package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jsoup.helper.DataUtil; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import; import; import; /** * Support * * @author niki */ public class LWN extends BasicSupport { @Override public String getDescription() { return "LWN: Linux Weekly Newsletter"; } @Override public List list() throws IOException { List list = new ArrayList(); URL url = new URL(""); InputStream in = open(url); Document doc = DataUtil.load(in, "UTF-8", url.toString()); Elements stories = doc.getElementsByClass("pure-u-1"); for (Element story : stories) { Elements titles = story.getElementsByClass("Headline"); Elements listings = story.getElementsByClass("BlurbListing"); if (titles.size() == 0) { continue; } if (listings.size() == 0) { continue; } Element listing = listings.get(0); if (listing.children().size() < 2) { continue; } String title = titles.get(0).text(); String details = listing.children().get(0).text(); String body = ""; // All but the first and two last children for (int i = 1; i < listing.children().size() - 2; i++) { Element e = listing.children().get(i); body = body.trim() + " " + e.text().trim(); } body = body.trim(); String author = ""; int pos = details.indexOf(" by "); if (pos >= 0) { author = details.substring(pos + " by ".length()).trim(); } String date = ""; pos = details.indexOf(" Posted "); if (pos >= 0) { date = details.substring(pos + " Posted ".length()).trim(); } String id = ""; String intUrl = ""; String extUrl = ""; for (Element idElem : story.getElementsByTag("a")) { // Last link is the story link intUrl = idElem.absUrl("href"); pos = intUrl.indexOf("#Comments"); if (pos >= 0) { intUrl = intUrl.substring(0, pos - 1); } id = intUrl.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""); } list.add(new Story(getType(), id, title, details, intUrl, extUrl, body)); } return list; } @Override public void fetch(Story story) throws IOException { List comments = new ArrayList(); String fullContent = story.getContent(); // Do not try the paid-for stories... if (!story.getTitle().startsWith("[$]")) { URL url = new URL(story.getUrlInternal()); InputStream in = open(url); Document doc = DataUtil.load(in, "UTF-8", url.toString()); Elements fullContentElements = doc .getElementsByClass("ArticleText"); if (fullContentElements.size() > 0) { // comments.addAll(getComments(listing.get(0))); fullContent = fullContentElements.get(0).text(); } Elements listing = doc.getElementsByClass("lwn-u-1"); if (listing.size() > 0) { comments.addAll(getComments(listing.get(0))); } } else { fullContent = "[$] Sorry, this article is currently available to LWN suscribers only []."; } story.setFullContent(fullContent); story.setComments(comments); } private List getComments(Element listing) { List comments = new ArrayList(); for (Element commentElement : listing.children()) { if (commentElement.hasClass("CommentBox")) { Comment comment = getComment(commentElement); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { comments.add(comment); } } else if (commentElement.hasClass("Comment")) { if (comments.size() > 0) { comments.get(comments.size() - 1).addAll( getComments(commentElement)); } } } return comments; } private Comment getComment(Element commentElement) { String title = firstOrEmpty(commentElement, "CommentTitle").text(); String author = firstOrEmpty(commentElement, "CommentPoster").text(); String date = ""; int pos = author.lastIndexOf(" by "); if (pos >= 0) { date = author.substring(0, pos).trim(); author = author.substring(pos + " by ".length()).trim(); if (author.startsWith("Posted ")) { author = author.substring("Posted ".length()).trim(); } } Element content = null; Elements commentBodyElements = commentElement .getElementsByClass("CommentBody"); if (commentBodyElements.size() > 0) { content = commentBodyElements.get(0); } Comment comment = new Comment(, author, title, date, toLines(content)); return comment; } private List toLines(Element element) { return toLines(element, new QuoteProcessor() { @Override public String processText(String text) { while (text.startsWith(">")) { // comments text = text.substring(1).trim(); } return text; } @Override public boolean detectQuote(Node node) { if (node instanceof Element) { Element elementNode = (Element) node; if (elementNode.tagName().equals("blockquote") || elementNode.hasClass("QuotedText")) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean ignoreNode(Node node) { if (node instanceof Element) { Element elementNode = (Element) node; if (elementNode.hasClass("CommentPoster")) { return true; } } return false; } }); } }