package be.nikiroo.utils.serial.server; import; import; import be.nikiroo.utils.TraceHandler; import be.nikiroo.utils.Version; import be.nikiroo.utils.serial.Importer; /** * This class implements a simple server that can bridge two other * {@link Server}s. *

* It can, of course, inspect the data that goes through it (by default, it * prints traces of the data). *

* Note: this {@link ServerBridge} has to be discarded after use (cannot be * started twice). * * @author niki */ public class ServerBridge extends Server { private final String forwardToHost; private final int forwardToPort; private final boolean forwardToSsl; /** * Create a new server that will start listening on the network when * {@link ServerBridge#start()} is called. * * @param port * the port to listen on, or 0 to assign any unallocated port * found (which can later on be queried via * {@link ServerBridge#getPort()} * @param ssl * use a SSL connection (or not) * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public ServerBridge(int port, boolean ssl, String forwardToHost, int forwardToPort, boolean forwardToSsl) throws IOException { super(port, ssl); this.forwardToHost = forwardToHost; this.forwardToPort = forwardToPort; this.forwardToSsl = forwardToSsl; } /** * Create a new server that will start listening on the network when * {@link ServerBridge#start()} is called. * * @param name * the server name (only used for debug info and traces) * @param port * the port to listen on * @param ssl * use a SSL connection (or not) * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ public ServerBridge(String name, int port, boolean ssl, String forwardToHost, int forwardToPort, boolean forwardToSsl) throws IOException { super(name, port, ssl); this.forwardToHost = forwardToHost; this.forwardToPort = forwardToPort; this.forwardToSsl = forwardToSsl; } /** * The traces handler for this {@link Server}. *


* * @param tracer * the new traces handler */ @Override public void setTraceHandler(TraceHandler tracer) { super.setTraceHandler(tracer); } @Override protected ConnectActionServer createConnectActionServer(Socket s) { return new ConnectActionServerString(s) { @Override public void action(final Version clientVersion) throws Exception { onClientContact(clientVersion); final ConnectActionServerString bridge = this; new ConnectActionClientString(forwardToHost, forwardToPort, forwardToSsl, clientVersion) { @Override public void action(final Version serverVersion) throws Exception { onServerContact(serverVersion); for (String fromClient = bridge.rec(); fromClient != null; fromClient = bridge .rec()) { onRec(clientVersion, fromClient); String fromServer = send(fromClient); onSend(serverVersion, fromServer); bridge.send(fromServer); } } }.connect(); } }; } /** * This is the method that is called each time a client contact us. * * @param clientVersion * the client version * @param data * the data sent by the client */ protected void onClientContact(Version clientVersion) { getTraceHandler().trace("CLIENT " + clientVersion); } /** * This is the method that is called each time a client contact us. * * @param serverVersion * the server version * @param data * the data sent by the client */ protected void onServerContact(Version serverVersion) { getTraceHandler().trace("SERVER " + serverVersion); } /** * This is the method that is called each time a client contact us. * * @param clientVersion * the client version * @param data * the data sent by the client */ protected void onRec(Version clientVersion, String data) { trace("<<< CLIENT (" + clientVersion + ")", data); } /** * This is the method that is called each time the forwarded server contact * us. * * @param serverVersion * the client version * @param data * the data sent by the client */ protected void onSend(Version serverVersion, String data) { trace(">>> SERVER (" + serverVersion + ")", data); } /** * Trace the data with the given prefix. * * @param prefix * the prefix (client, server, version...) * @param data * the data to trace */ private void trace(String prefix, String data) { getTraceHandler().trace(prefix + ": " + data.length() + " characters", 1); if (getTraceHandler().getTraceLevel() >= 2) { try { Object obj = new Importer().read(data).getValue(); if (obj == null) { getTraceHandler().trace("NULL", 3); getTraceHandler().trace("NULL", 4); } else { getTraceHandler().trace("(" + obj.getClass() + ")", 3); getTraceHandler().trace("" + obj.toString(), 4); } } catch (Exception e) { getTraceHandler().trace("(not an object)", 3); getTraceHandler().trace(data, 4); } getTraceHandler().trace("", 4); } } /** * Start a bridge between 2 servers. * * @param args * an array containing: * */ public static void main(String[] args) { final TraceHandler tracer = new TraceHandler(true, false, 0); try { if (args.length < 6) { tracer.error("Invalid syntax.\n" + "Syntax: [name] [port] [ssl] [fhost] [fport] [fssl] ([trace level])\n" + "\tname: the bridge name\n" + "\tport: the bridge port\n" + "\tssl: TRUE for an SSL bridge, FALSE for plain text\n" + "\tfhost: the forward server host\n" + "\tfport: the forward server port\n" + "\tfssl: TRUE for an SSL forward server, FALSE for plain text\n" + "\ttrace level: the optional trace level (default is 1)\n"); return; } int i = 0; String name = args[i++]; int port = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]); boolean ssl = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[i++]); String fhost = args[i++]; int fport = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]); boolean fssl = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[i++]); int traceLevel = 1; if (args.length > 6) { traceLevel = Integer.parseInt(args[i++]); } ServerBridge bridge = new ServerBridge(name, port, ssl, fhost, fport, fssl); bridge.setTraceHandler(new TraceHandler(true, true, traceLevel));; } catch (Exception e) { tracer.error(e); } } }