2022-03-06 Niki Rootest: fix launcher
2022-03-06 Niki Roofix utils, add tests
2022-03-05 Niki Rooimprove tests
2022-03-03 Niki Rooimprove test system
2022-03-03 Niki Rootests change
2022-03-03 Niki Rooutils: fix cstring_rfind
2022-03-03 Niki Rooutils: base64: fix include
2022-02-28 Niki Rooutils changes + tests (not yet ok)
2022-02-28 Niki Rooutils changes + tests (not yet ok)
2022-02-27 Niki Roodate typo
2022-02-27 Nikiroomore utils, more tests (not all tested yet)
2022-02-27 Niki Rootest system in place
2022-02-27 Niki Rooclear spurious warnings + cpp compat
2022-02-27 Niki Rooimprove makefile/doc
2022-02-26 Niki Roofix: a new created_by tag is added at each pass
2022-02-26 Niki Roocompat with std-99 (centos6, gcc 4.4.7)
2022-02-26 Niki Rooinit with v1 (working)
2022-02-26 NikiInitial commit