package be.nikiroo.fanfix; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.Config; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.StringId; import; import; import; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.library.BasicLibrary; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.library.CacheLibrary; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.library.LocalLibrary; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.library.RemoteLibrary; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.library.RemoteLibraryServer; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.output.BasicOutput; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.output.BasicOutput.OutputType; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.reader.BasicReader; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.reader.CliReader; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.searchable.BasicSearchable; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported.BasicSupport; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported.SupportType; import be.nikiroo.utils.Progress; import be.nikiroo.utils.Version; import be.nikiroo.utils.serial.server.ServerObject; /** * Main program entry point. * * @author niki */ public class Main { private enum MainAction { IMPORT, EXPORT, CONVERT, READ, READ_URL, LIST, HELP, START, VERSION, SERVER, STOP_SERVER, REMOTE, SET_SOURCE, SET_TITLE, SET_AUTHOR, SEARCH, SEARCH_TAG } /** * Main program entry point. *

* Known environment variables: *



* * @param args * see method description */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Only one line, but very important: Instance.init(); String urlString = null; String luid = null; String sourceString = null; String titleString = null; String authorString = null; String chapString = null; String target = null; String key = null; MainAction action = MainAction.START; Boolean plusInfo = null; String host = null; Integer port = null; SupportType searchOn = null; String search = null; List tags = new ArrayList(); Integer page = null; Integer item = null; boolean noMoreActions = false; int exitCode = 0; for (int i = 0; exitCode == 0 && i < args.length; i++) { // Action (--) handling: if (!noMoreActions && args[i].startsWith("--")) { if (args[i].equals("--")) { noMoreActions = true; } else { try { action = MainAction.valueOf(args[i].substring(2) .toUpperCase().replace("-", "_")); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action: " + args[i], e)); exitCode = 255; } } continue; } switch (action) { case IMPORT: if (urlString == null) { urlString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case EXPORT: if (luid == null) { luid = args[i]; } else if (sourceString == null) { sourceString = args[i]; } else if (target == null) { target = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case CONVERT: if (urlString == null) { urlString = args[i]; } else if (sourceString == null) { sourceString = args[i]; } else if (target == null) { target = args[i]; } else if (plusInfo == null) { if ("+info".equals(args[i])) { plusInfo = true; } else { exitCode = 255; } } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case LIST: if (sourceString == null) { sourceString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case SET_SOURCE: if (luid == null) { luid = args[i]; } else if (sourceString == null) { sourceString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case SET_TITLE: if (luid == null) { luid = args[i]; } else if (sourceString == null) { titleString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case SET_AUTHOR: if (luid == null) { luid = args[i]; } else if (sourceString == null) { authorString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case READ: if (luid == null) { luid = args[i]; } else if (chapString == null) { chapString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case READ_URL: if (urlString == null) { urlString = args[i]; } else if (chapString == null) { chapString = args[i]; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case SEARCH: if (searchOn == null) { searchOn = SupportType.valueOfAllOkUC(args[i]); if (searchOn == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Website not known: <" + args[i] + ">"); exitCode = 41; break; } if (BasicSearchable.getSearchable(searchOn) == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Website not supported: " + searchOn); exitCode = 42; break; } } else if (search == null) { search = args[i]; } else if (page != null && page == -1) { try { page = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch (Exception e) { page = -2; } } else if (item != null && item == -1) { try { item = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch (Exception e) { item = -2; } } else if (page == null || item == null) { if (page == null && "page".equals(args[i])) { page = -1; } else if (item == null && "item".equals(args[i])) { item = -1; } else { exitCode = 255; } } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case SEARCH_TAG: if (searchOn == null) { searchOn = SupportType.valueOfAllOkUC(args[i]); if (searchOn == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Website not known: <" + args[i] + ">"); exitCode = 255; } if (BasicSearchable.getSearchable(searchOn) == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Website not supported: " + searchOn); exitCode = 255; } } else if (page == null && item == null) { if ("page".equals(args[i])) { page = -1; } else if ("item".equals(args[i])) { item = -1; } else { try { int index = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); tags.add(index); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Invalid tag index: " + args[i]); exitCode = 255; } } } else if (page != null && page == -1) { try { page = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch (Exception e) { page = -2; } } else if (item != null && item == -1) { try { item = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch (Exception e) { item = -2; } } else if (page == null || item == null) { if (page == null && "page".equals(args[i])) { page = -1; } else if (item == null && "item".equals(args[i])) { item = -1; } else { exitCode = 255; } } else { exitCode = 255; } break; case HELP: exitCode = 255; break; case START: exitCode = 255; // not supposed to be selected by user break; case VERSION: exitCode = 255; // no arguments for this option break; case SERVER: exitCode = 255; // no arguments for this option break; case STOP_SERVER: exitCode = 255; // no arguments for this option break; case REMOTE: if (key == null) { key = args[i]; } else if (host == null) { host = args[i]; } else if (port == null) { port = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); BasicLibrary lib = new RemoteLibrary(key, host, port); lib = new CacheLibrary( Instance.getInstance().getRemoteDir(host), lib, Instance.getInstance().getUiConfig()); Instance.getInstance().setLibrary(lib); action = MainAction.START; } else { exitCode = 255; } break; } } final Progress mainProgress = new Progress(0, 80); mainProgress.addProgressListener(new Progress.ProgressListener() { private int current = mainProgress.getMin(); @Override public void progress(Progress progress, String name) { int diff = progress.getProgress() - current; current += diff; if (diff <= 0) return; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { builder.append('.'); } System.err.print(builder.toString()); if (progress.isDone()) { System.err.println(""); } } }); Progress pg = new Progress(); mainProgress.addProgress(pg, mainProgress.getMax()); VersionCheck updates = VersionCheck.check(); if (updates.isNewVersionAvailable()) { // Sent to syserr so not to cause problem if one tries to capture a // story content in text mode System.err .println("A new version of the program is available at"); System.err.println(""); for (Version v : updates.getNewer()) { System.err.println("\tVersion " + v); System.err.println("\t-------------"); System.err.println(""); for (String it : updates.getChanges().get(v)) { System.err.println("\t- " + it); } System.err.println(""); } } if (exitCode == 0) { switch (action) { case IMPORT: exitCode = imprt(urlString, pg); updates.ok(); // we consider it read break; case EXPORT: exitCode = export(luid, sourceString, target, pg); updates.ok(); // we consider it read break; case CONVERT: exitCode = convert(urlString, sourceString, target, plusInfo == null ? false : plusInfo, pg); updates.ok(); // we consider it read break; case LIST: exitCode = list(sourceString); break; case SET_SOURCE: try { Instance.getInstance().getLibrary().changeSource(luid, sourceString, pg); } catch (IOException e1) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e1); exitCode = 21; } break; case SET_TITLE: try { Instance.getInstance().getLibrary().changeTitle(luid, titleString, pg); } catch (IOException e1) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e1); exitCode = 22; } break; case SET_AUTHOR: try { Instance.getInstance().getLibrary().changeAuthor(luid, authorString, pg); } catch (IOException e1) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e1); exitCode = 23; } break; case READ: if (luid == null || luid.isEmpty()) { syntax(false); exitCode = 255; break; } try { BasicLibrary lib = Instance.getInstance().getLibrary(); exitCode = read(lib.getStory(luid, null), chapString); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException("Failed to read book", e)); exitCode = 2; } break; case READ_URL: if (urlString == null || urlString.isEmpty()) { syntax(false); exitCode = 255; break; } try { BasicSupport support = BasicSupport .getSupport(BasicReader.getUrl(urlString)); if (support == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error("URL not supported: " + urlString); exitCode = 2; break; } exitCode = read(support.process(null), chapString); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException("Failed to read book", e)); exitCode = 2; } break; case SEARCH: page = page == null ? 1 : page; if (page < 0) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Incorrect page number"); exitCode = 255; break; } item = item == null ? 0 : item; if (item < 0) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Incorrect item number"); exitCode = 255; break; } try { if (searchOn == null) { new CliReader().listSearchables(); } else if (search != null) { new CliReader().searchBooksByKeyword(searchOn, search, page, item); } else { exitCode = 255; } } catch (IOException e1) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e1); exitCode = 20; } break; case SEARCH_TAG: if (searchOn == null) { exitCode = 255; break; } page = page == null ? 1 : page; if (page < 0) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Incorrect page number"); exitCode = 255; break; } item = item == null ? 0 : item; if (item < 0) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error("Incorrect item number"); exitCode = 255; break; } try { new CliReader().searchBooksByTag(searchOn, page, item, tags.toArray(new Integer[] {})); } catch (IOException e1) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e1); } break; case HELP: syntax(true); exitCode = 0; break; case VERSION: System.out .println(String.format("Fanfix version %s" + "%n" + "%n\tWritten by Nikiroo", Version.getCurrentVersion())); updates.ok(); // we consider it read break; case START: try { new CliReader().listBooks(null); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e); exitCode = 66; } break; case SERVER: key = Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getString(Config.SERVER_KEY); port = Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getInteger(Config.SERVER_PORT); if (port == null) { System.err.println("No port configured in the config file"); exitCode = 15; break; } try { ServerObject server = new RemoteLibraryServer(key, port); server.setTraceHandler(Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler());; } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e); } return; case STOP_SERVER: // Can be given via "--remote XX XX XX" if (key == null) key = Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getString(Config.SERVER_KEY); if (port == null) port = Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getInteger(Config.SERVER_PORT); if (port == null) { System.err.println("No port given nor configured in the config file"); exitCode = 15; break; } try { new RemoteLibrary(key, host, port).exit(); } catch (SSLException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error( "Bad access key for remote library"); exitCode = 43; } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e); exitCode = 44; } break; case REMOTE: exitCode = 255; // should not be reachable (REMOTE -> START) break; } } try { Instance.getInstance().getTempFiles().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(new IOException("Cannot dispose of the temporary files", e)); } if (exitCode == 255) { syntax(false); } System.exit(exitCode); } /** * Import the given resource into the {@link LocalLibrary}. * * @param urlString * the resource to import * @param pg * the optional progress reporter * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ public static int imprt(String urlString, Progress pg) { try { MetaData meta = Instance.getInstance().getLibrary().imprt(BasicReader.getUrl(urlString), pg); System.out.println(meta.getLuid() + ": \"" + meta.getTitle() + "\" imported."); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e); return 1; } return 0; } /** * Export the {@link Story} from the {@link LocalLibrary} to the given * target. * * @param luid * the story LUID * @param typeString * the {@link OutputType} to use * @param target * the target * @param pg * the optional progress reporter * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ public static int export(String luid, String typeString, String target, Progress pg) { OutputType type = OutputType.valueOfNullOkUC(typeString, null); if (type == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(new Exception(trans(StringId.OUTPUT_DESC, typeString))); return 1; } try { Instance.getInstance().getLibrary().export(luid, type, target, pg); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e); return 4; } return 0; } /** * List the stories of the given source from the {@link LocalLibrary} * (unless NULL is passed, in which case all stories will be listed). * * @param source * the source to list the known stories of, or NULL to list all * stories * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int list(String source) { try { new CliReader().listBooks(source); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(e); return 66; } return 0; } /** * Start the current reader for this {@link Story}. * * @param story * the story to read * @param chapString * which {@link Chapter} to read (starting at 1), or NULL to get * the {@link Story} description * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ private static int read(Story story, String chapString) { Integer chap = null; if (chapString != null) { try { chap = Integer.parseInt(chapString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(new IOException( "Chapter number cannot be parsed: " + chapString, e)); return 2; } } if (story != null) { try { if (chap == null) { new CliReader().listChapters(story); } else { new CliReader().printChapter(story, chap); } } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException("Failed to read book", e)); return 2; } } else { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error("Cannot find book: " + chapString); return 2; } return 0; } /** * Convert the {@link Story} into another format. * * @param urlString * the source {@link Story} to convert * @param typeString * the {@link OutputType} to convert to * @param target * the target file * @param infoCover * TRUE to also export the cover and info file, even if the given * {@link OutputType} does not usually save them * @param pg * the optional progress reporter * * @return the exit return code (0 = success) */ public static int convert(String urlString, String typeString, String target, boolean infoCover, Progress pg) { int exitCode = 0; Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().trace("Convert: " + urlString); String sourceName = urlString; try { URL source = BasicReader.getUrl(urlString); sourceName = source.toString(); if (sourceName.startsWith("file://")) { sourceName = sourceName.substring("file://".length()); } OutputType type = OutputType.valueOfAllOkUC(typeString, null); if (type == null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException(trans(StringId.ERR_BAD_OUTPUT_TYPE, typeString))); exitCode = 2; } else { try { BasicSupport support = BasicSupport.getSupport(source); if (support != null) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().trace("Support found: " + support.getClass()); Progress pgIn = new Progress(); Progress pgOut = new Progress(); if (pg != null) { pg.setMax(2); pg.addProgress(pgIn, 1); pg.addProgress(pgOut, 1); } Story story = support.process(pgIn); try { target = new File(target).getAbsolutePath(); BasicOutput.getOutput(type, infoCover, infoCover).process(story, target, pgOut); } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException(trans(StringId.ERR_SAVING, target), e)); exitCode = 5; } } else { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException(trans( StringId.ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, source))); exitCode = 4; } } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException(trans(StringId.ERR_LOADING, sourceName), e)); exitCode = 3; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().error(new IOException(trans(StringId.ERR_BAD_URL, sourceName), e)); exitCode = 1; } return exitCode; } /** * Simple shortcut method to call {link Instance#getTrans()#getString()}. * * @param id * the ID to translate * * @return the translated result */ private static String trans(StringId id, Object... params) { return Instance.getInstance().getTrans().getString(id, params); } /** * Display the correct syntax of the program to the user to stdout, or an * error message if the syntax used was wrong on stderr. * * @param showHelp * TRUE to show the syntax help, FALSE to show "syntax error" */ private static void syntax(boolean showHelp) { if (showHelp) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (SupportType type : SupportType.values()) { builder.append(trans(StringId.ERR_SYNTAX_TYPE, type.toString(), type.getDesc())); builder.append('\n'); } String typesIn = builder.toString(); builder.setLength(0); for (OutputType type : OutputType.values()) { builder.append(trans(StringId.ERR_SYNTAX_TYPE, type.toString(), type.getDesc(true))); builder.append('\n'); } String typesOut = builder.toString(); System.out.println(trans(StringId.HELP_SYNTAX, typesIn, typesOut)); } else { System.err.println(trans(StringId.ERR_SYNTAX)); } } }