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1 0MIT Graduate Creates Robot That Swims Through Pipes To Find Out If They're Leaking (fastcompany.com) null/SLASHDOT/0102640424 70
2 i Thursday September 06, 2018 @11:30PM (BeauHD)
3 i from the leak-detecting dept.
4 i
5 i A 28-year-old MIT graduate named You Wu spent six years
6 i developing a low-cost robot designed to find leaks in pipes
7 i early, both to save water and to avoid bigger damage later
8 i from bursting water mains. "Called Lighthouse, the robot looks
9 i like a badminton birdie," reports Fast Company. "A soft
10 i 'skirt' on the device is covered with sensors. As it travels
11 i through pipes, propelled by the flowing water, suction tugs at
12 i the device when there's a leak, and it records the location,
13 i making a map of critical leaks to fix." From the report: MIT
14 i doctoral student You Wu spent six years developing the design,
15 i building on research that earlier students began under a
16 i project sponsored by a university in Saudi Arabia, where most
17 i drinking water comes from expensive desalination plants and
18 i around a third of it is lost to leaks. It took three years
19 i before he had a working prototype. Then Wu got inspiration
20 i from an unexpected source: At a party with his partner, he
21 i accidentally stepped on her dress. She noticed immediately,
22 i unsurprisingly, and Wu realized that he could use a similar
23 i skirt-like design on a robot so that the robot could detect
24 i subtle tugs from the suction at each leak. Wu graduated from
25 i MIT in June, and is now launching the technology through a
26 i startup called WatchTower Robotics. The company will soon
27 i begin pilots in Australia and in Cambridge, Massachusetts. One
28 i challenge now, he says, is creating a guide so water companies
29 i can use the device on their own.
30 i