package be.nikiroo.fanfix.test; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Main; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.output.BasicOutput; import be.nikiroo.utils.IOUtils; import be.nikiroo.utils.TraceHandler; import be.nikiroo.utils.test.TestCase; import be.nikiroo.utils.test.TestLauncher; class ConversionTest extends TestLauncher { private File testFile; private File expectedDir; private File resultDir; private List realTypes; private Map> skipCompare; public ConversionTest(String[] args) { super("Conversion", args); // Special mode SYSOUT is not a file type (System.out) realTypes = new ArrayList(); for (BasicOutput.OutputType type : BasicOutput.OutputType.values()) { if (!BasicOutput.OutputType.SYSOUT.equals(type)) { realTypes.add(type); } } addTest(new TestCase("Read the test file") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { assertEquals("The test file \"" + testFile + "\" cannot be found", true, testFile.exists()); } }); addTest(new TestCase("Assure directories exist") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { expectedDir.mkdirs(); resultDir.mkdirs(); assertEquals("The Expected directory \"" + expectedDir + "\" cannot be created", true, expectedDir.exists()); assertEquals("The Result directory \"" + resultDir + "\" cannot be created", true, resultDir.exists()); } }); for (BasicOutput.OutputType type : realTypes) { addTest(getTestFor(type)); } } @Override protected void start() throws Exception { testFile = new File("test/test.story"); expectedDir = new File("test/expected/"); resultDir = new File("test/result/"); skipCompare = new HashMap>(); skipCompare.put("epb.ncx", Arrays.asList(" ", " ")); skipCompare.put(".info", Arrays.asList("CREATION_DATE=", "SUBJECT=", "URL=", "UUID=")); skipCompare.put("URL", Arrays.asList("file:/")); } @Override protected void stop() throws Exception { } private TestCase getTestFor(final BasicOutput.OutputType type) { return new TestCase(type + " output mode") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { File target = generate(this, testFile, resultDir, type); target = new File(target.getAbsolutePath() + type.getDefaultExtension(false)); // Check conversion: compareFiles(this, expectedDir, resultDir, type, "Generate " + type); // LATEX not supported as input if (BasicOutput.OutputType.LATEX.equals(type)) { return; } // Cross-checks: for (BasicOutput.OutputType crossType : realTypes) { File crossDir = Test.tempFiles .createTempDir("cross-result"); generate(this, target, crossDir, crossType); compareFiles(this, resultDir, crossDir, crossType, "Cross compare " + crossType + " generated from " + type); } } }; } private File generate(TestCase testCase, File testFile, File resultDir, BasicOutput.OutputType type) throws Exception { final List errors = new ArrayList(); TraceHandler previousTraceHandler = Instance.getTraceHandler(); Instance.setTraceHandler(new TraceHandler(true, true, 0) { @Override public void error(String message) { errors.add(message); } @Override public void error(Exception e) { error(" "); for (Throwable t = e; t != null; t = t.getCause()) { error(((t == e) ? "(" : "..caused by: (") + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") " + t.getMessage()); for (StackTraceElement s : t.getStackTrace()) { error("\t" + s.toString()); } } } }); try { File target = new File(resultDir, type.toString()); int code = Main.convert(testFile.getAbsolutePath(), type.toString(), target.getAbsolutePath(), false, null); String error = ""; for (String err : errors) { if (!error.isEmpty()) error += "\n"; error += err; } testCase.assertEquals("The conversion returned an error message: " + error, 0, errors.size()); if (code != 0) {"The conversion failed with return code: " + code); } return target; } finally { Instance.setTraceHandler(previousTraceHandler); } } private void compareFiles(TestCase testCase, File expectedDir, File resultDir, final BasicOutput.OutputType limitTiFiles, final String errMess) throws Exception { FilenameFilter filter = null; if (limitTiFiles != null) { filter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().startsWith( limitTiFiles.toString().toLowerCase()); } }; } List resultFiles = Arrays.asList(resultDir.list(filter)); resultFiles.sort(null); List expectedFiles = Arrays.asList(expectedDir.list(filter)); expectedFiles.sort(null); testCase.assertEquals(errMess, expectedFiles, resultFiles); for (int i = 0; i < resultFiles.size(); i++) { File expected = new File(expectedDir, expectedFiles.get(i)); File result = new File(resultDir, resultFiles.get(i)); testCase.assertEquals(errMess + ": type mismatch: expected a " + (expected.isDirectory() ? "directory" : "file") + ", received a " + (result.isDirectory() ? "directory" : "file"), expected.isDirectory(), result.isDirectory()); if (expected.isDirectory()) { compareFiles(testCase, expected, result, null, errMess); continue; } if (expected.getName().endsWith(".cbz") || expected.getName().endsWith(".epub")) { File tmpExpected = Test.tempFiles.createTempDir(expected .getName() + "[zip-content]"); File tmpResult = Test.tempFiles.createTempDir(result.getName() + "[zip-content]"); IOUtils.unzip(expected, tmpExpected); IOUtils.unzip(result, tmpResult); compareFiles(testCase, tmpExpected, tmpResult, null, errMess); } else { List expectedLines = Arrays.asList(IOUtils .readSmallFile(expected).split("\n")); List resultLines = Arrays.asList(IOUtils.readSmallFile( result).split("\n")); String name = expected.getAbsolutePath(); if (name.startsWith(expectedDir.getAbsolutePath())) { name = expectedDir.getName() + name.substring(expectedDir.getAbsolutePath() .length()); } if (expectedLines.size() != resultLines.size()) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("expected: ["); for (String line : expectedLines) System.out.println(line); System.out.println("]"); System.out.println("actual: ["); for (String line : resultLines) System.out.println(line); System.out.println("]"); } testCase.assertEquals(errMess + ": " + name + ": the number of lines is not the same", expectedLines.size(), resultLines.size()); for (int j = 0; j < expectedLines.size(); j++) { String expectedLine = expectedLines.get(j); String resultLine = resultLines.get(j); boolean skip = false; for (Entry> skipThose : skipCompare .entrySet()) { for (String skipStart : skipThose.getValue()) { if (name.endsWith(skipThose.getKey()) && expectedLine.startsWith(skipStart) && resultLine.startsWith(skipStart)) { skip = true; } } } if (skip) { continue; } testCase.assertEquals(errMess + ": line " + (j + 1) + " is not the same in file " + name, expectedLine, resultLine); } } } } }