Version 1.5.0 ------------- Bundles: change in Bundles and meta data The meta data is more complete now, but it breaks compatibility with both Bundles and @Meta A description can now be added to a bundle item in the graphical editor as a tooltip Serialisation utilities A new set of utilities to quickly serialise objects Version 1.4.3 ------------- Bugfix: unhtml Also replace non-breakable spaces by normal spaces Version 1.4.2 ------------- Bugfix: Deltree Deltree was not OK for files... Version 1.4.1 ------------- Progress Better handling of min==max case New methods .done() and .add(int step) Version 1.4.0 ------------- R/W Bundles Bundle is now Read/Write Bundle Configuration New UI controls to configure the Bundles graphically Version 1.3.6 ------------- Fix for Java 1.6 compat Java 1.6 cannot compile it due to variables with ambigous names (which Java 1.8 can identify) Version 1.3.5 ------------- Improve ProgressBar UI It now shows all the progression bars of the different steps of progression at the same time Version 1.3.4 ------------- Improve TestCase error reporting We know display the full stack trace even for AssertionErrors Extends Version ...with new methods: isOlderThan(Version) and isNewerThan(Version) Version 1.3.3 ------------- New Version class Which can parse versions from the running program Version 1.2.3 ------------- Add openResource and getVersion in IOUtils The file VERSION is supposed to exist Give more informartion on AssertErrors The TestCase were not always helpful in case of AssertExceptions; they now print the stacktrace (they only used to do it for non-assert exceptions) Fix The VERSION file was not added, the Main method was not the correct one (so it was not producing working runnable JAR, yet it stated so) Version 1.2.2 ------------- Fix bug in Bundle regarding \t handling ...tests should be written (later) Version 1.2.1 ------------- New drawEllipse3D method UIUtils Version 1.1.1 ------------- Add UI component for Progress Still a WIP, it only show the current progress bar, still not the children bars (it's planned) Version 1.1.0 ------------- Add progress reporting, move to ui package A new progress reporting system (and tests) in the new ui package (some other classes have been moved into ui, too: WrapLayout and UIUtils) Version 1.0.0 ------------- Add WrapLayout and UIUtils A FlowLayout that automatically wrap to the next line (from existing code found on internet) and a method to set a fake-native look & feel Version 0.9.7 ------------- Improve toImage and allow non-resetable InputStreams ...though they are then automatically saved onto disk then re-opened, then the file is deleted at the end of the process -- bad perfs Worse, it does it even if no EXIF metadata are present (because it cannot know that before reading the Stream, and cannot save a partially, non-resetable Stream to disk) Reoarganize some methods from String to IO Version 0.9.6 ------------- New test system Now some unit tests have been added, as well as the support classes Version 0.9.5 ------------- Resource bundle bug UTF-8 strings were sometimes wrangled It is fixed by using a Bundle#Control, whih sadly is only available in Java 1.6+ Version 0.9.4 ------------- Compatibility bug Again... because of some useless imports made there for a wrong jDoc comment Version 0.9.3 ------------- Compatibility bug The library did not work with JDK versions prior to 1.8 because of a dependency on Base64 A new (public domain) class was used instead, which is compatible with Java 1.5 this time Version 0.9.2 ------------- Initial version ...on GIT