2019-12-30 Niki Rooimports cleanup
2019-12-30 Niki RooTButton: allow to get/set the action
2019-11-19 Niki Rootui: automatic config to TUI, step 1
2019-11-19 Niki RooConfigItem easier to extends
2019-10-30 Niki RooBundles/TransBundles: fix for def values
2019-10-24 Niki RooMerge commit '738dd8c426dcc6ed2508d68b7985f68d66549889'
2019-10-24 Niki RooMerge branch 'upstream-sep2019-tcombo' into subtree
2019-10-24 Niki RooMerge branch 'master' of
2019-10-24 Niki RooAdd 'src/jexer/' from commit 'cf01c92f5809a0732409e280f...
2019-10-24 Niki Rooprepare jexer subtree mode
2019-10-24 Niki RooMerge branch 'upstream-sep2019-tcombo' into subtree
2019-10-24 Niki Roosources at root
2019-10-24 Niki Rooonly keep the (re)sources here
2019-10-24 Niki RooTComboBox: some fixes:
2019-10-24 Niki RooTWidget: removeChild (req. for TComboBox fixes)
2019-10-23 Niki Roofix jexer update (as the sources)
2019-10-14 NikiMerge branch 'master' of
2019-10-14 Nikifix YYYY -> yyyy in Fanction support
2019-10-14 Nikifix YYYY -> yyyy in Fanction support
2019-09-24 Niki Roojdoc fix
2019-09-24 Niki Rootui: update jexer
2019-09-22 Niki Rootui: qualify FILE menu items
2019-09-22 Niki Roosubtree.txt can be use as a script
2019-09-20 Niki Roosubtree info
2019-09-20 Niki RooAdd 'src/be/nikiroo/utils/' from commit '46add0670fdee4...
2019-09-20 Niki Rootypo in i18n FR
2019-09-20 Niki Roodelete nikiroo-utils jar before subtree
2019-09-20 Niki Rooonly keep the sources
2019-09-19 Niki Roofix test for version info
2019-09-19 Niki Rooback to dev
2019-09-19 Niki Roofixit
2019-09-19 Niki Roofixit
2019-09-19 Niki RooVersion 3.0.0
2019-09-19 Niki Rooback to dev
2019-09-19 Niki Rooupdate nikiroo-utils
2019-09-19 Niki RooVersion 5.1.0
2019-09-19 Niki Roowoops
2019-09-19 Niki RooAdd version in INFO files
2019-09-19 Niki RooMerge branch 'master' of
2019-09-19 Niki Rooupdate TODO
2019-09-19 Niki Rooprefetch to cache
2019-09-19 Niki Roofix imported stories don't appear on screen
2019-09-19 Niki Roosmall code cleanup
2019-09-19 Niki Rooremote/general: import should not retrieve story from...
2019-09-19 Niki RoojDoc typo
2019-09-19 Niki RooDownloader: offline mode: allow local files
2019-09-19 Niki RooREADME
2019-09-19 Niki Rooupdate nikiroo-utils for Download fixes
2019-09-19 Niki Roocache save/load workflow
2019-09-19 Niki Rootest: improve flag files
2019-09-18 Niki Rootext: fix double Chapter detection
2019-09-18 Niki Roocbz: fix cover not copied from some file conversion
2019-09-18 Niki Rootests: allow testing live URLs
2019-09-18 Niki Roomore jDoc
2019-09-18 Niki Rooconfigure change OK/KO colours
2019-09-18 Niki RooMerge branch 'master' of
2019-09-18 Niki Roochange config format to config5
2019-09-17 Niki Rooopen conversion test for external input
2019-09-17 Niki Roodownloader: prepare offline mode
2019-09-17 Niki Rooback to dev
2019-09-17 Niki RooDownloader: new offline mode
2019-09-17 Niki Rootests: fix NPE, add BasicSupportUtilities tests
2019-09-15 Kevin Lamonteexperimental 24-bit image protocol
2019-09-14 Kevin Lamonte#62 handle failed shell spawn
2019-09-12 Niki RooMetaData: improve jDoc, fix deprecated
2019-09-10 Kevin Lamonteslight cleanup
2019-09-10 Kevin Lamonteslight cleanup
2019-09-10 Kevin Lamonteslight cleanup
2019-09-10 Kevin Lamontesimplified proposal
2019-09-07 Kevin Lamontescrolling
2019-09-07 Kevin Lamontedocument 90%
2019-09-07 Kevin Lamontecached images stubs
2019-09-05 Kevin LamonteMAL to MSL
2019-09-05 Kevin Lamontefix chart
2019-09-05 Kevin Lamontefix chart
2019-09-05 Kevin LamonteMAL to MSL
2019-09-05 Kevin Lamontelayers summary
2019-09-04 Kevin Lamontemust
2019-09-04 Kevin Lamonteupdate links
2019-09-04 Kevin Lamonteinitial images doc proposal
2019-09-04 Kevin Lamonteshare the palette, clip bottom row when sixel scrolling...
2019-09-04 Kevin Lamontefix sixel not to listen to DECAWM
2019-09-03 Kevin Lamonteadd RLogin
2019-09-03 Kevin LamonteUpdate terminals list
2019-09-03 Kevin Lamonte#58 iTerm2 image support partially working
2019-09-02 Kevin Lamontemisc
2019-09-01 Kevin LamonteUpdate terminals
2019-08-31 Kevin Lamontekeyboard cancel mouse window move/size
2019-08-31 Kevin Lamonte#57 parse raster attribute in terminal sixel
2019-08-30 Kevin Lamonte#57 add raster information
2019-08-28 Kevin Lamonteupdate terminals
2019-08-28 Kevin Lamontealso check for text cell size
2019-08-28 Kevin Lamonte#55 restore default attributes on exit
2019-08-28 Kevin Lamonte#54 fix crash
2019-08-27 Kevin Lamonteupdate on local echo
2019-08-27 Kevin Lamonte0.3.2 release announcement
2019-08-24 Kevin Lamonte[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2019-08-24 Kevin Lamonte[maven-release-plugin] prepare release jexer-0.3.2
2019-08-24 Kevin Lamonteprep for release
2019-08-24 Kevin Lamonteminor cleanup