package com.googlecode.lanterna.terminal.ansi; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyStroke; /** * UnixLikeTerminal extends from ANSITerminal and defines functionality that is common to * {@code UnixTerminal} and {@code CygwinTerminal}, like setting tty modes; echo, cbreak * and minimum characters for reading as well as a shutdown hook to set the tty back to * original state at the end. *

* If requested, it handles Control-C input to terminate the program, and hooks * into Unix WINCH signal to detect when the user has resized the terminal, * if supported by the JVM. * * @author Andreas * @author Martin */ public abstract class UnixLikeTerminal extends ANSITerminal { /** * This enum lets you control how Lanterna will handle a ctrl+c keystroke from the user. */ public enum CtrlCBehaviour { /** * Pressing ctrl+c doesn't kill the application, it will be added to the input queue as any other key stroke */ TRAP, /** * Pressing ctrl+c will restore the terminal and kill the application as it normally does with terminal * applications. Lanterna will restore the terminal and then call {@code System.exit(1)} for this. */ CTRL_C_KILLS_APPLICATION, } protected final CtrlCBehaviour terminalCtrlCBehaviour; protected final File ttyDev; private String sttyStatusToRestore; /** * Creates a UnixTerminal using a specified input stream, output stream and character set, with a custom size * querier instead of using the default one. This way you can override size detection (if you want to force the * terminal to a fixed size, for example). You also choose how you want ctrl+c key strokes to be handled. * * @param terminalInput Input stream to read terminal input from * @param terminalOutput Output stream to write terminal output to * @param terminalCharset Character set to use when converting characters to bytes * @param terminalCtrlCBehaviour Special settings on how the terminal will behave, see {@code UnixTerminalMode} for more * details * @param ttyDev File to redirect standard input from in exec(), if not null. */ @SuppressWarnings({"SameParameterValue", "WeakerAccess"}) public UnixLikeTerminal( InputStream terminalInput, OutputStream terminalOutput, Charset terminalCharset, CtrlCBehaviour terminalCtrlCBehaviour, File ttyDev) { super(terminalInput, terminalOutput, terminalCharset); this.terminalCtrlCBehaviour = terminalCtrlCBehaviour; this.sttyStatusToRestore = null; this.ttyDev = ttyDev; } protected String exec(String... cmd) throws IOException { if (ttyDev != null) { //Here's what we try to do, but that is Java 7+ only: // processBuilder.redirectInput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.from(ttyDev)); //instead, for Java 6, we join the cmd into a scriptlet with redirection //and replace cmd by a call to sh with the scriptlet: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String arg : cmd) { sb.append(arg).append(' '); } sb.append("< ").append(ttyDev); cmd = new String[] { "sh", "-c", sb.toString() }; } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); Process process = pb.start(); ByteArrayOutputStream stdoutBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream stdout = process.getInputStream(); int readByte =; while(readByte >= 0) { stdoutBuffer.write(readByte); readByte =; } ByteArrayInputStream stdoutBufferInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(stdoutBuffer.toByteArray()); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdoutBufferInputStream)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String line; while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); } reader.close(); return builder.toString(); } @Override public KeyStroke pollInput() throws IOException { //Check if we have ctrl+c coming KeyStroke key = super.pollInput(); isCtrlC(key); return key; } @Override public KeyStroke readInput() throws IOException { //Check if we have ctrl+c coming KeyStroke key = super.readInput(); isCtrlC(key); return key; } private void isCtrlC(KeyStroke key) throws IOException { if(key != null && terminalCtrlCBehaviour == CtrlCBehaviour.CTRL_C_KILLS_APPLICATION && key.getCharacter() != null && key.getCharacter() == 'c' && !key.isAltDown() && key.isCtrlDown()) { exitPrivateMode(); System.exit(1); } } protected void setupWinResizeHandler() { try { Class signalClass = Class.forName("sun.misc.Signal"); for(Method m : signalClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if("handle".equals(m.getName())) { Object windowResizeHandler = Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{Class.forName("sun.misc.SignalHandler")}, new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if("handle".equals(method.getName())) { getTerminalSize(); } return null; } }); m.invoke(null, signalClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance("WINCH"), windowResizeHandler); } } } catch(Throwable e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } protected void setupShutdownHook() { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("Lanterna STTY restore") { @Override public void run() { try { if (isInPrivateMode()) { exitPrivateMode(); } } catch(IOException ignored) {} catch(IllegalStateException ignored) {} // still possible! try { restoreSTTY(); } catch(IOException ignored) {} } }); } /** * Enabling cbreak mode will allow you to read user input immediately as the user enters the characters, as opposed * to reading the data in lines as the user presses enter. If you want your program to respond to user input by the * keyboard, you probably want to enable cbreak mode. * * @see POSIX terminal interface * @param cbreakOn Should cbreak be turned on or not * @throws IOException */ public void setCBreak(boolean cbreakOn) throws IOException { sttyICanon(!cbreakOn); } /** * Enables or disables keyboard echo, meaning the immediate output of the characters you type on your keyboard. If * your users are going to interact with this application through the keyboard, you probably want to disable echo * mode. * * @param echoOn true if keyboard input will immediately echo, false if it's hidden * @throws IOException */ public void setEcho(boolean echoOn) throws IOException { sttyKeyEcho(echoOn); } protected void saveSTTY() throws IOException { if(sttyStatusToRestore == null) { sttyStatusToRestore = sttySave(); } } protected synchronized void restoreSTTY() throws IOException { if(sttyStatusToRestore != null) { sttyRestore( sttyStatusToRestore ); sttyStatusToRestore = null; } } // A couple of system-dependent helpers: protected abstract void sttyKeyEcho(final boolean enable) throws IOException; protected abstract void sttyMinimum1CharacterForRead() throws IOException; protected abstract void sttyICanon(final boolean enable) throws IOException; protected abstract String sttySave() throws IOException; protected abstract void sttyRestore(String tok) throws IOException; }