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Mouse acceleration is a real problem in Linux.

+ +

All Linux distributions I have used required me to tweak the mouse settings before it was usable for gaming.

Stock Ubuntu for example comes with mouse acceleration enabled by default and there is no option to turn it off. WTF?

Even on touchpads mouse acceleration feels like its doing more harm than good and I dont like it :(

edit: Instead of giving me gold please donate the money to a charity or GNU developers.

94% Upvoted
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level 1

Despite the downvotes this is a legitimate complaint. I've never understood why this isn't extremely easy to disable.

level 2
85 points · 13 hours ago

There even was a time when libinput didn't support flat acceleration at all while some distros (namely arch) had already moved to it. I downgraded that package immediately. If I remember correctly the devs were quite dismissive of this and didn't think it was a high priority, because who doesn't want mouse acceleration? And isn't setting it to some really low value just like turning it off?

No, it's not and yes I notice it immediately. I refuse to buy many mice because they can't track without some leftover acceleration ffs. With Linux being more and more viable as a gaming platform this just can't be ignored. I know people who tried switching to Linux because they heard CSGO, the only game they ever play, runs. They were just as stupefied as you'd expect them to be that there was no option for disabling mouse acceleration completely and that they had to manually edit config files. "Yeah, Linux is really easy these days, uhh, except for that I guess"

level 2

If you use Gnome or especially KDE, it is extremely easy to disable. Just go to the settings menu and disable it.

level 3

In XFCE there's a menu for changing the acceleration amount, but it doesn't do anything if I set it to zero or ten.

level 4
level 5
level 6

That's pretty shocking. If you're not resource limited, I'd consider moving to KDE since they actually seem to care about what the users want and need.

level 7
13 points · 9 hours ago · edited 9 hours ago

Not shocking to me. Ubuntu and Wine both have bugs over a decade old. I just checked and KDE has open bugs from 2002. Tends to happen with open-source projects. The oldest 500 bugs are from 2002 to 2005.

XFCE's oldest bug is from 2006. Gnome's oldest bug is from 2004. The Linux kernel's oldest bug is from 2005. Wine's oldest bug is from 2000.

level 8

It's shocking considering the kind of bug it is.

level 8
11 points · 9 hours ago

Most might not be valid any longer. I was putzing around with Dokuwiki at work, it didn't install cleanly from the package. So I checked the bugtracker for the package. Oldest bug for Dokuwiki is filed against 8.10. That version isn't even supported any more (16.04LTS is the oldest, I think). On top of that the specific bug is fixed. I know it's fixed. The current package isn't missing the symlink that bug says is missing.

level 8

Tends to happen with open-source projects.

Tends to happen more with closed source projects as there is no way to report or track bugs open to the public. Windows 7 was still running 16 bit dos... Think about how old the bugs must be in that pile of trash.

One of them led to a full privilege escalation.

level 8
-1 points · 3 hours ago

That's an issue with bug triaging, not bug fixing.

level 9
2 points · 1 hour ago

The user doesn't care though.

level 10

That's correct. They don't care about bug reports against software that doesn't have the bug anymore.

level 4

Same issue on MATE.

level 3

I made a bootable usb to see the mouse options in KDE. You're right there's an option to set the acceleration to flat. The last time I used it I was confused by the multipliers where you could type in values for acceleration and "pointer threshold." Good to see its now just a click to get it over with.

level 4

Yeah, the KDE team have done a great job recently and have developed a modern, feature-rich, and great performing desktop with some of the best apps in the Linux space. It's really come a long way and I have zero regrets or complaints after having switched to it over a year ago.

level 5

Yeah looks a lot different than it used to last time I tried it a year ago. Looks really nice so far and animations are a lot smoother than what I'm used to on gnome. I had to edit a file to stop screen tearing on my nvidia card and disallow applications to block compositing because running a game would cause window dragging and some desktop effects to get screwed up, but I'll switch to it if things seem stable.

level 6

I had to edit a file to stop screen tearing on my nvidia card

On any recent drivers you can just open the nvidia-settings tool as root and enable "ForceFullCompositePipeline" under "Advanced" in the "X Server Display Configuration". Then just save it to your xorg.conf file to keep it after a reboot.

disallow applications to block compositing because running a game would cause window dragging and some desktop effects to get screwed up,

This seems to be an edge-case with only certain applications. IIRC, the only one I've encountered any issues with was The Adventures of Fei Duanmu. In any case, you can manually toggle compositing using a global shortcut (Shift+Alt+F12 by default).

Looks really nice so far and animations are a lot smoother than what I'm used to on gnome.

Yeah the animations and transitions are great. You can customize them too, from "Smoother and longer" to "Snappier and shorter" (or just turn them off if that's your thing).

level 7
2 points · 4 hours ago

I had to edit a file to stop screen tearing on my nvidia card

On any recent drivers you can just open the nvidia-settings tool as root and enable "ForceFullCompositePipeline" under "Advanced" in the "X Server Display Configuration". Then just save it to your xorg.conf file to keep it after a reboot.

Seeing as how we are on a gaming subreddit: keep in mind that this does have a huge performance impact.

level 8

I feel like this is a myth that keeps getting perpetuated. I've done testing and have seen no impact in either frame-time, response, or frame-rate across OpenGL, Vulkan or Wine games. Maybe it causes some issue in some edge-case game where the code is poorly optimized, but I've yet to run into it.

level 9

Dunno about edge case, but it isn't consistent: that's true.

I have little impact in say Insurgency/DOF, but both Tomb Raiders had massive stuttering. Same with the vsync effect: sometimes it seems to clamp it to 60fps while other games are fine.

So I guess the advice would more be "keep in mind it does stuff; if you have issues try enabling/disabling it".

level 8

There's an option in KDE called "allow applications to block compositing" which lets games override that and recover said performance.

It's enabled by default.

level 9

From what I gather, that has nothing to do with Nvidia's settings (inc. any form of CompositePipeline) only KDE's own compositing. KWin doesn't know anything what Nvidia is doing. Via former KDE dev /u/mgraesslin: see this

The solution in that thread by /u/UrbenLegend may work with the "block compositing" (since it it a KWin thingy after all). Although for me the triple buffer helps, but not completely eliminates tearing.

level 5
1 point · 1 hour ago

My only complaint is that I would love to use Kubuntu, but KDE Neon keeps getting so much awesome stuff I can't make myself give it up.

level 6
2 points · 1 hour ago

I don't see how this is a complaint.

level 7
1 point · 22 minutes ago

Luxury problem, I would love to have a super stabil 18.04 with the extra polish and stabil KDE desktop, but all the awesome new and shiny is too much to resist.

level 3
6 points · 8 hours ago

KDE has different mouse settings menus depending on the driver, so that option isn't always there. It wasn't for me by default.

level 4

Yes! Here is a forum post showing the different mouse settings in the preferences. Make sure you install xf86-input-evdev and use it instead of the default xf86-input-libinput, e.g. with

cp /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
level 5

Maybe symlink the file instead of copying so it doesn't get out of sync when the original gets updated.

level 6

Yeah, probably not a bad idea. I don't necessarily trust the package keeping it in the same place either though, so maybe both. 🤔

level 4

When was this? It's there on the default configuration for: Fedora 28, Arch (and Arch-based), Kubuntu 18.04, KDE Neon.

level 3
1 point · 2 hours ago

wait, with KDE i can completely disable this? im installing this weekend!

level 2
23 points · 12 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago

It is, and it's why I helped to get the Linux Mint developers to turn it off by default. There is an option in mouse settings for "custom acceleration" where you can turn it back on, though, if you want it. But seriously, most everyone seems to prefer it off, hence why they changed that. It's stupid to have accel be the default, and even if you make it the default, at least provide a way to easily disable it.

All distros should do the same. No mouse acceleration is a sane default.

level 3
1 point · 2 hours ago

When was this? i was using mint earlier this year and it was impossible for someone like me to remove.

level 3
1 point · 1 hour ago

As someone who moved from Windows to Mint a few weeks ago, thank you! This thread had me worried but I was surprised to see it turned off by default.

level 2

The people here are to 1337 for ease of use stuff

level 3
-10 points · 8 hours ago(4 children)
level 4

Disabling mouse acceleration is a "massively niche feature"? Did I really just read that on a gaming subreddit?

level 5
2 points · 41 minutes ago

He would feel right at home on gnome.

level 6

Not a he

level 5

I am yet to meet anyone IRL that remotely cares about this. And most of the people I know are geeks to some degree.

Reality is that most of the people don't care, and if we added this feature to the UI they would feel confused about it and mess it up and then wonder why their mouse is acting glitchy on Linux.

If instead, we leave it like it is, the people who care can run the terminal commands or install the right packages or whatever.

level 1
42 points · 16 hours ago

Install gnome tweak tool go to keyboard and mouse and change mouse profile to flat

level 2
Original Poster34 points · 16 hours ago

Yeah thats the solution on stock Ubuntu but you shouldnt have to install software to change mouse settings...

level 3

Actually the function is already part of gnome, the tweak tool makes it easier to access and saves the setting.

level 4
Original Poster6 points · 14 hours ago

Huh. I had to install it when I tried stock Ubuntu.

level 5

Debian (on which Ubuntu is based upon) installs it as part of the gnome metapackage, I don't know why Ubuntu removed Tweaks from the metapackage.

level 6
1 point · 1 hour ago

My guess would be to "simplify" the experience. Less options means easier to use.

level 5

You had to install gnome tweak tool to change the setting using a GUI but you could have changed it manually by editing dconf.

level 6
11 points · 8 hours ago

Any idea why tweak tool is not installed by default, or even integrated into the Settings dialogue? It's so helpful I don't understand why everyone wouldn't want it

level 7
-1 points · 3 hours ago

Because that gives users control, which is against the Gnome philosophy.

level 8
5 points · 2 hours ago

Gnome doesn't decide on the default packages for a distribution. As mentioned above in this same comment thread, Ubuntu's upstream (Debian) does include Tweaks by default with the 'gnome' metapackage.

level 9

Gnome does decide to ship 4 different UIs to do one job, and all as separate software.

level 10
2 points · 39 minutes ago

True, but that isn't the same thing you initially said which is that they don't like giving control. They just aren't organizing it very well.

level 6
10 points · 7 hours ago

I think the point they are making is that it's not a default GUI option, people who are just switching over from windows, and doing so as gamers are likely not familiar with non-GUI methods of adjusting settings.

This is what they see on Ubuntu, and to be honest, it leaves the impression to a new user that disabling mouse acceleration is not an option.

Edit: two words.

level 7

I agree, it should be a part of Ubuntu’s basic features I was just trying to clarify that it can be done without installing the gnome tweak tools package.

level 3
3 points · 16 hours ago

I mean you can't really blame one distro when they all use libinput, if anything synapse if the one to blame

level 4
Original Poster3 points · 16 hours ago

They could've put a slider in their mouse settings couldnt they?

level 5
-3 points · 15 hours ago

Microsoft could have used just the 'Control Panel' as opposed to the 'Control Panel' and the 'Settings Panel' couldn't they?

A classic example of a non intuitive GUI if I ever saw one. It's easier opening a configuration file and copy/pasting simple text.

level 3
1 point · 5 hours ago

Well they are shipping the Gnome settings manager with a few tweaks. This is more of a Gnome problem than an Ubuntu problem.

level 2

OK, I had no idea that's what that did! Thank you for helping OP and thus others. More like you, please! :-)

level 1
10 points · 15 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago

[Something like this?] (https://imgur.com/xGmEY1A)

level 2
19 points · 13 hours ago

Does that really turn it off though? I've never seen a GUI that actually sets a flat acceleration profile. Granted, I don't use many GUIs, but stock distros were always lacking such an option.

level 3

KDE at least appears to. https://i.imgur.com/3pOG6uL.png

level 4

That doesn't seem to work perfectly. I've tested it a bunch of times and it seems to still have a bit of acceleration

level 5
5 points · 9 hours ago

Would be nice to file a bug report with your findings.

level 5

The profile toggle doesn't seem to work, it does not change the profile.

It seems to work for some though.

level 1
26 points · 12 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago

Then you haven't used Linux Mint, as I helped to get the developers to turn it off by default. There is an option in mouse settings for "custom acceleration" where you can turn it back on, though, if you want it. But seriously, most everyone seems to prefer it off, hence why they changed that.

All distros should do the same. No mouse acceleration is a sane default.

level 2
3 points · 2 hours ago

I fucking love Linux mint

level 1

Ok this may be the DUMBEST question - but I use the GUI option in plasma to set flat acceleration rate - but then I do

$ xinput list-props {1..50} 2>/dev/null | fgrep 'libinput Accel Profile Enabled ('

And it claims acceleration is still on... (ie reads 1, 0 instead of 0, 1)

Is it me just not getting it, or freaking out for nothing? If not: Why?

EDIT: should be noted that I have a hard time checking "manually" (ie testing going quick over the same space as you've recently dragged it slowly to see if it goes "farther" when moving fast) but my aim in CSGO "feels" shaky. Could be just me stressing out and getting shaky aim due to that suspicion.

level 2
3 points · 8 hours ago

best way to test is to set 2 heavy objects between your mouse and move between them fast or slow. If your mouse doesn't return to roughly the same spot you're good.(unless you've got some $500 mouse it's not gonna be pixel-perfect)

level 3

Thats the one I usually do (although not THAT heavy), will do some more of it though just to calm my nerves - which may just as well be what messes it up. CS is such a "confidence game", and a small streak of losses really makes you wonder and question etc etc...

level 2

You are correct. The profile toggle does not work, at least for some, the profile does not change.

level 1
16 points · 16 hours ago

KDE Plasma lets you disable mouse acceleration out of the box.

level 2
8 points · 14 hours ago

Does it have an option for sensitivity yet? On 5.13 I could only find accel but not sensitivity.

level 3

I think the acceleration option might just be a poorly worded sensitivity option, so long as you set it to flat profile underneath. I could be wrong though, just going off a brief mouse-feel test and it feels unaccelerated.

level 4
6 points · 7 hours ago

Just tested it. No, it's definitely acceleration.

level 5

That slider does work as a sensitivity/speed slider with a flat profile.

The problem is that changing the profile there doesn't seem to work for some people, hence why people have different experiences.

If you set the profile to flat by other means that slider can be used for sensitivity.

level 2
2 points · 15 hours ago

I guess you are using the stable version. That option is gone in the settings of new versions.

level 3
7 points · 15 hours ago

It's there for me on Plasma 5.14 beta.

level 4
0 points · 15 hours ago

What distro are you on?

level 5
9 points · 15 hours ago


level 3

Just chiming in that I still have that option in 5.13.5 (Flat Acceleration Rate checkbox underneath the slider)

level 1

is it weird that i have never faced the said problems for the last 6 years of my life as a full time linux user?

level 2
3 points · 2 hours ago

I've never had these issues either.

level 3
2 points · 2 hours ago

It's mostly what you're used to. In the past I did most of my gaming on Windows, so Linux felt off and OS X was awful.

Switched to Linux full-time a couple of months for gaming (everything else I had been doing on Unix for ages anyway), set my mouse settings to something that felt nice[1] and no issues after one or two days.

[1] xset b off mouse 2/1 4

level 1
13 points · 5 hours ago

Just to be a bit pedantic, this is not a Linux issue as it has nothing to do with the kernel. It is really an issue with whatever Desktop Environment(s) you are using.

Some DEs have this built into to their settings UI, some do not. If there is a specific DE you love, but does not offer this, propose it upstream and someone may add it in.

There are several options for persistently disabling acceleration. The easiest that come to mind would be either throwing an computer command in somewhere like .xprofile or specifying your mouse parameters in an XOrg config file. If using Gnome, there is always gnome-tweaks, as has been mentioned.

From what I’ve read in this thread, it seems like half the commenters are expecting that there should be some magic software or standard UI element that is mandatory in every distribution of Linux. It’s a bit silly to think that way as everyone uses Linux in their own way and many of us don’t want bloated garbage that we will never use (a UI element for a setting that only needs to be touched once).

level 2
8 points · 2 hours ago

Just to be a bit pedantic, this is not a Linux issue as it has nothing to do with the kernel.

Just a reminder, but you do understand you've written this in a sub called linux_gaming, right? Nobody cares at this point, from a casual user's perspective, linux is just a catch-all term for linux distros.

The easiest that come to mind would be either throwing an computer command in somewhere like .xprofile or specifying your mouse parameters in an XOrg config file.

While I personally love config files, manually configuring some settings can be intimidating for newcomers and it gets even worse when you also have to setup multiple non-binary vars that only accept specific values (ie dpi, sensitivity, acceleration etc).

It seems like half the commenters are expecting that there should be some magic software or standard UI element that is mandatory in every distribution of Linux ... many of us don’t want bloated garbage that we will never use.

You're spot on regarding unnecessary cruft bloating a default installation. However if a noob-friendly desktop-use distro (or rather DE) already provides a basic mouse configuration utility in its system settings I think it would really make sense if they could merely add a couple of additional elements to expose and configure stuff like this.

The thing is, not all peripherals can be supported through the same utilities (at least not for stuff like dpi), but thankfully bosic stuff like acceleration are merely handled by libinput (and others).

On the other hand, libinput doesn't even expose proper configuration files, so if you're on Wayland and your compositor doesn't provide a tool to modify acceleration and other parameters you're pretty much stuck with the default settings!

level 1

xset m 0 0

level 2
14 points · 13 hours ago

That does not disable mouse acceleration 100%.

level 3
5 points · 10 hours ago

Fr? What does? I'm worried bc I play tf2 with raw input on and xset m 0 0.

How can I make sure acceleration is off?

level 2
Original Poster10 points · 16 hours ago

Thats temporary.

level 3

You can make commands execute at startup in several ways..

level 4
Original Poster16 points · 16 hours ago

Thats way too complicated for 99% of gamers coming from Windows.

level 5

Geez, I've done more complicated things just getting games running the way they should under Windows.

I personally think you've set the bar a little low considering the technical ability of most gamers. I enjoy gaming and I had mouse acceleration disabled permanently in seconds under Ubuntu MATE.

This procedure is far from difficult (I run 16.04):


level 5
-9 points · 14 hours ago(4 children)
level 6
8 points · 9 hours ago

I've hated mouse acceleration ever since it was introduced. I've never had to "move the mouse over half the table." Called tweaking sensitivity for the available space. Right now the mouse I am using for my laptop has less area than a standard sized hot pad (7"x7"). I only use that as a unit of measurement because my dinner is on a hot pad next to the mouse and takes up more room than what my mouse has to move.

level 6

I don't use acceleration and my mouse has to move less than 4 cm for the pointer to move from one corner to the diagonally opposite corner on a 1080p screen.

level 6
4 points · 7 hours ago

99% of user?

I have never heard someone praise mouse acceleration, I have on the other hand heard people bitch about it.

level 6

You're literally the only person I've ever seen defend mouse acceleration. I don't think that number is as high as you think it is. That shit is cancer. Just up the sensitivity a little bit if you can't be bothered to move your hand a few inches FFS.

level 5
0 points · 3 hours ago

Windows where you need a ton of 3rd party software, registry editing to make the OS not spy and do weird stuff randomly? Just wow

level 5
-29 points · 15 hours ago(10 children)
level 6
Original Poster15 points · 15 hours ago

Its not a good idea to make Linux easier to use for everyone?

level 7

lol no. Gatekeeping gets these people off bruh. Some of them absolutely do not want things like this to be more accessible. God forbid my 97 year old gramps can get anything done on the ubuntu distro I installed on his desktop.

Imagine this kind of neckbeardy attitude in any other field of interest.

"My coq au vin recipe tastes too savory what can I do??"

-- "Hurr durr maybe next time try yourself on this instead"

Fucking insufferable

level 7
-18 points · 14 hours ago(0 children)
level 8

1337 af

level 9

i installed arch in less than 10 tries i kno what im talking abou

level 8
Original Poster2 points · 14 hours ago


level 6
-15 points · 15 hours ago(0 children)
level 7
Original Poster8 points · 15 hours ago

Thats really mean.

level 7
1 point · 3 hours ago

I have a better suggestion

sudo rm elitism-in-linux

level 1
3 points · 9 hours ago

I guess that explains why I always find the mouse sluggish on Linux, TIL.

level 1

Just like Windows, to be fair. Nowadays you can change the acceleration profile in Gnome Tweak tool, if you are using Gnome anyway.

level 1
3 points · 1 hour ago

Flat in KDE does not disable acceleration as some people are claiming, at least not for me, there's still acceleration present it's just a different curve, or it's bugged.

Not having proper GUI settings for mouse controls is my number 1 issue with running Linux these days. It's baffling why something that so many people want to change/adjust has to be done with editing files or creating scripts.

level 2

It's bugged, at least for some, the profile settings does not change the profile.

level 1

Long live xinput commands

level 1

Play around with the xinput command-line tool. Specifically, Device Accel Profile (aceleration type) and Device Accel Constant Deceleration (speed). My preferred settings are -1 and 1.25 respectively, and I have this script to set them for me:

a="$(xinput | grep 'Logitech USB Receiver' | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/id=//')"
+for i in $a; do
+b="$(xinput list-props $i | grep 'Device Accel Constant Deceleration')"
+xinput set-prop $i $b 1.25
+b="$(xinput list-props $i | grep 'Device Accel Profile')"
+xinput set-prop $i $b -1

For a synaptics touchpad, use the synclient command line tool.

level 1
2 points · 11 hours ago

It's true and in KDE at least, setting the slider to zero doesn't actually give you raw input like xorg configs will (it feels smoothed). From what I can tell, there's also no real option for changing your desktop sensitivity once you're rid of mouse acceleration if you don't have working DPI settings. Changing the transform matrix through xinput seems like the best solution, but causes the camera to spin uncontrollably in a ton of games for some reason.

I suppose you could make a script to disable/enable it as needed, but most games have menus and overlays that you need to interact with regularly so that would be a lot of hotkey presses over time.

level 2

in KDE at least, setting the slider to zero doesn't actually give you raw input

Did you set your profile to 'flat'?

level 2

With the adaptive profile the slider adjusts the amount of acceleration.

With the flat profile the slider adjusts the sensitivity/speed.

The problem is that the profile setting doesn't seem to work, at least for some.

But the slider works as it should if you set the profile in other ways.

level 1

xset m 00

level 1
2 points · 5 hours ago

Touchpad acceleration shouldn't be a problem anymore: https://who-t.blogspot.com/2018/08/libinputs-new-trackpoint-acceleration.html

level 1
2 points · 4 hours ago

Shouldn't it be in the game settings anyway?

level 1

I don't know if it's because I'm used to the "enhanced pointer precision" on Windows, but every time I go back to my Zorin machine, I keep overshooting buttons, even when moving slowly. I'd also like to be able to set the sensitivity of my mouse vs my trackpad independently, because one is super slow and the other super fast and I don't want to switch it every time I decide not to plug in the mouse.

level 1

On X you can easily disable it by typing

xset m 1 0

in the terminal

But on Wayland (libinput), I have not found a way to disable it, that's why I don't use any distro that comes with Wayland.

level 2
2 points · 2 hours ago

Just to stop missinformatiom from spreading, xset no longer works the way it used to due to the changes in x. You should use config files, read more about that here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_acceleration#Disabling_mouse_acceleration

level 1
2 points · 14 hours ago

Honestly, most people probably want it on, so having to use some google searches to turn it off is not a very big deal.

level 2
5 points · 7 hours ago

Not trying to bash you, but if you're using a physical mouse instead of a touch pad, why would you want mouse acceleration on?

It out right annoys me, the first thing I set out to address on a fresh install is disabling it.

level 3

I don't have it on, but I think most people do not bother ever turning it off and are used to it being on all the time.

level 2

still, there should be an easy to find option for those who want to turn it off

level 1
1 point · 7 hours ago

Huh. I actually love the mouse sensitivity and acceleration on Linux (and Mac). I can barely use a windows mouse anymore, it's so touchy or sluggish, no good balance.

level 2
2 points · 7 hours ago

It's okay if you do - but there are those with high-dpi mice used to RAW input without any acceleration - and I'm one of them. It's mind boggling why the common desktop environments don't allow for total bypass of the mouse input processing.

level 2

I prefer accuracy, mouse acceleration on a mouse is the most frustrating thing to work with.

level 1
1 point · 3 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago

KDE's mouse settings panel allows you to set the acceleration to "dynamic"or "flat". I switched it off the first chance I got.

level 1
1 point · 2 hours ago

Is that why the mouse is so fucky in Ubuntu? And no way to toggle it off?

level 1

You can disable it in Ubuntu but it's kinda complicated, first install gnome-tweak-tool then go to mouse settings (in gnome-tweak-tool) then change acceleration profile from whatever it is to flat.

level 1

YUp, my biggest complaint about it. Manjaro doesnt seem too bad about it but still its not ok

level 1

Upvote for the edit.

level 1

I have used Linux in some fashion for decades. Work, pleasure, etc. Mouse issues are my most hated thing. I use a trackball and it's not always good.

level 1

I installed Ubuntu 18.04 fresh just a few weeks ago and don't have any mouse acceleration by default. It was always a problem before but it seems like they changed it?

level 1

I'm just using plain X11 with Fluxbox (on Ubuntu Xenial) and haven't changed anything regarding mouse. And I'm happy with how the cursor moves. Guess it's an anti-feature of Desktop Environments.

level 1
1 point · just now

I have absolutely no idea why you got ANY downvotes. This has been a legitimate problem that has been present on, at least, all Ubuntu based distros I've used. They want to increase market share but can't fix the effing mouse? What the hell?

level 1

It's the reason I still use windows. Even if I disable the mouse acceleration from tweak tool the feel of the mouse is horrible in csgo. I tried 5 years ago and tried again some months ago. Still shit. We'll see in another 5 years lol

level 2

You can't be bothered to look up the software you need so you use Windows instead, wtf?

level 3

maybe you need to read again my post. Even with acceleration disabled mouse feels weird on linux compared to what feel on windows. Aim is super important while playing csgo and if my mouse don't feel precise i can't play on linux.

level 1
1 point · 3 hours ago

This and screen tearing is linuxs doom. We need to fix those issues

level 2

No screen tearing to speak of for me on mesa/amdgpu... I’ve only ever had screen tearing using intel or nvidia.

level 3
1 point · 1 hour ago

%90 ppl are using Nvidia/Intel. There are workatounds but at the cost of performance etc

level 1
-6 points · 8 hours ago(0 children)
level 1
-5 points · 7 hours ago(0 children)
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