2020-04-08 Niki Roouse filter() instead of list()
2020-04-08 Niki Roofix tree snapshot for changing sources/authors
2020-04-08 Niki Roodetails: delay and do last one only
2020-04-08 Niki Roo[unknown] for unknown tag/author
2020-04-08 Niki Roofix details panel for author/tags
2020-04-08 Niki Roowork on refresh after popup action
2020-04-07 Niki Roocopy-paste the popupmenu from fanfix and implement...
2020-04-07 Niki RooInitial commit (missing a lot of things):
2020-04-07 Niki RooFix .gitignore for eclipse
2020-04-07 NikiInitial commit