[fanfix-jexer.git] / README.md

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Fanfix-jexer is a program that offer you a text interface (via the Jexer library) around the comics/stories/mangas library Fanfix.

You can also use the graphical version, Fanfix-swing.



(If you are interested in the recent changes, please check the Changelog – note that starting from version x.x.x, the changelog is checked at startup.)

Main GUI

A screenshots gallery can be found here.

It will convert from a (supported) URL to an .epub file for stories or a .cbz file for comics (a few other output types are also available, like Plain Text, LaTeX, HTML…).

To help organize your stories, it can also work as a local library so you can:

Supported websites

Currently, the following websites are supported:

Support file types

We support a few file types for local story conversion (both as input and as output):

Supported platforms

Any platform with at lest Java 1.6 on it should be ok.

It has been tested on Linux (Debian, Slackware, Ubuntu), MacOS X and Windows for now, but feel free to inform us if you try it on another system.

If you have any problems to compile it with a supported Java version (1.6+), please contact us.

Note for Windows : we also offer a launcher in EXE format that checks if Java is available before starting the program, and helps you install it if not.


You can start the program without parameters:

You can also use the options supported by Fanfix.


Some environment variables are recognized by the program:


./configure.sh && make

You can also import the java sources into, say, Eclipse, and create a runnable JAR file from there.

Dependant libraries (included)




Nothing else but Java 1.6+.

Note that calling make libs will export the libraries into the src/ directory.


Fanfix was written by Niki Roo niki@nikiroo.be