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Jexer - Java Text User Interface library

This library implements a text-based windowing system reminiscient of Borland’s Turbo Vision system. (For those wishing to use the actual C++ Turbo Vision library, see Sergio Sigala’s C++ version based on the public domain sources released by Borland. )

Jexer currently supports three backends:

Additional backends can be created by subclassing jexer.backend.Backend and passing it into the TApplication constructor.

The Jexer homepage, which includes additional information and binary release downloads, is at: . The Jexer source code is hosted at: .


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE for the full license text.


Jexer makes use of the Terminus TrueType font made available here .


Simply subclass TApplication and then run it in a new thread:

```Java import jexer.*;

class MyApplication extends TApplication {

public MyApplication() throws Exception {
    super(BackendType.SWING); // Could also use BackendType.XTERM

    // Create standard menus for File and Window

    // Add a custom window, see below for its code.
    addWindow(new MyWindow(this));

public static void main(String [] args) {
    try {
        MyApplication app = new MyApplication();
        (new Thread(app)).start();
    } catch (Throwable t) {

} ```

Similarly, subclass TWindow and add some widgets:

```Java class MyWindow extends TWindow {

public MyWindow(TApplication application) {
    // See TWindow's API for several constructors.  This one uses the
    // application, title, width, and height.  Note that the window width
    // and height include the borders.  The widgets inside the window
    // will see (0, 0) as the top-left corner inside the borders,
    // i.e. what the window would see as (1, 1).
    super(application, "My Window", 30, 20);

    // See TWidget's API for convenience methods to add various kinds of
    // widgets.  Note that ANY widget can be a container for other
    // widgets: TRadioGroup for example has TRadioButtons as child
    // widgets.

    // We will add a basic label, text entry field, and button.
    addLabel("This is a label", 5, 3);
    addField(5, 5, 20, false, "enter text here");
    // For the button, we will pop up a message box if the user presses
    // it.
    addButton("Press &Me!", 5, 8, new TAction() {
        public void DO() {
            MyWindow.this.messageBox("Box Title", "You pressed me, yay!");
    } );

} ```

Put these into a file, compile it with jexer.jar in the classpath, run it and you’ll see an application like this:

The Example Code Above

See the files in jexer.demos for many more detailed examples showing all of the existing UI controls. The demo can be run in three different ways:

More Screenshots

Several Windows Open Including A Terminal

Yo Dawg...

System Properties

The following properties control features of Jexer:


Used only by jexer.demos.Demo1. If true, use the Swing interface for the demo application. Default: true on Windows platforms ( starts with “Windows”), false on non-Windows platforms.


Used by Selects the cursor style to draw. Valid values are: underline, block, outline. Default: underline.

Known Issues / Arbitrary Decisions

Some arbitrary design decisions had to be made when either the obviously expected behavior did not happen or when a specification was ambiguous. This section describes such issues.


Many tasks remain before calling this version 1.0. See docs/ for the complete list of tasks.