[nikiroo-utils.git] / StringUtilsTest.java
1 package be.nikiroo.utils.test;
3 import java.util.Date;
4 import java.util.HashMap;
5 import java.util.List;
6 import java.util.Map;
7 import java.util.Map.Entry;
9 import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils;
10 import be.nikiroo.utils.StringUtils.Alignment;
12 class StringUtilsTest extends TestLauncher {
13 public StringUtilsTest(String[] args) {
14 super("StringUtils test", args);
16 addTest(new TestCase("Time serialisation") {
17 @Override
18 public void test() throws Exception {
19 for (long fullTime : new Long[] { 0l, 123456l, 123456000l,
20 new Date().getTime() }) {
21 // precise to the second, no more
22 long time = (fullTime / 1000) * 1000;
24 String displayTime = StringUtils.fromTime(time);
25 assertNotNull("The stringified time for " + time
26 + " should not be null", displayTime);
27 assertEquals("The stringified time for " + time
28 + " should not be empty", false, displayTime.trim()
29 .isEmpty());
31 assertEquals("The time " + time
32 + " should be loop-convertable", time,
33 StringUtils.toTime(displayTime));
35 assertEquals("The time " + displayTime
36 + " should be loop-convertable", displayTime,
37 StringUtils.fromTime(StringUtils
38 .toTime(displayTime)));
39 }
40 }
41 });
43 addTest(new TestCase("MD5") {
44 @Override
45 public void test() throws Exception {
46 String mess = "The String we got is not what 'md5sum' said it should heve been";
47 assertEquals(mess, "34ded48fcff4221d644be9a37e1cb1d9",
48 StringUtils.getMd5Hash("fanfan la tulipe"));
49 assertEquals(mess, "7691b0cb74ed0f94b4d8cd858abe1165",
50 StringUtils.getMd5Hash("je te do-o-o-o-o-o-nne"));
51 }
52 });
54 addTest(new TestCase("Padding") {
55 @Override
56 public void test() throws Exception {
57 for (String data : new String[] { "fanfan", "la tulipe",
58 "1234567890", "12345678901234567890", "1", "" }) {
59 String result = StringUtils.padString(data, -1);
60 assertEquals("A size of -1 is expected to produce a noop",
61 true, data.equals(result));
62 for (int size : new Integer[] { 0, 1, 5, 10, 40 }) {
63 result = StringUtils.padString(data, size);
64 assertEquals(
65 "Padding a String at a certain size should give a String of the given size",
66 size, result.length());
67 assertEquals(
68 "Padding a String should not change the content",
69 true, data.trim().startsWith(result.trim()));
71 result = StringUtils.padString(data, size, false, null);
72 assertEquals(
73 "Padding a String without cutting should not shorten the String",
74 true, data.length() <= result.length());
75 assertEquals(
76 "Padding a String without cutting should keep the whole content",
77 true, data.trim().equals(result.trim()));
79 result = StringUtils.padString(data, size, false,
80 Alignment.RIGHT);
81 if (size > data.length()) {
82 assertEquals(
83 "Padding a String to the end should work as expected",
84 true, result.endsWith(data));
85 }
87 result = StringUtils.padString(data, size, false,
88 Alignment.JUSTIFY);
89 if (size > data.length()) {
90 String unspacedData = data.trim();
91 String unspacedResult = result.trim();
92 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
93 unspacedData = unspacedData.replace(" ", " ");
94 unspacedResult = unspacedResult.replace(" ",
95 " ");
96 }
98 assertEquals(
99 "Justified text trimmed with all spaces collapsed "
100 + "sould be identical to original text "
101 + "trimmed with all spaces collapsed",
102 unspacedData, unspacedResult);
103 }
105 result = StringUtils.padString(data, size, false,
106 Alignment.CENTER);
107 if (size > data.length()) {
108 int before = 0;
109 for (int i = 0; i < result.length()
110 && result.charAt(i) == ' '; i++) {
111 before++;
112 }
114 int after = 0;
115 for (int i = result.length() - 1; i >= 0
116 && result.charAt(i) == ' '; i--) {
117 after++;
118 }
120 if (result.trim().isEmpty()) {
121 after = before / 2;
122 if (before > (2 * after)) {
123 before = after + 1;
124 } else {
125 before = after;
126 }
127 }
129 assertEquals(
130 "Padding a String on center should work as expected",
131 result.length(), before + data.length()
132 + after);
133 assertEquals(
134 "Padding a String on center should not uncenter the content",
135 true, Math.abs(before - after) <= 1);
136 }
137 }
138 }
139 }
140 });
142 addTest(new TestCase("Justifying") {
143 @Override
144 public void test() throws Exception {
145 for (String data : new String[] { "test",
146 "let's test some words", "" }) {
147 int total = 0;
148 for (String word : data.split((" "))) {
149 total += word.replace("-", "").replace(" ", "")
150 .length();
151 }
152 List<String> result = StringUtils.justifyText(data, 5,
153 StringUtils.Alignment.LEFT);
155 System.out.println("["+data+"] -> [");
157 int totalResult = 0;
158 for (String resultLine : result) {
159 System.out.println(resultLine);
160 for (String word : resultLine.split((" "))) {
161 totalResult += word.replace("-", "")
162 .replace(" ", "").length();
163 }
164 }
165 System.out.println("]");
167 assertEquals(
168 "The number of letters ('-' not included) should be identical before and after",
169 total, totalResult);
170 }
171 }
172 });
174 addTest(new TestCase("unhtml") {
175 @Override
176 public void test() throws Exception {
177 Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
178 data.put("aa", "aa");
179 data.put("test with spaces ", "test with spaces ");
180 data.put("<a href='truc://target/'>link</a>", "link");
181 data.put("<html>Digimon</html>", "Digimon");
182 data.put("", "");
183 data.put(" ", " ");
185 for (Entry<String, String> entry : data.entrySet()) {
186 String result = StringUtils.unhtml(entry.getKey());
187 assertEquals("Result is not what we expected",
188 entry.getValue(), result);
189 }
190 }
191 });
193 addTest(new TestCase("zip64") {
194 @Override
195 public void test() throws Exception {
196 String orig = "test";
197 String zipped = StringUtils.zip64(orig);
198 String unzipped = StringUtils.unzip64(zipped);
199 assertEquals(orig, unzipped);
200 }
201 });
202 }
203 }