-# jVcard
+# jVCard
Small TUI (text mode) VCard manager (also supports abook files)
-Description and screenshots: <http://nikiroo.github.io/jvcard>
## Current version
- it can open VCF and ABOOK files
- customisation of VIEW_CONTACT
- lot of other things
- correct UI for new contact/new data/edit data-types
+- remote synchronisation server since it was asked
+## Screenshots
+### Navigation
+![Opening a directory](http://nikiroo.be/jvcard/screenshots/open-dir.png)
+![Opening a VCF/aBook card](http://nikiroo.be/jvcard/screenshots/open-vcf.png)
+### Contact screen
+![Contact screen](http://nikiroo.be/jvcard/screenshots/open-contact.png)
+### Image modes
+![Double Dithering](http://nikiroo.be/jvcard/screenshots/image-dd.png)
+![Double Resolution](http://nikiroo.be/jvcard/screenshots/image-double.png)
+### Edit contact screen (Work In Progress)
+![Edit contact WIP](http://nikiroo.be/jvcard/screenshots/edit-contact.png)