+++ /dev/null
-# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
-* text=auto
-*.java text diff=java
-*.properties text
-*.js text
-*.css text
-*.less text
-*.html text diff=html
-*.jsp text diff=html
-*.jspx text diff=html
-*.tag text diff=html
-*.tagx text diff=html
-*.tld text
-*.xml text
-*.gradle text
-*.sql text
-*.xsd text
-*.dtd text
-*.mod text
-*.ent text
-*.txt text
-*.md text
-*.markdown text
-*.thtest text
-*.thindex text
-*.common text
-*.odt binary
-*.pdf binary
-*.sh text eol=lf
-*.bat text eol=crlf
-*.ico binary
-*.png binary
-*.svg binary
-*.woff binary
-*.rar binary
-*.zargo binary
-*.zip binary
-CNAME text
-*.MF text
+++ /dev/null
Story story = save(support.process(pgProcess), pgSave);
+ pg.setName(story.getMeta().getTitle());
return story.getMeta();
public synchronized Story save(Story story, String luid, Progress pg)
throws IOException {
+ if (pg == null) {
+ pg = new Progress();
+ }
Instance.getInstance().getTraceHandler().trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": saving story " + luid);
// Do not change the original metadata, but change the original story
MetaData meta = story.getMeta().clone();
+ pg.setName("Saving story");
if (luid == null || luid.isEmpty()) {
meta.setLuid(String.format("%03d", getNextId()));
} else {
.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": story saved (" + luid + ")");
+ pg.setName(meta.getTitle());
+ pg.done();
return story;
} else {
pg.setMinMax(0, 100);
+ pg.setName("Initialising");
Progress pgMeta = new Progress();
Story story = processMeta(true, pgMeta);
pgMeta.done(); // 10%
- pg.setName("Retrieving " + story.getMeta().getTitle());
+ pg.setName(story.getMeta().getTitle());
Progress pgGetChapters = new Progress();
pg.addProgress(pgGetChapters, 10);
+ pg.setName(story.getMeta().getTitle());
return story;
} else {
pg.setMinMax(0, 100);
+ pg.setName("Initialising");
Progress pgMeta = new Progress();
pg.addProgress(pgMeta, 10);
MetaData meta = story.getMeta();
pgMeta.done(); // 10%
+ pg.setName(meta.getTitle());
File tmpDir = Instance.getInstance().getTempFiles().createTempDir("info-text");
String basename = null;
- pg.setProgress(100);
+ pg.setName(meta.getTitle());
+ pg.done();
return story;