- new: server: count the bytes we rec/send
- new: CryptUtils
-- new: streams classes
+- new: stream classes
- fix: IOUtils.readSmallStream and \n at the end
- fix: Base64 implementation changed, no strange errors anymore
- change: StringUtils.unzip64(String) now returns a byte[] (StringUtils.unzip64s(String) can be used instead)
- change: be.nikiroo.utils.markableFileInputStream moved to be.nikiroo.utils.streams (old class still present in @Deprecated state for now)
- change: TestLauncher is now "silent" by default (no exception details, see setDetails(true))
-- runtime: serial: SSL -> CryptUtils (both are **runtime** incompatible)
-- runtime: break **runtime** compat with package utils.serial (Objects) -- ServerString should still be compatible
+- runtime: serial: SSL -> CryptUtils (both are **runtime** incompatible and CryptUtils is slower)
+- runtime: break **runtime** compat with package utils.serial (Objects) -- ServerString should still be compatible (if not SSL obviously)
## Version 4.7.2