package be.nikiroo.jvcard.remote; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Card; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Contact; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Data; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.parsers.Format; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.parsers.Vcard21Parser; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.remote.Command.Verb; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.resources.Bundles; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.resources.StringUtils; /** * This class implements a small server that can listen for requests to * synchronise, get and put {@link Card}s. * *

* It is NOT secured in any way (it even is nice enough to give you a * help message when you connect in raw mode via nc on how to use it), so do * NOT enable such a server to be accessible from internet. This is not * safe. Use a ssh/openssl tunnel or similar. *

* * @author niki * */ public class Server implements Runnable { private ServerSocket ss; private int port; private boolean stop; private File dataDir; private Object clientsLock = new Object(); private List clients = new LinkedList(); private Object updateLock = new Object(); /** * Create a new jVCard server on the given port. * * @param port * the port to run on * * @throws IOException * in case of IO error */ public Server(int port) throws IOException { this.port = port; ResourceBundle bundle = Bundles.getBundle("remote"); try { String dir = bundle.getString("SERVER_DATA_PATH"); dataDir = new File(dir); dataDir.mkdir(); if (!dataDir.exists()) { throw new IOException("Cannot open or create data store at: " + dataDir); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Cannot open or create data store at: " + dataDir, e); } ss = new ServerSocket(port); } /** * Stop the server. It may take some time before returning, but will only * return when the server is actually stopped. */ public void stop() { stop = true; try { SimpleSocket c = new SimpleSocket(new Socket((String) null, port), "special STOP client");; c.sendCommand(Verb.STOP); c.close(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (clients.size() > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (clients.size() > 0) { synchronized (clientsLock) { for (SimpleSocket s : clients) { System.err .println("Forcefully closing client connection"); s.close(); } clients.clear(); } } } } @Override public void run() { while (!stop) { try { final Socket s = ss.accept(); // TODO: thread pool? new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SimpleSocket ss = new SimpleSocket(s, "[request]"); addClient(ss); try {; while (processCmd(ss)) ; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ss.close(); } removeClient(ss); } }).start(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Add a client to the current count. * * @return the client index number */ private void addClient(SimpleSocket s) { synchronized (clientsLock) { clients.add(s); } } /** * Remove a client from the current count. * * @param index * the client index number */ private void removeClient(SimpleSocket s) { synchronized (clientsLock) { clients.remove(s); } } /** * Process a command. * * @param s * the {@link SimpleSocket} from which to get the command to * process * * @return TRUE if the client is ready for another command, FALSE when the * client exited * * @throws IOException * in case of IO error */ private boolean processCmd(SimpleSocket s) throws IOException { Command cmd = s.receiveCommand(); Command.Verb verb = cmd.getVerb(); if (verb == null) return false; boolean clientContinue = true; System.out.println(s + " -> " + verb); switch (verb) { case STOP: clientContinue = false; break; case VERSION: s.sendCommand(Verb.VERSION); break; case TIME: s.sendLine(StringUtils.fromTime(new Date().getTime())); break; case GET_CARD: synchronized (updateLock) { s.sendBlock(doGetCard(cmd.getParam())); } break; case POST_CARD: synchronized (updateLock) { s.sendLine(doPostCard(cmd.getParam(), s.receiveBlock())); } break; case PUT_CARD: synchronized (updateLock) { File vcf = getFile(cmd.getParam()); if (vcf == null) { System.err .println("Fail to update a card, file not available: " + cmd.getParam()); clientContinue = false; } else { Card card = new Card(vcf, Format.VCard21); try { while (processContactCmd(s, card)) ;; } catch (InvalidParameterException e) { System.err .println("Unsupported command received from a client connection, closing it: " + verb + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); clientContinue = false; } } } break; case DELETE_CARD: // TODO System.err .println("Unsupported command received from a client connection, closing it: " + verb); clientContinue = false; break; case LIST: for (File file : dataDir.listFiles()) { if (cmd.getParam() == null || cmd.getParam().length() == 0 || file.getName().contains(cmd.getParam())) { s.send(StringUtils.fromTime(file.lastModified()) + " " + file.getName()); } } s.sendBlock(); break; case HELP: // TODO: i18n s.send("The following commands are available:"); s.send("- TIME: get the server time"); s.send("- HELP: this help screen"); s.send("- LIST: list the available cards on this server"); s.send("- VERSION/GET/PUT/POST/DELETE/STOP: TODO"); s.sendBlock(); break; default: System.err .println("Unsupported command received from a client connection, closing it: " + verb); clientContinue = false; break; } return clientContinue; } /** * Process a *_CONTACT subcommand. * * @param s * the {@link SimpleSocket} to process * @param card * the target {@link Card} * * @return TRUE if the client is ready for another command, FALSE when the * client is done * * @throws IOException * in case of IO error * * @throw InvalidParameterException in case of invalid subcommand */ private boolean processContactCmd(SimpleSocket s, Card card) throws IOException { Command cmd = s.receiveCommand(); Command.Verb verb = cmd.getVerb(); if (verb == null) return false; boolean clientContinue = true; System.out.println(s + " -> " + verb); switch (verb) { case GET_CONTACT: { Contact contact = card.getById(cmd.getParam()); if (contact != null) s.sendBlock(Vcard21Parser.toStrings(contact, -1)); else s.sendBlock(); break; } case POST_CONTACT: { String uid = cmd.getParam(); Contact contact = card.getById(uid); if (contact != null) contact.delete(); List list = Vcard21Parser.parseContact(s.receiveBlock()); if (list.size() > 0) { contact = list.get(0); contact.getPreferredData("UID").setValue(uid); card.add(contact); } break; } case PUT_CONTACT: { String uid = cmd.getParam(); Contact contact = card.getById(uid); if (contact == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Cannot find contact to modify for UID: " + uid); } while (processDataCmd(s, contact)) ; break; } case DELETE_CONTACT: { String uid = cmd.getParam(); Contact contact = card.getById(uid); if (contact == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Cannot find contact to delete for UID: " + uid); } contact.delete(); break; } case PUT_CARD: { clientContinue = false; break; } default: { throw new InvalidParameterException("command invalid here"); } } return clientContinue; } /** * Process a *_DATA subcommand. * * @param s * the {@link SimpleSocket} to process * @param card * the target {@link Contact} * * @return TRUE if the client is ready for another command, FALSE when the * client is done * * @throws IOException * in case of IO error * * @throw InvalidParameterException in case of invalid subcommand */ private boolean processDataCmd(SimpleSocket s, Contact contact) throws IOException { Command cmd = s.receiveCommand(); Command.Verb verb = cmd.getVerb(); if (verb == null) return false; boolean clientContinue = true; System.out.println(s + " -> " + verb); switch (verb) { case GET_DATA: { Data data = contact.getById(cmd.getParam()); if (data != null) s.sendBlock(Vcard21Parser.toStrings(data)); else s.sendBlock(); break; } case POST_DATA: { String cstate = cmd.getParam(); Data data = null; for (Data d : contact) { if (cstate.equals(d.getContentState())) data = d; } if (data != null) data.delete(); List list = Vcard21Parser.parseData(s.receiveBlock()); if (list.size() > 0) { contact.add(list.get(0)); } break; } case DELETE_DATA: { String cstate = cmd.getParam(); Data data = null; for (Data d : contact) { if (cstate.equals(d.getContentState())) data = d; } if (data == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Cannot find data to delete for content state: " + cstate); } contact.delete(); break; } case PUT_CONTACT: { clientContinue = false; break; } default: { throw new InvalidParameterException("command invalid here"); } } return clientContinue; } /** * Return the serialised {@link Card} (with timestamp). * * @param name * the resource name to load * * @return the serialised data * * @throws IOException * in case of error */ private List doGetCard(String name) throws IOException { List lines = new LinkedList(); File vcf = getFile(name); if (vcf != null && vcf.exists()) { Card card = new Card(vcf, Format.VCard21); // timestamp: lines.add(StringUtils.fromTime(card.getLastModified())); lines.addAll(Vcard21Parser.toStrings(card)); } return lines; } /** * Save the data to the new given resource. * * @param name * the resource name to save * @param data * the data to save * * @return the date of last modification * * @throws IOException * in case of error */ private String doPostCard(String name, List data) throws IOException { File vcf = getFile(name); if (vcf != null) { Card card = new Card(Vcard21Parser.parseContact(data)); card.saveAs(vcf, Format.VCard21); return StringUtils.fromTime(vcf.lastModified()); } return ""; } /** * Return the {@link File} corresponding to the given resource name. * * @param name * the resource name * * @return the corresponding {@link File} or NULL if the name was NULL or * empty */ private File getFile(String name) { if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { return new File(dataDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name); } return null; } }