package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Card; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Contact; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Data; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.i18n.Trans; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.i18n.Trans.StringId; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.BasicWindow; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.BorderLayout; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Direction; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Interactable; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Label; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.LinearLayout; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Panel; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.TextBox; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Window; import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyStroke; import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyType; /** * This is the main "window" of the program. It can show up to one * {@link MainContent} at any one time, but keeps a stack of contents. * * @author niki * */ public class MainWindow extends BasicWindow { private List defaultActions = new LinkedList(); private List actions = new LinkedList(); private List contentStack = new LinkedList(); private boolean waitForOneKeyAnswer; private KeyAction questionAction; private String titleCache; private Panel titlePanel; private Panel mainPanel; private Panel contentPanel; private Panel actionPanel; private Panel messagePanel; private TextBox text; /** * Create a new, empty window. */ public MainWindow() { this(null); } /** * Create a new window hosting the given content. * * @param content * the content to host */ public MainWindow(MainContent content) { super(content == null ? "" : content.getTitle()); setHints(Arrays.asList(Window.Hint.FULL_SCREEN, Window.Hint.NO_DECORATIONS, Window.Hint.FIT_TERMINAL_WINDOW)); defaultActions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.BACK, 'q', StringId.KEY_ACTION_BACK)); defaultActions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.BACK, KeyType.Escape, StringId.NULL)); defaultActions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.HELP, 'h', StringId.KEY_ACTION_HELP)); defaultActions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.HELP, KeyType.F1, StringId.NULL)); actionPanel = new Panel(); contentPanel = new Panel(); mainPanel = new Panel(); messagePanel = new Panel(); titlePanel = new Panel(); Panel actionMessagePanel = new Panel(); LinearLayout llayout = new LinearLayout(Direction.HORIZONTAL); llayout.setSpacing(0); actionPanel.setLayoutManager(llayout); BorderLayout blayout = new BorderLayout(); titlePanel.setLayoutManager(blayout); llayout = new LinearLayout(Direction.VERTICAL); llayout.setSpacing(0); messagePanel.setLayoutManager(llayout); blayout = new BorderLayout(); mainPanel.setLayoutManager(blayout); blayout = new BorderLayout(); contentPanel.setLayoutManager(blayout); blayout = new BorderLayout(); actionMessagePanel.setLayoutManager(blayout); actionMessagePanel .addComponent(messagePanel, BorderLayout.Location.TOP); actionMessagePanel.addComponent(actionPanel, BorderLayout.Location.CENTER); mainPanel.addComponent(titlePanel, BorderLayout.Location.TOP); mainPanel.addComponent(contentPanel, BorderLayout.Location.CENTER); mainPanel .addComponent(actionMessagePanel, BorderLayout.Location.BOTTOM); pushContent(content); setComponent(mainPanel); } /** * "push" some content to the window stack. * * @param content * the new top-of-the-stack content */ public void pushContent(MainContent content) { List actions = null; contentPanel.removeAllComponents(); if (content != null) { actions = content.getKeyBindings(); contentPanel.addComponent(content, BorderLayout.Location.CENTER); this.contentStack.add(content); Interactable focus = content.nextFocus(null); if (focus != null) focus.takeFocus(); } setTitle(); setActions(actions, true); } /** * "pop" the latest, top-of-the-stack content from the window stack. * * @return the removed content if any */ public MainContent popContent() { MainContent removed = null; MainContent prev = null; MainContent content = getContent(); if (content != null) removed = contentStack.remove(contentStack.size() - 1); if (contentStack.size() > 0) prev = contentStack.remove(contentStack.size() - 1); pushContent(prev); return removed; } /** * Show the given message on screen. It will disappear at the next action. * * @param mess * the message to display * @param error * TRUE for an error message, FALSE for an information message * * @return TRUE if changes were performed */ public boolean setMessage(String mess, boolean error) { if (mess != null || messagePanel.getChildCount() > 0) { messagePanel.removeAllComponents(); if (mess != null) { Element element = (error ? UiColors.Element.LINE_MESSAGE_ERR : UiColors.Element.LINE_MESSAGE); Label lbl = element.createLabel(" " + mess + " "); messagePanel.addComponent(lbl, LinearLayout .createLayoutData(LinearLayout.Alignment.Center)); } return true; } return false; } /** * Show a question to the user and switch to "ask for answer" mode see * {@link MainWindow#handleQuestion}. The user will be asked to enter some * answer and confirm with ENTER. * * @param action * the related action * @param question * the question to ask * @param initial * the initial answer if any (to be edited by the user) */ public void setQuestion(KeyAction action, String question, String initial) { setQuestion(action, question, initial, false); } /** * Show a question to the user and switch to "ask for answer" mode see * {@link MainWindow#handleQuestion}. The user will be asked to hit one key * as an answer. * * @param action * the related action * @param question * the question to ask */ public void setQuestion(KeyAction action, String question) { setQuestion(action, question, null, true); } /** * Show a question to the user and switch to "ask for answer" mode see * {@link MainWindow#handleQuestion}. * * @param action * the related action * @param question * the question to ask * @param initial * the initial answer if any (to be edited by the user) * @param oneKey * TRUE for a one-key answer, FALSE for a text answer validated * by ENTER */ private void setQuestion(KeyAction action, String question, String initial, boolean oneKey) { questionAction = action; waitForOneKeyAnswer = oneKey; messagePanel.removeAllComponents(); Panel hpanel = new Panel(); LinearLayout llayout = new LinearLayout(Direction.HORIZONTAL); llayout.setSpacing(0); hpanel.setLayoutManager(llayout); Label lbl = UiColors.Element.LINE_MESSAGE_QUESTION.createLabel(" " + question + " "); text = new TextBox(new TerminalSize(getSize().getColumns() - lbl.getSize().getColumns(), 1)); if (initial != null) text.setText(initial); hpanel.addComponent(lbl, LinearLayout.createLayoutData(LinearLayout.Alignment.Beginning)); hpanel.addComponent(text, LinearLayout.createLayoutData(LinearLayout.Alignment.Fill)); messagePanel .addComponent(hpanel, LinearLayout .createLayoutData(LinearLayout.Alignment.Beginning)); text.takeFocus(); } /** * Refresh the window and the empty-space handling. You should call this * method when the window size changed. * * @param size * the new size of the window */ public void refresh(TerminalSize size) { if (size == null) return; if (getSize() == null || !getSize().equals(size)) setSize(size); setTitle(); if (actions != null) setActions(new ArrayList(actions), false); invalidate(); } @Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); for (MainContent content : contentStack) { content.invalidate(); } } @Override public boolean handleInput(KeyStroke key) { boolean handled = false; if (questionAction != null) { String answer = handleQuestion(key); if (answer != null) { handled = true; handleAction(questionAction, answer); questionAction = null; } } else { handled = handleKey(key); } if (!handled) handled = super.handleInput(key); return handled; } /** * Actually set the title inside the window. Will also call * {@link BasicWindow#setTitle} with the computed parameters. */ private void setTitle() { String prefix = " " + Main.APPLICATION_TITLE + " (version " + Main.APPLICATION_VERSION + ")"; String title = null; int count = -1; MainContent content = getContent(); if (content != null) { title = content.getTitle(); count = content.getCount(); } if (title == null) title = ""; if (title.length() > 0) { prefix = prefix + ": "; title = StringUtils.sanitize(title, UiColors.getInstance() .isUnicode()); } String countStr = ""; if (count > -1) { countStr = "[" + count + "]"; } int width = -1; if (getSize() != null) { width = getSize().getColumns(); } if (width > 0) { int padding = width - prefix.length() - title.length() - countStr.length(); if (padding > 0) { if (title.length() > 0) title = StringUtils.padString(title, title.length() + padding); else prefix = StringUtils.padString(prefix, prefix.length() + padding); } } String titleCache = prefix + title + count; if (!titleCache.equals(this.titleCache)) { super.setTitle(prefix); Label lblPrefix = new Label(prefix); UiColors.Element.TITLE_MAIN.themeLabel(lblPrefix); Label lblTitle = null; if (title.length() > 0) { lblTitle = new Label(title); UiColors.Element.TITLE_VARIABLE.themeLabel(lblTitle); } Label lblCount = null; if (countStr != null) { lblCount = new Label(countStr); UiColors.Element.TITLE_COUNT.themeLabel(lblCount); } titlePanel.removeAllComponents(); titlePanel.addComponent(lblPrefix, BorderLayout.Location.LEFT); if (lblTitle != null) titlePanel.addComponent(lblTitle, BorderLayout.Location.CENTER); if (lblCount != null) titlePanel.addComponent(lblCount, BorderLayout.Location.RIGHT); } } /** * Return the current {@link MainContent} from the stack if any. * * @return the current {@link MainContent} */ private MainContent getContent() { if (contentStack.size() > 0) { return contentStack.get(contentStack.size() - 1); } return null; } /** * Update the list of actions and refresh the action panel. * * @param actions * the list of actions to support * @param enableDefaultactions * TRUE to enable the default actions */ private void setActions(List actions, boolean enableDefaultactions) { this.actions.clear(); if (enableDefaultactions) this.actions.addAll(defaultActions); if (actions != null) this.actions.addAll(actions); actionPanel.removeAllComponents(); for (KeyAction action : this.actions) { String trans = " " + action.getStringId().trans() + " "; if (" ".equals(trans)) continue; String keyTrans = Trans.getInstance().trans(action.getKey()); Panel kPane = new Panel(); LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(Direction.HORIZONTAL); layout.setSpacing(0); kPane.setLayoutManager(layout); kPane.addComponent(UiColors.Element.ACTION_KEY .createLabel(keyTrans)); kPane.addComponent(UiColors.Element.ACTION_DESC.createLabel(trans)); actionPanel.addComponent(kPane); } // fill with "desc" colour int width = -1; if (getSize() != null) { width = getSize().getColumns(); } if (width > 0) { actionPanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.ACTION_DESC .createLabel(StringUtils.padString("", width))); } } /** * Handle user input when in "ask for question" mode (see * {@link MainWindow#questionKey}). * * @param key * the key that has been pressed by the user * * @return the user's answer if done */ private String handleQuestion(KeyStroke key) { String answer = null; // TODO: support ^H (backspace) // TODO: start at end of initial question, not start if (waitForOneKeyAnswer) { answer = "" + key.getCharacter(); } else { if (key.getKeyType() == KeyType.Enter) { if (text != null) answer = text.getText(); else answer = ""; } } if (answer != null) { Interactable focus = null; MainContent content = getContent(); if (content != null) focus = content.nextFocus(null); focus.takeFocus(); } return answer; } /** * Handle the input in case of "normal" (not "ask for answer") mode. * * @param key * the key that was pressed * @param answer * the answer given for this key * * @return if the window handled the input */ private boolean handleKey(KeyStroke key) { boolean handled = false; if (setMessage(null, false)) return true; for (KeyAction action : actions) { if (!action.match(key)) continue; handled = true; if (action.onAction()) { handleAction(action, null); } break; } return handled; } /** * Handle the input in case of "normal" (not "ask for answer") mode. * * @param key * the key that was pressed * @param answer * the answer given for this key * * @return if the window handled the input */ private void handleAction(KeyAction action, String answer) { MainContent content = getContent(); switch (action.getMode()) { case MOVE: int x = 0; int y = 0; if (action.getKey().getKeyType() == KeyType.ArrowUp) x = -1; if (action.getKey().getKeyType() == KeyType.ArrowDown) x = 1; if (action.getKey().getKeyType() == KeyType.ArrowLeft) y = -1; if (action.getKey().getKeyType() == KeyType.ArrowRight) y = 1; if (content != null) { String err = content.move(x, y); if (err != null) setMessage(err, true); } break; // mode with windows: case CONTACT_LIST: if (action.getCard() != null) { pushContent(new ContactList(action.getCard())); } break; case CONTACT_DETAILS: if (action.getContact() != null) { pushContent(new ContactDetails(action.getContact())); } break; case CONTACT_DETAILS_RAW: if (action.getContact() != null) { pushContent(new ContactDetailsRaw(action.getContact())); } break; // mode interpreted by MainWindow: case HELP: // TODO // setMessage("Help! I need somebody! Help!", false); if (answer == null) { setQuestion(action, "Test question?", "[initial]"); } else { setMessage("You answered: " + answer, false); } break; case BACK: String warning = content.getExitWarning(); if (warning != null) { if (answer == null) { setQuestion(action, warning); } else { setMessage(null, false); if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { popContent(); } } } else { popContent(); } if (contentStack.size() == 0) { close(); } break; // action modes: case ASK_USER: if (answer == null) { setQuestion(action, action.getQuestion(), action.getDefaultAnswer()); } else { setMessage(action.callback(answer), true); content.refreshData(); invalidate(); setTitle(); } break; case ASK_USER_KEY: if (answer == null) { setQuestion(action, action.getQuestion()); } else { setMessage(action.callback(answer), true); content.refreshData(); invalidate(); setTitle(); } break; default: case NONE: break; } } }