package be.nikiroo.utils.test_code; import; import; import be.nikiroo.utils.IOUtils; import be.nikiroo.utils.NextableInputStream; import be.nikiroo.utils.NextableInputStreamStep; import be.nikiroo.utils.test.TestCase; import be.nikiroo.utils.test.TestLauncher; public class NextableInputStreamTest extends TestLauncher { public NextableInputStreamTest(String[] args) { super("NextableInputStream test", args); addTest(new TestCase("Simple byte array reading") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] expected = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(expected), null);; byte[] actual = IOUtils.toByteArray(in); assertEquals( "The resulting array has not the same number of items", expected.length, actual.length); for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { assertEquals("Item " + i + " (0-based) is not the same", expected[i], actual[i]); } } }); addTest(new TestCase("Stop at 12") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] expected = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(expected), new NextableInputStreamStep(12)); checkNext(this, "FIRST", in, new byte[] { 42 }); } }); addTest(new TestCase("Stop at 12, resume, stop again, resume") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(data), new NextableInputStreamStep(12)); checkNext(this, "FIRST", in, new byte[] { 42 }); checkNext(this, "SECOND", in, new byte[] { 0, 127 }); checkNext(this, "THIRD", in, new byte[] { 51, 11 }); } }); addTest(new TestCase("Encapsulation") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 4, 127, 12, 5 }; NextableInputStream in4 = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(data), new NextableInputStreamStep(4)); NextableInputStream subIn12 = new NextableInputStream(in4, new NextableInputStreamStep(12));; checkNext(this, "SUB FIRST", subIn12, new byte[] { 42 }); checkNext(this, "SUB SECOND", subIn12, new byte[] { 0 }); assertEquals("The subIn still has some data", false,; checkNext(this, "MAIN LAST", in4, new byte[] { 127, 12, 5 }); } }); addTest(new TestCase("UTF-8 text lines test") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { String ln1 = "Ligne première"; String ln2 = "Ligne la deuxième du nom"; byte[] data = (ln1 + "\n" + ln2).getBytes("UTF-8"); NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(data), new NextableInputStreamStep('\n')); checkNext(this, "FIRST", in, ln1.getBytes("UTF-8")); checkNext(this, "SECOND", in, ln2.getBytes("UTF-8")); } }); addTest(new TestCase("nextAll()") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(data), new NextableInputStreamStep(12)); checkNext(this, "FIRST", in, new byte[] { 42 }); checkNextAll(this, "REST", in, new byte[] { 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }); assertEquals("The stream still has some data", false,; } }); addTest(new TestCase("getBytesRead()") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(data), new NextableInputStreamStep(12)); in.nextAll(); IOUtils.toByteArray(in); assertEquals("The number of bytes read is not correct", data.length, in.getBytesRead()); } }); addTest(new TestCase("bytes array input") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream(data, new NextableInputStreamStep(12)); checkNext(this, "FIRST", in, new byte[] { 42 }); checkNext(this, "SECOND", in, new byte[] { 0, 127 }); checkNext(this, "THIRD", in, new byte[] { 51, 11 }); } }); addTest(new TestCase("Skip data") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream(data, null);; in.skip(4); checkArrays(this, "ONLY", in, new byte[] { 12, 51, 11, 12 }); } }); addTest(new TestCase("Starts with") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { byte[] data = new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12 }; NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream(data, null);; // yes assertEquals("It actually starts with that", true, in.startsWith(new byte[] { 42 })); assertEquals("It actually starts with that", true, in.startsWith(new byte[] { 42, 12 })); assertEquals("It actually is the same array", true, in.startsWith(data)); // no assertEquals("It actually does not start with that", false, in.startsWith(new byte[] { 12 })); assertEquals("It actually does not start with that", false, in.startsWith( new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 11 })); // too big try { in.startsWith( new byte[] { 42, 12, 0, 127, 12, 51, 11, 12, 0 }); fail("Searching a prefix bigger than the array should throw an IOException"); } catch (IOException e) { } } }); addTest(new TestCase("Starts with strings") { @Override public void test() throws Exception { String text = "Fanfan et Toto vont à la mer"; byte[] data = text.getBytes("UTF-8"); NextableInputStream in = new NextableInputStream(data, null);; // yes assertEquals("It actually starts with that", true, in.startsWiths("F")); assertEquals("It actually starts with that", true, in.startsWiths("Fanfan et")); assertEquals("It actually is the same text", true, in.startsWiths(text)); // no assertEquals("It actually does not start with that", false, in.startsWiths("Toto")); assertEquals("It actually does not start with that", false, in.startsWiths("Fanfan et Toto vont à la mee")); // too big try { in.startsWiths("Fanfan et Toto vont à la mer."); fail("Searching a prefix bigger than the array should throw an IOException"); } catch (IOException e) { } } }); } static void checkNext(TestCase test, String prefix, NextableInputStream in, byte[] expected) throws Exception { test.assertEquals("Cannot get " + prefix + " entry", true,; checkArrays(test, prefix, in, expected); } static void checkNextAll(TestCase test, String prefix, NextableInputStream in, byte[] expected) throws Exception { test.assertEquals("Cannot get " + prefix + " entries", true, in.nextAll()); checkArrays(test, prefix, in, expected); } static void checkArrays(TestCase test, String prefix, NextableInputStream in, byte[] expected) throws Exception { byte[] actual = IOUtils.toByteArray(in); test.assertEquals("The " + prefix + " resulting array has not the correct number of items", expected.length, actual.length); for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { test.assertEquals("Item " + i + " (0-based) is not the same", expected[i], actual[i]); } } }