package be.nikiroo.fanfix.supported; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.Instance; import be.nikiroo.fanfix.bundles.Config; import; import; import be.nikiroo.utils.IOUtils; import be.nikiroo.utils.Image; import be.nikiroo.utils.Progress; /** * Support class for * stories, a website dedicated to My Little Pony. *

* This version uses the new, official API of FimFiction. * * @author niki */ class FimfictionApi extends BasicSupport { private String oauth; private String json; private Map chapterNames; private Map chapterContents; public FimfictionApi() throws IOException { if (Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getBoolean(Config.LOGIN_FIMFICTION_APIKEY_FORCE_HTML, false)) { throw new IOException("Configuration is set to force HTML scrapping"); } String oauth = Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getString(Config.LOGIN_FIMFICTION_APIKEY_TOKEN); if (oauth == null || oauth.isEmpty()) { String clientId = Instance.getInstance().getConfig().getString(Config.LOGIN_FIMFICTION_APIKEY_CLIENT_ID) + ""; String clientSecret = Instance.getInstance().getConfig() .getString(Config.LOGIN_FIMFICTION_APIKEY_CLIENT_SECRET) + ""; if (clientId.trim().isEmpty() || clientSecret.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("API key required for the beta API v2"); } oauth = generateOAuth(clientId, clientSecret); Instance.getInstance().getConfig().setString(Config.LOGIN_FIMFICTION_APIKEY_TOKEN, oauth); Instance.getInstance().getConfig().updateFile(); } this.oauth = oauth; } @Override protected Document loadDocument(URL source) throws IOException { json = getJsonData(); return null; } @Override public String getOAuth() { return oauth; } @Override protected boolean isHtml() { return true; } /** * Extract the full JSON data we will later use to build the {@link Story}. * * @return the data in a JSON format * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O error */ private String getJsonData() throws IOException { // extract the ID from: // String storyId = getKeyText(getSource().toString(), "/story/", null, "/"); // Selectors, so to download all I need and only what I need String storyContent = "fields[story]=title,description,date_published,cover_image"; String authorContent = "fields[author]=name"; String chapterContent = "fields[chapter]=chapter_number,title,content_html,authors_note_html"; String includes = "author,chapters,tags"; String urlString = String.format( "" // + "%s&%s&%s&" // + "include=%s", // storyId, // storyContent, authorContent, chapterContent,// includes); // URL params must be URL-encoded: "[ ]" <-> "%5B %5D" urlString = urlString.replace("[", "%5B").replace("]", "%5D"); URL url = new URL(urlString); InputStream jsonIn = Instance.getInstance().getCache().open(url, this, false); try { return IOUtils.readSmallStream(jsonIn); } finally { jsonIn.close(); } } @Override protected MetaData getMeta() throws IOException { MetaData meta = new MetaData(); meta.setTitle(getKeyJson(json, 0, "type", "story", "title")); meta.setAuthor(getKeyJson(json, 0, "type", "user", "name")); meta.setDate(bsHelper.formatDate( getKeyJson(json, 0, "type", "story", "date_published"))); meta.setTags(getTags()); meta.setSource(getType().getSourceName()); meta.setUrl(getSource().toString()); meta.setPublisher(getType().getSourceName()); meta.setUuid(getSource().toString()); meta.setLuid(""); meta.setLang("en"); meta.setSubject("MLP"); meta.setType(getType().toString()); meta.setImageDocument(false); String coverImageLink = getKeyJson(json, 0, "type", "story", "cover_image", "full"); if (!coverImageLink.trim().isEmpty()) { URL coverImageUrl = new URL(coverImageLink.trim()); // No need to use the oauth, cookies... for the cover // Plus: it crashes on Android because of the referer try { InputStream in = Instance.getInstance().getCache().open(coverImageUrl, null, true); try { meta.setCover(new Image(in)); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler() .error(new IOException("Cannot get the story cover, ignoring...", e)); } } return meta; } private List getTags() { List tags = new ArrayList(); tags.add("MLP"); int pos = 0; while (pos >= 0) { pos = indexOfJsonAfter(json, pos, "type", "story_tag"); if (pos >= 0) { tags.add(getKeyJson(json, pos, "name").trim()); } } return tags; } @Override protected String getDesc() { String desc = getKeyJson(json, 0, "type", "story", "description"); return unbbcode(desc); } @Override protected List> getChapters(Progress pg) { chapterNames = new TreeMap(); chapterContents = new TreeMap(); int pos = 0; while (pos >= 0) { pos = indexOfJsonAfter(json, pos, "type", "chapter"); if (pos >= 0) { int posNumber = indexOfJsonAfter(json, pos, "chapter_number"); int posComa = json.indexOf(",", posNumber); final int number = Integer.parseInt(json.substring(posNumber, posComa).trim()); final String title = getKeyJson(json, pos, "title"); String notes = getKeyJson(json, pos, "authors_note_html"); String content = getKeyJson(json, pos, "content_html"); if (!notes.trim().isEmpty()) { notes = "
* * *
" + notes; } chapterNames.put(number, title); chapterContents.put(number, content + notes); } } List> urls = new ArrayList>(); for (String title : chapterNames.values()) { urls.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(title, null)); } return urls; } @Override protected String getChapterContent(URL source, int number, Progress pg) { return chapterContents.get(number); } @Override protected boolean supports(URL url) { return "".equals(url.getHost()) || "".equals(url.getHost()); } /** * Generate a new token from the client ID and secret. *

* Note that those tokens are long-lived, and it would be badly seen to * create a lot of them without due cause. *

* So, please cache and re-use them. * * @param clientId * the client ID offered on FimFiction * @param clientSecret * the client secret that goes with it * * @return a new generated token linked to that client ID * * @throws IOException * in case of I/O errors */ static private String generateOAuth(String clientId, String clientSecret) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(""); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("client_id", clientId); params.put("client_secret", clientSecret); params.put("grant_type", "client_credentials"); InputStream in = Instance.getInstance().getCache().openNoCache(url, null, params, null, null); String jsonToken = IOUtils.readSmallStream(in); in.close(); // Extract token type and token from: { // token_type = "Bearer", // access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // } String tokenType = getKeyText(jsonToken, "\"token_type\"", "\"", "\""); String token = getKeyText(jsonToken, "\"access_token\"", "\"", "\""); return tokenType + " " + token; } // afters: [name, value] pairs (or "" for any of them), can end without // value static private int indexOfJsonAfter(String json, int startAt, String... afterKeys) { ArrayList afters = new ArrayList(); boolean name = true; for (String key : afterKeys) { if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) { afters.add("\"" + key + "\""); } else { afters.add("\""); afters.add("\""); } if (name) { afters.add(":"); } name = !name; } return indexOfAfter(json, startAt, afters.toArray(new String[] {})); } // afters: [name, value] pairs (or "" for any of them), can end without // value but will then be empty, not NULL static private String getKeyJson(String json, int startAt, String... afterKeys) { int pos = indexOfJsonAfter(json, startAt, afterKeys); if (pos < 0) { return ""; } String result = ""; String wip = json.substring(pos); pos = nextUnescapedQuote(wip, 0); if (pos >= 0) { wip = wip.substring(pos + 1); pos = nextUnescapedQuote(wip, 0); if (pos >= 0) { result = wip.substring(0, pos); } } result = result.replace("\\t", "\t").replace("\\\"", "\""); return result; } // next " but don't take \" into account static private int nextUnescapedQuote(String result, int pos) { while (pos >= 0) { pos = result.indexOf("\"", pos); if (pos == 0 || (pos > 0 && result.charAt(pos - 1) != '\\')) { break; } if (pos < result.length()) { pos++; } } return pos; } // quick & dirty filter static private String unbbcode(String bbcode) { String text = bbcode.replace("\\r\\n", "
") // .replace("[i]", "_").replace("[/i]", "_") // .replace("[b]", "*").replace("[/b]", "*") // .replaceAll("\\[[^\\]]*\\]", ""); return text; } /** * Return the text between the key and the endKey (and optional subKey can * be passed, in this case we will look for the key first, then take the * text between the subKey and the endKey). * * @param in * the input * @param key * the key to match (also supports "^" at start to say * "only if it starts with" the key) * @param subKey * the sub key or NULL if none * @param endKey * the end key or NULL for "up to the end" * @return the text or NULL if not found */ static private String getKeyText(String in, String key, String subKey, String endKey) { String result = null; String line = in; if (line != null && line.contains(key)) { line = line.substring(line.indexOf(key) + key.length()); if (subKey == null || subKey.isEmpty() || line.contains(subKey)) { if (subKey != null) { line = line.substring(line.indexOf(subKey) + subKey.length()); } if (endKey == null || line.contains(endKey)) { if (endKey != null) { line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(endKey)); result = line; } } } } return result; } /** * Return the first index after all the given "afters" have been found in * the {@link String}, or -1 if it was not possible. * * @param in * the input * @param startAt * start at this position in the string * @param afters * the sub-keys to find before checking for key/endKey * * @return the text or NULL if not found */ static private int indexOfAfter(String in, int startAt, String... afters) { int pos = -1; if (in != null && !in.isEmpty()) { pos = startAt; if (afters != null) { for (int i = 0; pos >= 0 && i < afters.length; i++) { String subKey = afters[i]; if (!subKey.isEmpty()) { pos = in.indexOf(subKey, pos); if (pos >= 0) { pos += subKey.length(); } } } } } return pos; } }