# français (fr) translation file (UTF-8) # # Note that any key can be doubled with a _NOUTF suffix # to use when the flag --noutf is passed # # Also, the comments always refer to the key below them. # # (WHAT: a key to press, WHERE: action keys, FORMAT: MUST BE 3 chars long) # Tab key KEY_TAB = TAB # (WHAT: a key to press, WHERE: action keys, FORMAT: MUST BE 3 chars long) # Enter key KEY_ENTER = ENT # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: All screens except the first (KEY_ACTION_QUIT)) # Go back to previous screen KEY_ACTION_BACK = Retour # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: MainWindow) # Get help text KEY_ACTION_HELP = Aide # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: FileList) # View the selected card KEY_ACTION_VIEW_CARD = Ouvrir # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactList) # View the selected contact KEY_ACTION_VIEW_CONTACT = Afficher # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactDetails) # Edit the contact KEY_ACTION_EDIT_CONTACT = Éditer # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactDetails) # Edit the contact in RAW mode KEY_ACTION_EDIT_CONTACT_RAW = Raw # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactDetailsRaw) # Edit the RAW field KEY_ACTION_EDIT_FIELD = Éditer # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactList) # Save the whole card KEY_ACTION_SAVE_CARD = Sauver # (WHERE: ContactList/ContactDetailsRaw) # Delete the selected element KEY_ACTION_DELETE = Supprimer # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactList) # Filter the displayed contacts KEY_ACTION_SEARCH = Rechercher # (FORMAT: we could use: ' ', ┃, │...) # Field separator DEAULT_FIELD_SEPARATOR = ┃ # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactDetails) # Invert the photo's colours KEY_ACTION_INVERT = Couleurs inversées # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactDetails) # Show the photo in 'fullscreen' KEY_ACTION_FULLSCREEN = Plein écran # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: ContactList, ContactDetails, ContactDetailsRaw) # Switch between the available display formats KEY_ACTION_SWITCH_FORMAT = Autre affichage # (WHAT: Action key, WHERE: Contact list, Edit Contact) # Add a new contact/field KEY_ACTION_ADD = Ajouter # (WHAT: User question: TEXT, WHERE: Contact list) # New contact ASK_USER_CONTACT_NAME = Nom du nouveau contact: # (WHAT: User question: [Y|N], WHERE: Contact list, FORMAT: %s = contact name) # Delete contact CONFIRM_USER_DELETE_CONTACT = Supprimer "%s"? [Y/N] # (WHAT: Error, WHERE: Contact list, FORMAT: %s = contact name) # cannot delete a contact ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_CONTACT = Impossible de supprimer "%s" # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message header line CLI_HELP = jVCard est un petit programme de gestion de contacts écrit en Java\n\ Il supporte les formats VCF et aBook, même s'il utilise VCF en interne\n\ La dernière version est disponible sur https://github.com/nikiroo/jvcard # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line before explaining the different modes CLI_HELP_MODES = Vous pouvez lancer jvcard sous différents modes : # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for help usage CLI_HELP_MODE_HELP = affiche cet écran d'aide # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for contact manager usage CLI_HELP_MODE_CONTACT_MANAGER = démarre le gestionnaire de contacts # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for contact manager usage CLI_HELP_MODE_I18N = génère les fichiers de traduction pour LANG dans DIR # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for jVCard server usage CLI_HELP_MODE_SERVER = démarre jVCard Remote Server sur le port PORT # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for --load-photo usage CLI_HELP_MODE_LOAD_PHOTO = charge les photos des contacts (en suivant FORMAT) depuis DIR # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for --save-photo usage CLI_HELP_MODE_SAVE_PHOTO = sauve les photos des contacts (en suivant FORMAT) dans DIR # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for config save usage CLI_HELP_MODE_SAVE_CONFIG = exporte les fichiers de configuration dans DIR # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line before the list of options CLI_HELP_OPTIONS = Les options suivantes sont supportées : # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for: -- CLI_HELP_DD = arrête de chercher après d'autres options # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for: -- CLI_HELP_LANG = force la langue LANG manuellement # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for: -- CLI_HELP_GUI = force l'émulateur de terminal SWING # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for: -- CLI_HELP_TUI = force le mode texte (et supporte les JRE headless) # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for: -- CLI_HELP_NOUTF = évite l'utilisation de UTF-8, utilise le format ASCII # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message line for: -- CLI_HELP_CONFIG = cherche les fichiers de configuration dans DIR # (WHAT: CLI --help) # The Help message footer about files and jvcard:// links CLI_HELP_FOOTER = Tous les autres paramètres sont pris comme étant des cartes :\n\ \t- les fichiers se terminant par .vcf seront ouvert comme VCF\n\ \t- les fichiers ne se terminant pas par .vcf seront ouvert comme aBook\n\ \t- les répertoires seront scannées pour y chercher des cartes (non récursivement)\n\ \t- les cartes distantes "jvcard://server:port/name" sont supportées\n\ \t- les listes de cartes distantes "jvcard://server:port/" sont supportées # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = the error) # Syntax error: SOME TEXT CLI_SERR = Erreur de syntaxe: %s # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # More than one mode given CLI_SERR_MODES = you can only use one of: \n\ \t--server\n\ \t--save-config\n\ \t--i18n\n\ \t--load-photo\n\ \t--save-photo # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # --lang is required CLI_SERR_NOLANG = language is required # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # The dir is required CLI_SERR_NODIR = directory is required # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # The port is required CLI_SERR_NOPORT = port is required # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # The format is required CLI_SERR_NOFORMAT = format is required # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = bad port) # The port is not valid CLI_SERR_BADPORT = not a valid port: % # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = mode) # Card files are not supported in mode %s CLI_SERR_CANNOT_CARDS = cards are not supported in mode %s # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = the error) # Error: SOME TEXT CLI_ERR = Erreur: # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # No files given CLI_ERR_NOFILES = no cards to open # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = dir) # Cannot create conf dir %s CLI_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_CONFDIR = cannot create configuration directory: %s # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # Remoting not available CLI_ERR_NO_REMOTING = remoting support not available # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # TUI not available CLI_ERR_NO_TUI = TUI support not available # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = dir) # Cannot create/update language in dir %s CLI_ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_LANG = cannot create/update the language file in: %s # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = card) # Cannot open card %s CLI_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN = cannot open card: %s # (WHAT: CLI ERROR, FORMAT: %s = contact FN) # Cannot save photo of contact %s CLI_ERR_CANNOT_SAVE_PHOTO = cannot save photo of contact: %s # (WHAT: CLI ERROR) # Cannot start the program with the given cards CLI_ERR_CANNOT_START = cannot start the program with the given cards