(e); } } return null; } @Override protected List> getChapters(Progress pg) { List> urls = new ArrayList>(); String prefix = getTitle(); // each chapter starts with this prefix, then a // chapter number (including "x.5"), then name // normally, only one list... Element doc = getSourceNode(); for (Element list : doc.getElementsByClass("detail-main-list")) { for (Element el : list.getElementsByTag("a")) { String title = el.attr("title"); if (title.startsWith(prefix)) { title = title.substring(prefix.length()).trim(); } String url = el.absUrl("href"); try { urls.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(title, new URL(url))); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.getTraceHandler().error(e); } } } // by default, the chapters are in reversed order Collections.reverse(urls); return urls; } @Override protected String getChapterContent(URL chapUrl, int number, Progress pg) throws IOException { if (pg == null) { pg = new Progress(); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Document chapDoc = DataUtil.load(Instance.getCache().open(chapUrl, this, false), "UTF-8", chapUrl.toString()); // Example of what we want: // URL: // IMAGE, not working: // // IMAGE, working: // // NOTE: (c110.5 -> 110.5, c000 -> 000.0) // NOTE: image key: m2018110o_143554_925 can be found in the script, but not // sorted // 0. Get the javascript content StringBuilder javascript = new StringBuilder(); for (Element script : chapDoc.getElementsByTag("script")) { javascript.append(script.html()); javascript.append("\n"); } // 1. Get the chapter url part String chap = chapUrl.getPath(); chap = chap.split("#")[0]; if (chap.endsWith("/1.html")) { chap = chap.substring(0, chap.length() - "/1.html".length()); } int pos = chap.lastIndexOf("/"); chap = chap.substring(pos + 1); if (!chap.contains(".")) { chap = chap + ".0"; } if (chap.startsWith("c")) { chap = chap.substring(1); } // 2. Token: // chapKeys = getImageKeys(javascript); // String base = ""; for (String key : chapKeys) { String img = String.format(base, comicId, chap, key, token); builder.append("["); builder.append(img); builder.append("]
"); } return builder.toString(); } private int getIntVar(StringBuilder builder, String var) { var = "var " + var; int pos = builder.indexOf(var) + var.length(); String value = builder.subSequence(pos, pos + 20).toString(); value = value.split("=")[1].trim(); value = value.split(";")[0].trim(); return Integer.parseInt(value); } private List getImageKeys(StringBuilder builder) { List chapKeys = new ArrayList(); String start = "|compressed|"; String stop = ">"; int pos = builder.indexOf(start) + start.length(); int pos2 = builder.indexOf(stop, pos) - stop.length(); String data = builder.substring(pos, pos2); data = data.replace("|", "'"); for (String key : data.split("'")) { if (key.startsWith("m") && !key.equals("manga")) { chapKeys.add(key); } } Collections.sort(chapKeys); return chapKeys; } /** * Open the URL through the cache, but: retry a second time after 100ms if it * fails, remove the query part of the {@link URL} before saving it to the cache * (so it can be recalled later). * * @param url the {@link URL} * * @return the resource * * @throws IOException in case of I/O error */ private InputStream openEx(String url) throws IOException { try { return Instance.getCache().open(new URL(url), withoutQuery(url), this, true); } catch (Exception e) { // second chance try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ee) { } return Instance.getCache().open(new URL(url), withoutQuery(url), this, true); } } /** * Return the same input {@link URL} but without the query part. * * @param url the inpiut {@link URL} as a {@link String} * * @return the input {@link URL} without query */ private URL withoutQuery(String url) { URL o = null; try { // Remove the query from o (originalUrl), so it can be cached // correctly o = new URL(url); o = new URL(o.getProtocol() + "://" + o.getHost() + o.getPath()); return o; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } @Override protected boolean supports(URL url) { return "".equals(url.getHost()) || "".equals(url.getHost()) || "".equals(url.getHost()) || "".equals(url.getHost()); } }