| 1 | Help=Help |
| 2 | |
| 3 | toolMenuTitle=&\u2261 |
| 4 | toolMenuStatus=Additional tools |
| 5 | fileMenuTitle=&File |
| 6 | fileMenuStatus=File-management commands (Open, Save, Print, etc.) |
| 7 | editMenuTitle=&Edit |
| 8 | editMenuStatus=Editor operations, undo, and Clipboard access |
| 9 | windowMenuTitle=&Window |
| 10 | windowMenuStatus=Open, arrange, and list windows |
| 11 | helpMenuTitle=&Help |
| 12 | helpMenuStatus=Access online help |
| 13 | |
| 14 | tableMenuTitle=&Table |
| 15 | tableSubMenuView=&View |
| 16 | tableSubMenuBorders=&Borders |
| 17 | tableSubMenuDelete=&Delete |
| 18 | tableSubMenuInsert=&Insert |
| 19 | tableSubMenuColumn=&Column |
| 20 | tableSubMenuFile=&File |
| 21 | tableMenuStatus=Table manipulation commands |
| 22 | |
| 23 | exitDialogTitle=Confirmation |
| 24 | exitDialogText=Exit application? |
| 25 | |
| 26 | aboutDialogTitle=About |
| 27 | aboutDialogText=Jexer Version {0} |
| 28 | |
| 29 | searchHelpInputBoxTitle=Search Help Topics |
| 30 | searchHelpInputBoxCaption=Search help topics for (regex): |