package be.nikiroo.jexer; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import be.nikiroo.jexer.TTableCellRenderer.CellRendererMode; public class TTableColumn { static private TTableCellRenderer defaultrenderer = new TTableCellRendererText( CellRendererMode.NORMAL); private TableModel model; private int modelIndex; private int width; private boolean forcedWidth; private TTableCellRenderer renderer; /** The auto-computed width of the column (the width of the largest value) */ private int autoWidth; private Object headerValue; public TTableColumn(int modelIndex) { this(modelIndex, null); } public TTableColumn(int modelIndex, String colName) { this(modelIndex, colName, null); } // set the width and preferred with the the max data size public TTableColumn(int modelIndex, Object colValue, TableModel model) { this.model = model; this.modelIndex = modelIndex; reflowData(); if (colValue != null) { setHeaderValue(colValue); } } // never null public TTableCellRenderer getRenderer() { return renderer != null ? renderer : defaultrenderer; } public void setCellRenderer(TTableCellRenderer renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; } /** * Recompute whatever data is displayed by this widget. *

* Will just update the sizes in this case. */ public void reflowData() { if (model != null) { int maxDataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { maxDataSize = Math.max( maxDataSize, getRenderer().getWidthOf( model.getValueAt(i, modelIndex))); } autoWidth = maxDataSize; if (!forcedWidth) { setWidth(maxDataSize); } } else { autoWidth = 0; forcedWidth = false; width = 0; } } public int getModelIndex() { return modelIndex; } /** * The actual size of the column. This can be auto-computed in some cases. * * @return the width (never < 0) */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Set the actual size of the column or -1 for auto size. * * @param width * the width (or -1 for auto) */ public void setWidth(int width) { forcedWidth = width >= 0; if (forcedWidth) { this.width = width; } else { this.width = autoWidth; } } /** * The width was forced by the user (using * {@link TTableColumn#setWidth(int)} with a positive value). * * @return TRUE if it was */ public boolean isForcedWidth() { return forcedWidth; } // not an actual forced width, but does change the width return void expandWidthTo(int width) { this.width = width; } public Object getHeaderValue() { return headerValue; } public void setHeaderValue(Object headerValue) { this.headerValue = headerValue; } }