generated is better than vendor in this case
[gofetch.git] / test / expected / LWN / 0000763729.header
... / ...
10[$] Protecting files with fs-verity null/LWN/0000763729 70\r
2i [Kernel] Aug 30, 2018 18:50 UTC (Thu) (corbet)\r
4i The developers of the Android system have, among their many\r
5i goals, the wish to better protect Android devices against\r
6i persistent compromise. It is bad if a device is taken over by\r
7i an attacker; it's worse if it remains compromised even after a\r
8i reboot. Numerous mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of\r
9i installed system files have been proposed and implemented over\r
10i the years. But it seems there is always room for one more; to\r
11i fill that space, the [1]fs-verity mechanism is being proposed\r
12i as a way to protect individual files from malicious\r
13i modification.\r
14i \r
15i \r
16i \r
17i [1]\r