package be.nikiroo.gofetch.output; import; import; import; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils; import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils.Alignment; public class Gopher extends Output { static private final int LINE_SIZE = 67; public Gopher(Type type, String hostname, String preselector, int port) { super(type, hostname, preselector, port); } @Override public String getIndexHeader() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); appendCenter(builder, true, "NEWS", "", true); appendLeft(builder, true, "", ""); appendLeft(builder, true, "You will find here a few pages full of news.", ""); appendLeft(builder, true, "", ""); appendLeft( builder, true, "They are simply scrapped from their associated webpage and converted into a gopher friendly format, updated a few times a day.", ""); appendLeft(builder, true, "", ""); return builder.toString(); } @Override public String getIndexFooter() { return ""; } @Override public String exportHeader(Story story) { return append(new StringBuilder(), story, true).toString(); } @Override public String export(Story story) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); append(builder, story, false); builder.append("\r\n"); if (story.getComments() != null) { for (Comment comment : story.getComments()) { append(builder, false, comment, " "); } } builder.append("\r\n"); return builder.toString(); } private StringBuilder append(StringBuilder builder, boolean menu, Comment comment, String space) { if (space.length() > LINE_SIZE - 20) { space = space.substring(0, LINE_SIZE - 20); } appendLeft(builder, menu, comment.getTitle(), "** ", " ", space); if (comment.getAuthor() != null && !comment.getAuthor().trim().isEmpty()) { appendLeft(builder, menu, "(" + comment.getAuthor() + ")", " ", " ", space); builder.append((menu ? "i" : "") + "\r\n"); } for (String line : comment.getContentLines()) { int depth = 0; while (line.length() > depth && line.charAt(depth) == '>') { depth++; } line = line.substring(depth).trim(); String prep = " "; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { prep += ">"; } if (depth > 0) { prep += " "; } appendLeft(builder, menu, line, prep, prep, space); } builder.append((menu ? "i" : "") + "\r\n"); for (Comment subComment : comment) { append(builder, menu, subComment, space + " "); builder.append((menu ? "i" : "") + "\r\n"); } return builder; } private StringBuilder append(StringBuilder builder, Story story, boolean resume) { if (!resume) { appendCenter(builder, false, story.getTitle(), " ", true); builder.append("\r\n"); appendJustified(builder, false, story.getDetails(), " "); builder.append("\r\n"); builder.append(" o News link: ").append(story.getUrlInternal()) .append("\r\n"); builder.append(" o Source link: ").append(story.getUrlExternal()) .append("\r\n"); builder.append("\r\n"); builder.append("\r\n"); appendJustified(builder, false, story.getFullContent(), " "); builder.append("\r\n"); } else { builder.append('0').append(story.getTitle()) // .append('\t').append(story.getSelector()) // .append('\t').append(hostname) // .append('\t').append(port) // .append("\r\n"); appendJustified(builder, true, story.getDetails(), " "); builder.append("i\r\n"); String content = story.getContent(); if (!content.isEmpty()) { appendJustified(builder, true, content, " "); builder.append("i\r\n"); } } return builder; } // note: adds "i" private static void appendCenter(StringBuilder builder, boolean menu, String text, String space, boolean allCaps) { if (allCaps) { text = text.toUpperCase(); } int size = LINE_SIZE - space.length(); for (String line : StringUtils .justifyText(text, size, Alignment.CENTER)) { builder.append(menu ? "i" : "") // .append(space) // .append(line) // .append("\r\n"); } } private static void appendJustified(StringBuilder builder, boolean menu, String text, String space) { for (String line : text.split("\n")) { int size = LINE_SIZE - space.length(); for (String subline : StringUtils.justifyText(line, size, Alignment.JUSTIFY)) { builder.append(menu ? "i" : "") // .append(space) // .append(subline) // .append("\r\n"); } } } private static void appendLeft(StringBuilder builder, boolean menu, String text, String space) { appendLeft(builder, menu, text, "", "", space); } private static void appendLeft(StringBuilder builder, boolean menu, String text, String prependFirst, String prependOthers, String space) { String prepend = prependFirst; for (String line : text.split("\n")) { for (String subline : StringUtils.justifyText(line, LINE_SIZE - space.length(), Alignment.LEFT)) { builder.append(menu ? "i" : "") // .append(space) // .append(prepend) // .append(subline) // .append("\r\n"); prepend = prependOthers; } } } }