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Project Description Owner Last Change
cbook.git PL/1 data files to CSV convers... Niki Roo 9 days ago
cutils.git Small C utilities Niki Roo 9 days ago
fanfix-jexer.git A text interface (Jexer librar... Niki Roo 3 weeks ago
fanfix-swing.git A graphical interface (in... Niki Roo 3 weeks ago
fanfix.git A small program to download... Niki Roo 3 weeks ago
gofetch.git Gopher news scrapper Niki Roo 5 years ago
jvcard.git Small TUI (text mode) VCard... Niki Roo 5 years ago
nikiroo-utils.git Some java utilities Niki Roo 3 weeks ago
notes.git Some random documentation Niki Roo 3 weeks ago
nsub.git Converts between Subtitle... Niki Roo 2 weeks ago
template.git Some templates for makefiles Niki Roo 9 days ago