package; import java.awt.Image; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Contact; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.Data; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.TypeInfo; import be.nikiroo.jvcard.i18n.Trans; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.BorderLayout; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Direction; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Label; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.LinearLayout; import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Panel; import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyType; public class ContactDetails extends MainContent { private Contact contact; private Panel top; private ImageTextControl txtImage; private Image image; private boolean fullscreenImage; private Panel infoPanel; private Label note; public ContactDetails(Contact contact) { BorderLayout blayout = new BorderLayout(); setLayoutManager(blayout); top = new Panel(); blayout = new BorderLayout(); top.setLayoutManager(blayout); infoPanel = new Panel(); infoPanel.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayout(Direction.VERTICAL)); top.addComponent(infoPanel, BorderLayout.Location.CENTER); Panel notePanel = new Panel(); notePanel.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayout(Direction.HORIZONTAL)); notePanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NOTES_TITLE .createLabel("Notes:")); note = UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NORMAL.createLabel(""); notePanel.addComponent(note); setContact(contact); addComponent(top, BorderLayout.Location.TOP); addComponent(notePanel, BorderLayout.Location.CENTER); } /** * Change the enclosed {@link Contact} from this {@link ContactDetails}. * Also re-set the image. * * @param contact * the new {@link Contact} */ public void setContact(Contact contact) { = contact; image = null; if (contact != null) { infoPanel.removeAllComponents(); String name = contact.getPreferredDataValue("FN"); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { // TODO format it ourself name = contact.getPreferredDataValue("N"); } // TODO: i18n + do it properly infoPanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NAME .createLabel(name)); infoPanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NORMAL .createLabel("")); infoPanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NORMAL .createLabel("Phone: " + contact.getPreferredDataValue("TEL"))); infoPanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NORMAL .createLabel("eMail: " + contact.getPreferredDataValue("EMAIL"))); infoPanel.addComponent(UiColors.Element.VIEW_CONTACT_NORMAL .createLabel("")); String notes = contact.getPreferredDataValue("NOTE"); if (notes == null) notes = ""; note.setText(notes.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n")); Data photo = contact.getPreferredData("PHOTO"); if (photo != null) { TypeInfo encoding = null; for (int index = 0; index < photo.size(); index++) { TypeInfo info = photo.get(index); if (info.getName() != null) { if (info.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ENCODING")) encoding = info; // We don't check for the "TYPE" anymore, we just defer // it to ImageIcon } } if (encoding != null && encoding.getValue() != null && encoding.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("b")) { image = new ImageIcon(Base64.getDecoder().decode( photo.getValue())).getImage(); } } } setImage(image); } @Override public DataType getDataType() { return DataType.DATA; } @Override public List getKeyBindings() { List actions = new LinkedList(); // TODO actions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.NONE, KeyType.Tab, Trans.StringId.KEY_ACTION_SWITCH_FORMAT) { @Override public boolean onAction() { if (txtImage != null) { txtImage.switchMode(); } return false; } }); actions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.NONE, 'i', Trans.StringId.KEY_ACTION_INVERT) { @Override public boolean onAction() { if (txtImage != null) { txtImage.invertColor(); } return false; } }); actions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.NONE, 'f', Trans.StringId.KEY_ACTION_FULLSCREEN) { @Override public boolean onAction() { fullscreenImage = !fullscreenImage; setImage(image); return false; } }); // TODO: add "normal" edit and remove this one into RAW edit actions.add(new KeyAction(Mode.CONTACT_DETAILS_RAW, 'e', Trans.StringId.KEY_ACTION_EDIT_CONTACT) { @Override public Object getObject() { return contact; } }); return actions; } @Override public synchronized Panel setSize(TerminalSize size) { super.setSize(size); setImage(image); return this; } /** * Set the {@link Image} to render and refresh it to the current size * constraints. * * @param image * the new {@link Image} */ private void setImage(Image image) { this.image = image; if (txtImage != null && top.containsComponent(txtImage)) top.removeComponent(txtImage); TerminalSize size = getTxtSize(); if (size != null) { if (txtImage != null) txtImage.setSize(size); else txtImage = new ImageTextControl(image, size); } if (size != null) { top.addComponent(txtImage, BorderLayout.Location.LEFT); } invalidate(); } /** * Compute the size to use for the {@link Image} text rendering. Return NULL * in case of error. * * @return the {@link TerminalSize} to use or NULL if it is not possible */ private TerminalSize getTxtSize() { if (image != null && getSize() != null && getSize().getColumns() > 0 && getSize().getRows() > 0) { if (fullscreenImage) { return getSize(); } else { // TODO: configure size? int w = getSize().getColumns() - 40; int h = getSize().getRows() - 5; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return null; return new TerminalSize(w, h); } } return null; } }