RemoteLibrary: new isOnline() method
[nikiroo-utils.git] /
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1# Fanfix
3Fanfix is a small Java program that can download stories from some supported websites and render them offline.
5(If you are interested in the recent changes, please check the [Changelog]( -- note that starting from version 1.4.0, the changelog is checked at startup (unless the option is disabled))
7TODO: new screenshots + TUI screenshots
9![Main GUI](screenshots/fanfix-1.3.2.png?raw=true "Main GUI")
11It will convert from a (supported) URL to an .epub file for stories or a .cbz file for comics (a few other output types are also available, like Plain Text, LaTeX, HTML...).
13To help organize your stories, it can also work as a local library so you can:
14- Import a story from its URL (or just from a file)
15- Export a story to a file (in any of the supported output types)
16- Display a story from the local library in text format in the console
17- Display a story from the local library graphically **by calling a native program to handle it** (though Fanfix can automatically process it into HTML so any browser can open it)
19## Supported websites
21Currently, the following websites are supported:
22- fan fictions devoted to the My Little Pony show
23- fan fictions of many, many different universes, from TV shows to novels to games
24- a well filled repository of mangas, or, as their website states: most popular manga scanlations read online for free at mangafox, as well as a close-knit community to chat and make friends
25- a Furry website supporting comics, including MLP
26- same thing, but story-oriented
27- done upon request (so, feel free to ask for more websites!)
29## A note about file support
31We support a few file types for local story conversion (both as input and as output):
32- epub: .epub files created by this program (we do not support "all" .epub files, at least for now)
33- text: local stories encoded in plain text format, with a few specific rules:
34 - the title must be on the first line
35 - the author (preceded by nothing, ```by ``` or ```©```) must be on the second line, possibly with the publication date in parenthesis (i.e., ```By Unknown (3rd October 1998)```)
36 - chapters must be declared with ```Chapter x``` or ```Chapter x: NAME OF THE CHAPTER```, where ```x``` is the chapter number
37 - a description of the story must be given as chapter number 0
38 - a cover image may be present with the same filename as the story, but a .png, .jpeg or .jpg extension
39- info_text: contains the same information as the text format, but with a companion .info file to store some metadata (the .info file is supposed to be created by Fanfix or compatible with it)
40- cbz: .cbz (collection of images) files, preferably created with Fanfix (but any .cbz file is supported, though without most of Fanfix metadata, obviously)
41- html: HTML files that you can open with any browser; note that it will create a directory structure with ```index.html``` being the file you need to open (or select if you want to convert it into something else) -- we only support importing HTML files created by Fanfix or compatible
43## Supported platforms
45Any platform with at lest Java 1.6 on it should be ok.
47It has been tested on Linux, MacOS X and Windows for now, but feel free to inform me if you try it on another system.
49If you have any problems to compile it with a supported Java version (1.5 won't work, but you may try to cross-compile; 1.6 and 1.8 have been tested and work), please contact me.
51## Usage
53You can start the program in GUI mode (as in the screenshot on top):
54- ```java -jar fanfix.jar```
57The following arguments are also allowed:
58- ```--import [URL]```: import the story at URL into the local library
59- ```--export [id] [output_type] [target]```: export the story denoted by ID to the target file
60- ```--convert [URL] [output_type] [target] (+info)```: convert the story at URL into target, and force-add the .info and cover if +info is passed
61- ```--read [id] ([chapter number])```: read the given story denoted by ID from the library
62- ```--read-url [URL] ([chapter number])```: convert on the fly and read the story denoted by ID, without saving it
63- ```--list```: list the stories present in the library and their associated IDs
64- ```--set-reader [reader type]```: set the reader type to CLI, TUI or GUI for this command
65- ```--server [port]```: start a story server on this port
66- ```--remote [host] [port]```: contact this server instead of the usual library
67- ```--help```: display the available options
69### Environment variables
71Some environment variables are recognized by the program:
72- ```LANG=en```: force the language to English (the only one for now...)
73- ```CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.fanfix```: use the given directory as a config directory (and copy the default configuration if needed)
74- ```NOUTF=1```: try to fallback to non-unicode values when possible (can have an impact on the resulting files, not only on user messages)
75- ```DEBUG=1```: force the ```DEBUG=true``` option of the configuration file (to show more information on errors)
77## Compilation
79```./ && make```
81You can also import the java sources into, say, [Eclipse](, and create a runnable JAR file from there.
83There are some unit tests you can run, too:
85```./ && make build test run-test```
87### Dependant libraries (included)
89- libs/nikiroo-utils-sources.jar: some shared utility functions I also use elsewhere
90- [libs/unbescape-sources.jar]( a nice library to escape/unescape a lot of text formats; I only use it for HTML
91- [libs/jexer-sources.jar]( a small library that offers TUI widgets
93Nothing else but Java 1.6+.
95Note that calling ```make libs``` will export the libraries into the src/ directory.
97## TODO
99Currently missing, but either in progress or planned:
100- [ ] Support new websites
101 - [x] YiffStar
102 - [ ] [Two Kinds](
103 - [ ] [Slightly damned](
104 - [x] New API on (faster)
105 - [ ] Others? Any ideas? I'm open for requests
106 - [x] [e-Hentai]( requested
107 - [ ] Fix "content warning" access
108- [x] A GUI library
109 - [x] Make one
110 - [x] Make it run when no args passed
111 - [x] Fix the UI, it is ugly
112 - [x] Work on the UI thread is BAD
113 - [x] Allow export
114 - [x] Allow delete/refresh
115 - [x] Show a list of types
116 - [x] the menu
117 - [x] a screen view
118 - [x] options screen
119- [ ] A TUI library
120 - [x] Choose an output (Jexer)
121 - [x] Implement it from --set-reader to the actual window
122 - [x] List the stories
123 - [ ] Fix the UI layout
124 - [x] Status bar
125 - [ ] Real menus
126 - [x] Open a story in the reader and/or natively
127 - [ ] Update the screenshots
128 - [ ] Remember the current chapter and current read status of stories
129- [ ] Network support
130 - [x] A server that can send the stories
131 - [x] A network implementation of the Library
132 - [ ] Write access to the library (?)
133 - [ ] Access rights (?)
134 - [ ] More tests, especially with the GUI
135- [ ] Check if it can work on Android
136 - [x] First checks: it should work, but with changes
137 - [ ] Adapt work on images :(
138 - [ ] Partial/Conditional compilation
139 - [ ] APK export
140- [ ] Translations
141 - [x] i18n system in place
142 - [x] Make use of it
143 - [ ] Use it for all user output
144 - [ ] French translation
145- [x] Allow lauching a custom application instead of Desktop.start
146- [x] Install a mechanism to handle stories import/export progress update
147 - [x] Progress system
148 - [x] in support classes (import)
149 - [x] in output classes (export)
150 - [x] CLI usage of such
151 - [x] GUI usage of such
152 - [ ] TUI usage of such
153- [x] Version
154 - [x] Use a version number
155 - [x] Show it in UI
156 - [x] A check-update feature
157- [x] Fix "redownload also reset the source" bug