--- /dev/null
+# Java Makefile:
+# > NAME: name of project (used for jar output file)
+# > MAIN: path to main java source to compile
+# > MORE: path to supplementary needed resources not linked from MAIN
+# > TEST: path to main test source to compile
+# > JAR_FLAGS: a list of things to pack, each usually prefixed with "-C bin/"
+# > SJAR_FLAGS: like JAR_FLAGS, but for *-sources.jar
+# > PREFIX: usually /usr/local (where to install the program)
+NAME = nikiroo-utils
+MAIN = be/nikiroo/tests/utils/Test
+MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/ui/test/TestUI
+# MORE += be/nikiroo/utils/android/test/TestAndroid
+TEST = be/nikiroo/tests/utils/Test
+JAR_MISC = -C ./ LICENSE -C ./ VERSION -C libs/ licenses
+JAR_FLAGS += -C bin/ be -C bin/ org $(JAR_MISC)
+SJAR_FLAGS += -C src/ org -C src/ be $(JAR_MISC)
+PREFIX = /usr/local
+# Makefile base template
+# Version:
+# - 1.0.0: add a version comment
+# - 1.1.0: add 'help', 'sjar'
+# - 1.2.0: add 'apk'
+# - 1.2.1: improve 'apk' and add 'android'
+# - 1.3.0: add 'man' for man(ual) pages
+# - 1.4.0: remove android stuff (not working anyway)
+# - 1.5.0: include sources and readme/changelog in jar
+# - 1.5.1: include binaries from libs/bin/ into the jar
+# - 1.6.0: rework the system without need of a ./configure.sh, add uninstall
+JAVAC = javac
+JAVAC_FLAGS += -encoding UTF-8 -d ./bin/ -cp ./src/
+JAVA = java
+JAVA_FLAGS += -cp ./bin/
+JAR = jar
+RJAR = java
+RJAR_FLAGS += -jar
+all: build jar man
+ @echo "Usual options:"
+ @echo "=============="
+ @echo " make : to build the jar file and man pages IF possible"
+ @echo " make help : to get this help screen"
+ @echo " make libs : to update the libraries into src/"
+ @echo " make build : to update the binaries (not the jar)"
+ @echo " make test : to update the test binaries"
+ @echo " make build jar : to update the binaries and jar file"
+ @echo " make sjar : to create the sources jar file"
+ @echo " make clean : to clean the directory of intermediate files"
+ @echo " make mrpropre : to clean the directory of all outputs"
+ @echo " make run : to run the program from the binaries"
+ @echo " make run-test : to run the test program from the binaries"
+ @echo " make jrun : to run the program from the jar file"
+ @echo " make install : to install the application into $$PREFIX"
+ @echo " make uninstall : to uninstall the application from $$PREFIX"
+ @echo " make man : to make the manual pages (requires pandoc)"
+.PHONY: all clean mrproper mrpropre build run jrun jar sjar resources test-resources install libs man love
+ @mkdir -p bin
+jar: $(NAME).jar
+sjar: $(NAME)-sources.jar
+build: resources
+ @echo Compiling program...
+ @echo " src/$(MAIN)"
+ @$(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) "src/$(MAIN).java"
+ @[ "$(MORE)" = "" ] || for sup in $(MORE); do \
+ echo " src/$$sup" ;\
+ $(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) "src/$$sup.java" ; \
+ done
+test: test-resources
+ @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ] || echo You need to build the sources
+ @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ]
+ @echo Compiling test program...
+ @[ "$(TEST)" != "" ] || echo No test sources defined.
+ @[ "$(TEST)" = "" ] || for sup in $(TEST); do \
+ echo " src/$$sup" ;\
+ $(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) "src/$$sup.java" ; \
+ done
+ rm -rf bin/
+ @echo Removing sources taken from libs...
+ @for lib in libs/*-sources.jar libs/*-sources.patch.jar; do \
+ if [ "$$lib" != 'libs/*-sources.jar' \
+ -a "$$lib" != 'libs/*-sources.patch.jar' ]; \
+ then \
+ basename "$$lib"; \
+ jar tf "$$lib" | while read -r ln; do \
+ [ -f "src/$$ln" ] && rm "src/$$ln"; \
+ done; \
+ jar tf "$$lib" | tac | while read -r ln; do \
+ if [ -d "src/$$ln" ]; then \
+ rmdir "src/$$ln" 2>/dev/null || true; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ fi \
+ done
+mrproper: mrpropre
+mrpropre: clean
+ rm -f $(NAME).jar
+ rm -f $(NAME)-sources.jar
+ [ ! -e VERSION ] || rm -f "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`.jar"
+ [ ! -e VERSION ] || rm -f "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`-sources.jar"
+ @echo " ...not war."
+resources: libs
+ @echo Copying resources and documentation into bin/...
+ @if ! cp *.md bin/ 2>/dev/null; then \
+ if [ -e VERSION ]; then \
+ cp VERSION bin/no-documentation.md; \
+ else \
+ echo > bin/no-documentation.md; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ @cd src && find . | grep -v '\.java$$' \
+ | grep -v '/test/' | while read -r ln; do \
+ if [ -f "$$ln" ]; then \
+ dir="`dirname "$$ln"`"; \
+ mkdir -p "../bin/$$dir" ; \
+ cp "$$ln" "../bin/$$ln" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done
+ @[ ! -e VERSION ] || cp VERSION bin/
+test-resources: resources
+ @echo Copying test resources into bin/...
+ @cd src && find . | grep -v '\.java$$' \
+ | grep '/test/' | while read -r ln; do \
+ if [ -f "$$ln" ]; then \
+ dir="`dirname "$$ln"`"; \
+ mkdir -p "../bin/$$dir" ; \
+ cp "$$ln" "../bin/$$ln" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done
+libs: bin
+ @if [ ! -e bin/libs -a -d libs ]; then \
+ echo Extracting sources from libs...; \
+ cd src; \
+ for lib in ../libs/*-sources.jar \
+ ../libs/*-sources.patch.jar; do \
+ if [ "$$lib" != '../libs/*-sources.jar' \
+ -a "$$lib" != '../libs/*-sources.patch.jar' ]; \
+ then \
+ basename "$$lib"; \
+ jar xf "$$lib"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ fi;
+ @[ ! -d libs ] || touch bin/libs
+$(NAME)-sources.jar: libs
+ @echo Making sources JAR file...
+ @echo > bin/manifest
+ @if [ "$(SJAR_FLAGS)" = "" ]; then \
+ echo No sources JAR file defined, skipping; \
+ else \
+ echo Creating $(NAME)-sources.jar...; \
+ $(JAR) cfm $(NAME)-sources.jar \
+ bin/manifest -C ./ *.md $(SJAR_FLAGS); \
+ if [ -e VERSION ]; then \
+ echo Copying to "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`-sources.jar"...;\
+ cp $(NAME)-sources.jar \
+ "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`-sources.jar"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi;
+$(NAME).jar: build resources
+ @if [ -d libs/bin/ ]; then \
+ echo "Copying additional binaries from libs/bin/ into bin/...";\
+ cp -r libs/bin/* bin/; \
+ fi;
+ @echo "Copying sources into bin/..."
+ @cp -r src/* bin/
+ @echo "Making jar..."
+ @echo "Main-Class: `echo "$(MAIN)" | sed 's:/:.:g'`" > bin/manifest
+ @echo >> bin/manifest
+ $(JAR) cfm $(NAME).jar bin/manifest -C ./ *.md $(JAR_FLAGS)
+ @[ ! -e VERSION ] || echo Copying to "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`.jar"...
+ @[ ! -e VERSION ] || cp $(NAME).jar "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`.jar"
+run: build
+ @echo Running "$(NAME)"...
+jrun: build
+ @echo Running "$(NAME).jar"...
+ $(RJAR) $(RJAR_FLAGS) $(NAME).jar
+run-test: test
+ @echo Running tests for "$(NAME)"...
+ @[ "$(TEST)" != "" ] || echo No test sources defined.
+ @if [ "`whereis tput`" = "tput:" ]; then \
+ ok='"[ ok ]"'; \
+ ko='"[ !! ]"'; \
+ cols=80; \
+ else \
+ ok="`tput bold`[`tput setf 2` OK `tput init``tput bold`]`tput init`"; \
+ ko="`tput bold`[`tput setf 4` !! `tput init``tput bold`]`tput init`"; \
+ cols='"`tput cols`"'; \
+ fi; \
+ [ "$(TEST)" = "" ] || \
+ ( clear ; $(JAVA) $(JAVA_FLAGS) $(TEST) "$$cols" "$$ok" "$$ko" )
+install: man
+ @[ -e $(NAME).jar ] || echo You need to build the jar
+ @[ -e $(NAME).jar ]
+ mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)/lib" "$(PREFIX)/bin"
+ cp $(NAME).jar "$(PREFIX)/lib/"
+ ( \
+ echo "#!/bin/sh"; \
+ echo "$(RJAR) $(RJAR_FLAGS) \"$(PREFIX)/lib/$(NAME).jar\" \"\$$@\"" \
+ ) > "$(PREFIX)/bin/$(NAME)"
+ chmod a+rx "$(PREFIX)/bin/$(NAME)"
+uninstall: man
+ rm "$(PREFIX)/bin/$(NAME)"
+ rm "$(PREFIX)/lib/$(NAME).jar"
+ rmdir "$(PREFIX)/bin" 2>/dev/null
+ @$(MAKE) -f man.d $(MAKECMDGOALS) NAME=$(NAME)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile base template
-# Version:
-# - 1.0.0: add a version comment
-# - 1.1.0: add 'help', 'sjar'
-# - 1.2.0: add 'apk'
-# - 1.2.1: improve 'apk' and add 'android'
-# - 1.3.0: add 'man' for man(ual) pages
-# - 1.4.0: remove android stuff (not working anyway)
-# - 1.5.0: include sources and readme/changelog in jar
-# - 1.5.1: include binaries from libs/bin/ into the jar
-# Required parameters (the commented out ones are supposed to be per project):
-#MAIN = path to main java source to compile
-#MORE = path to supplementary needed resources not linked from MAIN
-#NAME = name of project (used for jar output file)
-#PREFIX = usually /usr/local (where to install the program)
-#TEST = path to main test source to compile
-#JAR_FLAGS += a list of things to pack, each usually prefixed with "-C bin/"
-#SJAR_FLAGS += a list of things to pack, each usually prefixed with "-C src/",
-# for *-sources.jar files
-#TEST_PARAMS = any parameter to pass to the test runnable when "test-run"
-JAVAC = javac
-JAVAC_FLAGS += -encoding UTF-8 -d ./bin/ -cp ./src/
-JAVA = java
-JAVA_FLAGS += -cp ./bin/
-JAR = jar
-RJAR = java
-RJAR_FLAGS += -jar
-all: build jar man
- @echo "Usual options:"
- @echo "=============="
- @echo " make : to build the jar file and man pages IF possible"
- @echo " make help : to get this help screen"
- @echo " make libs : to update the libraries into src/"
- @echo " make build : to update the binaries (not the jar)"
- @echo " make test : to update the test binaries"
- @echo " make build jar : to update the binaries and jar file"
- @echo " make sjar : to create the sources jar file"
- @echo " make clean : to clean the directory of intermediate files"
- @echo " make mrpropre : to clean the directory of all outputs"
- @echo " make run : to run the program from the binaries"
- @echo " make run-test : to run the test program from the binaries"
- @echo " make jrun : to run the program from the jar file"
- @echo " make install : to install the application into $$PREFIX"
- @echo " make ifman : to make the manual pages (if pandoc is found)"
- @echo " make man : to make the manual pages (requires pandoc)"
-.PHONY: all clean mrproper mrpropre build run jrun jar sjar resources test-resources install libs ifman man love
- @mkdir -p bin
-jar: $(NAME).jar
-sjar: $(NAME)-sources.jar
-build: resources
- @echo Compiling program...
- @echo " src/$(MAIN)"
- @$(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) "src/$(MAIN).java"
- @[ "$(MORE)" = "" ] || for sup in $(MORE); do \
- echo " src/$$sup" ;\
- $(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) "src/$$sup.java" ; \
- done
-test: test-resources
- @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ] || echo You need to build the sources
- @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ]
- @echo Compiling test program...
- @[ "$(TEST)" != "" ] || echo No test sources defined.
- @[ "$(TEST)" = "" ] || for sup in $(TEST); do \
- echo " src/$$sup" ;\
- $(JAVAC) $(JAVAC_FLAGS) "src/$$sup.java" ; \
- done
- rm -rf bin/
- @echo Removing sources taken from libs...
- @for lib in libs/*-sources.jar libs/*-sources.patch.jar; do \
- if [ "$$lib" != 'libs/*-sources.jar' -a "$$lib" != 'libs/*-sources.patch.jar' ]; then \
- basename "$$lib"; \
- jar tf "$$lib" | while read -r ln; do \
- [ -f "src/$$ln" ] && rm "src/$$ln"; \
- done; \
- jar tf "$$lib" | tac | while read -r ln; do \
- [ -d "src/$$ln" ] && rmdir "src/$$ln" 2>/dev/null || true; \
- done; \
- fi \
- done
-mrproper: mrpropre
-mrpropre: clean
- rm -f $(NAME).jar
- rm -f $(NAME)-sources.jar
- rm -f $(NAME).apk
- rm -f $(NAME)-debug.apk
- [ ! -e VERSION ] || rm -f "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`.jar"
- [ ! -e VERSION ] || rm -f "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`-sources.jar"
- @echo " ...not war."
-resources: libs
- @echo Copying resources into bin/...
- @cd src && find . | grep -v '\.java$$' | grep -v '/test/' | while read -r ln; do \
- if [ -f "$$ln" ]; then \
- dir="`dirname "$$ln"`"; \
- mkdir -p "../bin/$$dir" ; \
- cp "$$ln" "../bin/$$ln" ; \
- fi ; \
- done
- @cp VERSION bin/
-test-resources: resources
- @echo Copying test resources into bin/...
- @cd src && find . | grep -v '\.java$$' | grep '/test/' | while read -r ln; do \
- if [ -f "$$ln" ]; then \
- dir="`dirname "$$ln"`"; \
- mkdir -p "../bin/$$dir" ; \
- cp "$$ln" "../bin/$$ln" ; \
- fi ; \
- done
-libs: bin
- @[ -e bin/libs -o ! -d libs ] || echo Extracting sources from libs...
- @[ -e bin/libs -o ! -d libs ] || (cd src && for lib in ../libs/*-sources.jar ../libs/*-sources.patch.jar; do \
- if [ "$$lib" != '../libs/*-sources.jar' -a "$$lib" != '../libs/*-sources.patch.jar' ]; then \
- basename "$$lib"; \
- jar xf "$$lib"; \
- fi \
- done )
- @[ ! -d libs ] || touch bin/libs
-$(NAME)-sources.jar: libs
- @ls *.md >/dev/null || cp VERSION README.md
- @echo Making sources JAR file...
- @echo > bin/manifest
- @[ "$(SJAR_FLAGS)" != "" ] || echo No sources JAR file defined, skipping
- @[ "$(SJAR_FLAGS)" = "" ] || echo Creating $(NAME)-sources.jar...
- @[ "$(SJAR_FLAGS)" = "" ] || $(JAR) cfm $(NAME)-sources.jar bin/manifest -C ./ *.md $(SJAR_FLAGS)
- @[ "$(SJAR_FLAGS)" = "" ] || [ ! -e VERSION ] || echo Copying to "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`-sources.jar"...
- @[ "$(SJAR_FLAGS)" = "" ] || [ ! -e VERSION ] || cp $(NAME)-sources.jar "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`-sources.jar"
-$(NAME).jar: resources
- @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ] || echo You need to build the sources
- @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ]
- @ls *.md >/dev/null || cp VERSION README.md
- @echo "Copying documentation into bin/..."
- @cp -r *.md bin/ || cp VERSION bin/no-documentation.md
- @[ ! -d libs/bin/ ] || echo "Copying additional binaries from libs/bin/ into bin/..."
- @[ ! -d libs/bin/ ] || cp -r libs/bin/* bin/
- @echo "Copying sources into bin/..."
- @cp -r src/* bin/
- @echo "Making jar..."
- @echo "Main-Class: `echo "$(MAIN)" | sed 's:/:.:g'`" > bin/manifest
- @echo >> bin/manifest
- $(JAR) cfm $(NAME).jar bin/manifest -C ./ *.md $(JAR_FLAGS)
- @[ ! -e VERSION ] || echo Copying to "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`.jar"...
- @[ ! -e VERSION ] || cp $(NAME).jar "$(NAME)-`cat VERSION`.jar"
- @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ] || echo You need to build the sources
- @[ -e bin/$(MAIN).class ]
- @echo Running "$(NAME)"...
- @[ -e $(NAME).jar ] || echo You need to build the jar
- @[ -e $(NAME).jar ]
- @echo Running "$(NAME).jar"...
- $(RJAR) $(RJAR_FLAGS) $(NAME).jar
- @[ "$(TEST)" = "" -o -e "bin/$(TEST).class" ] || echo You need to build the test sources
- @[ "$(TEST)" = "" -o -e "bin/$(TEST).class" ]
- @echo Running tests for "$(NAME)"...
- @[ "$(TEST)" != "" ] || echo No test sources defined.
- [ "$(TEST)" = "" ] || ( clear ; $(JAVA) $(JAVA_FLAGS) $(TEST) $(TEST_PARAMS) )
- @[ -e $(NAME).jar ] || echo You need to build the jar
- @[ -e $(NAME).jar ]
- mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)/lib" "$(PREFIX)/bin"
- cp $(NAME).jar "$(PREFIX)/lib/"
- echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$(PREFIX)/bin/$(NAME)"
- echo "$(RJAR) $(RJAR_FLAGS) \"$(PREFIX)/lib/$(NAME).jar\" \"\$$@\"" >> "$(PREFIX)/bin/$(NAME)"
- chmod a+rx "$(PREFIX)/bin/$(NAME)"
- if [ -e "man/man1/$(NAME).1" ]; then \
- cp -r man/ "$(PREFIX)"/share/; \
- fi
- @if pandoc -v >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
- make man; \
- else \
- echo "man pages not generated: "'`'"pandoc' required"; \
- fi
- @echo Checking for possible manual pages...
- @if [ -e README.md ]; then \
- echo Sources found for man pages; \
- if pandoc -v >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
- ls README*.md 2>/dev/null \
- | grep 'README\(-..\|\)\.md' \
- | while read man; do \
- echo " Processing page $$lang..."; \
- lang="`echo "$$man" \
- | sed 's:README\.md:en:' \
- | sed 's:README-\(.*\)\.md:\1:'`"; \
- mkdir -p man/"$$lang"/man1; \
- ( \
- echo ".TH \"${NAME}\" 1 `\
- date +%Y-%m-%d\
- ` \"version `cat VERSION`\""; \
- echo; \
- UNAME="`echo "${NAME}" \
- | sed 's:\(.*\):\U\1:g'`"; \
- ( \
- cat "$$man" | head -n1 \
- | sed 's:.*(README\(-fr\|\)\.md).*::g'; \
- cat "$$man" | tail -n+2; \
- ) | sed 's:^#\(#.*\):\1:g' \
- | sed 's:^\(#.*\):\U\1:g;s:# *'"$$UNAME"':# NAME\n'"${NAME}"' \\- :g' \
- | sed 's:--:——:g' \
- | pandoc -f markdown -t man | sed 's:——:--:g' ; \
- ) > man/"$$lang"/man1/"${NAME}.1"; \
- done; \
- mkdir -p "man/man1"; \
- cp man/en/man1/"${NAME}".1 man/man1/; \
- else \
- echo "man pages generation: pandoc required" >&2; \
- false; \
- fi; \
- fi;
- new: ConfigItem: easier to extend
- fix: CacheMemory: fix stackoverflow bug
- fix: Bundles/TransBundles: def values
+- new: Use git submodules instead of a sub branch
+- new: remove configure.sh, use simple Makefile
## Version 5.1.0
+++ /dev/null
-# default:
-PROGS="java javac jar"
-while [ "$*" != "" ]; do
- key=`echo "$1" | cut -f1 -d=`
- val=`echo "$1" | cut -f2 -d=`
- case "$key" in
- --help) # This help message
- echo The following arguments can be used:
- cat "$0" | grep '^\s*--' | grep '#' | while read ln; do
- cmd=`echo "$ln" | cut -f1 -d')'`
- msg=`echo "$ln" | cut -f2 -d'#'`
- echo " $cmd$msg"
- done
- ;;
- --prefix) #=PATH Change the prefix to the given path
- PREFIX="$val"
- ;;
- --ui) #=no Disable UI (Swing/AWT) support
- [ "$val" = no -o "$val" = false ] && UI= && JUI=
- if [ "$val" = yes -o "$val" = true ]; then
- UI=be/nikiroo/utils/ui/test/TestUI
- fi
- ;;
- --android) #=yes Enable Android UI support
- [ "$val" = no -o "$val" = false ] && ANDROID= && JANDROID=
- if [ "$val" = yes -o "$val" = true ]; then
- ANDROID=be/nikiroo/utils/android/test/TestAndroid
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unsupported parameter: '$1'" >&2
- valid=false
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-[ $valid = false ] && exit 1
-MESS="A required program cannot be found:"
-for prog in $PROGS; do
- out="`whereis -b "$prog" 2>/dev/null`"
- if [ "$out" = "$prog:" ]; then
- echo "$MESS $prog" >&2
- valid=false
- fi
-[ $valid = false ] && exit 2
-if [ "`whereis tput`" = "tput:" ]; then
- ok='"[ ok ]"';
- ko='"[ !! ]"';
- cols=80;
- ok='"`tput bold`[`tput setf 2` OK `tput init``tput bold`]`tput init`"';
- ko='"`tput bold`[`tput setf 4` !! `tput init``tput bold`]`tput init`"';
- cols='"`tput cols`"';
-echo "MAIN = be/nikiroo/utils/test_code/Test" > Makefile
-echo "MORE = $UI $ANDROID" >> Makefile
-echo "TEST = be/nikiroo/utils/test_code/Test" >> Makefile
-echo "TEST_PARAMS = $cols $ok $ko" >> Makefile
-echo "NAME = nikiroo-utils" >> Makefile
-echo "PREFIX = $PREFIX" >> Makefile
-echo "JAR_FLAGS += -C bin/ be -C bin/ org -C ./ LICENSE -C ./ VERSION -C libs/ licenses" >> Makefile
-echo "SJAR_FLAGS += -C src/ org -C src/ be -C ./ LICENSE -C ./ VERSION -C libs/ licenses" >> Makefile
-cat Makefile.base >> Makefile
--- /dev/null
+# Requires variables: NAME, PREFIX (for install and uninstall only)
+.PHONY: man mrpropre mrproper install uninstall
+ @if pandoc -v >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ ls README*.md 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep 'README\(-..\|\)\.md' \
+ | while read man; do \
+ lang="`echo "$$man" \
+ | sed 's:README\.md:en:' \
+ | sed 's:README-\(.*\)\.md:\1:'`"; \
+ echo "Processing language: $$lang..."; \
+ echo mkdir -p man/"$$lang"/man1; \
+ mkdir -p man/"$$lang"/man1; \
+ echo "pandoc [...] > man/$$lang"/man1/"${NAME}.1"; \
+ ( \
+ echo ".TH \"${NAME}\" 1 `\
+ date +%Y-%m-%d\
+ ` \"version `cat VERSION`\""; \
+ echo; \
+ UNAME="`echo "${NAME}" \
+ | sed 's:\(.*\):\U\1:g'`"; \
+ ( \
+ cat "$$man" | head -n1 \
+ | sed 's:.*(README\(-..\|\)\.md).*::g'; \
+ cat "$$man" | tail -n+2; \
+ ) | sed 's:^#\(#.*\):\1:g' \
+ | sed 's:^\(#.*\):\U\1:g;s:# *'"$$UNAME"':# NAME\n'"${NAME}"' \\- :g' \
+ | sed 's:--:——:g' \
+ | pandoc -f markdown -t man | sed 's:——:--:g' ; \
+ ) > man/"$$lang"/man1/"${NAME}.1"; \
+ done; \
+ echo mkdir -p "man/man1"; \
+ mkdir -p "man/man1"; \
+ echo cp man/en/man1/"${NAME}".1 man/man1/; \
+ cp man/en/man1/"${NAME}".1 man/man1/; \
+ else \
+ echo "man pages generation: pandoc required" >&2; \
+ false; \
+ fi; \
+mrproper: mrpropre
+ rm -f man/man1/*.1 man/*/man1/*.1
+ rmdir man/*/man1 man/* man 2>/dev/null || true
+ @if [ -e "man/man1/$(NAME).1" ]; then \
+ echo mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)"/share/man; \
+ mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)"/share/man; \
+ echo cp -r man "$(PREFIX)"/share/; \
+ cp -r man "$(PREFIX)"/share/; \
+ else \
+ echo "No manual has been built (see \`make man')"; \
+ fi
+ @if [ -e "man/man1/$(NAME).1" ]; then \
+ find man/ -type f | while read -r page; do \
+ echo rm "$(PREFIX)/share/$$page";\
+ rm "$(PREFIX)/share/$$page";\
+ done; \
+ echo rmdir "$(PREFIX)/share/man" 2>/dev/null \|\| true; \
+ rmdir "$(PREFIX)/share/man" 2>/dev/null || true; \
+ rmdir "$(PREFIX)/share" 2>/dev/null || true; \
+ else \
+ echo "No manual has been built (see \`make man')"; \
+ fi