- # Java Makefile:
- # > NAME: name of project (used for jar output file)
- # > MAIN: path to main java source to compile
- # > MORE: path to supplementary needed resources not linked from MAIN
- # > TEST: path to main test source to compile
- # > JAR_FLAGS: a list of things to pack, each usually prefixed with "-C bin/"
- # > SJAR_FLAGS: like JAR_FLAGS, but for *-sources.jar
- # > PREFIX: usually /usr/local (where to install the program)
+ # Java makefile
+ # > NAME: main program name (for manual, jar, doc...)
+ # > MAIN: main source to compile without the 'src/' prefix nor the '.java' ext
+ # > MORE: more sources to compile to generate the full program
+ # > TEST: list of all test programs to compile and run (same format as MORE)
+ # > JAR_FLAGS : list of paths to include in the jar file (`-C dir path`)
+ # > SJAR_FLAGS: list of paths to include in the source jar file (`-C dir path`)
+ # > PREFIX: the usual prefix to (un)install to -- you may of course override it
-NAME = program
-MAIN = be/nikiroo/program/Main
-TEST = be/nikiroo/tests/program/Test
+NAME = nikiroo-utils
+MAIN = be/nikiroo/tests/utils/Test
+TEST = be/nikiroo/tests/utils/Test
- # Option for this program: UI=android (or UI=awt by default)
- ifeq ($(UI),android)
- MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/android/test/TestAndroid
- TEST += be/nikiroo/utils/android/ImageUtilsAndroid
- else
- MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/ImageUtilsAwt
- MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/ImageTextAwt
- TEST += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/test/TestUI
- endif
- JAR_MISC = -C ./ LICENSE -C ./ VERSION -C libs/ licenses
+ JAR_MISC = -C ./ LICENSE -C ./ VERSION -C libs/ licenses
JAR_FLAGS += -C bin/ be -C bin/ org $(JAR_MISC)
- SJAR_FLAGS += -C src/ org -C src/ be $(JAR_MISC)
+ SJAR_FLAGS += -C src/ be -C src/ org $(JAR_MISC)
PREFIX = /usr/local
- # Makefile base template
- #
- # Version:
- # - 1.0.0: add a version comment
- # - 1.1.0: add 'help', 'sjar'
- # - 1.2.0: add 'apk'
- # - 1.2.1: improve 'apk' and add 'android'
- # - 1.3.0: add 'man' for man(ual) pages
- # - 1.4.0: remove android stuff (not working anyway)
- # - 1.5.0: include sources and readme/changelog in jar
- # - 1.5.1: include binaries from libs/bin/ into the jar
- # - 1.6.0: rework the system without need of a ./configure.sh, add uninstall
+ #
+ # Special Options for this program: you can modify the previous var if needed
-# > OPTION=non-default-value (or OPTION=default-value by default)
++# > UI=android (or UI=awt by default)
+ #
-ifeq ($(OPTION),non-default-value)
-MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/android/test/TestAndroid
-TEST += be/nikiroo/utils/android/ImageUtilsAndroid
++ifeq ($(UI),android)
++MORE+= be/nikiroo/utils/android/ImageUtilsAndroid
++TEST += be/nikiroo/utils/android/test/TestAndroid
+ else
+ MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/ImageUtilsAwt
+ MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/ImageTextAwt
+ TEST += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/test/TestUI
+ endif
+ ################################################################################
JAVAC = javac
JAVAC_FLAGS += -encoding UTF-8 -d ./bin/ -cp ./src/