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89 <h1>LWN.net Weekly Edition for August 30, 2018</h1>
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92 <a name="763743"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763743/">Welcome to the LWN.net Weekly Edition for August 30, 2018</a></h2>
94 This edition contains the following feature content:
95 <p>
96 <ul class="spacylist">
98 <li> <a href="/Articles/763626/">An introduction to the Julia language,
99 part 1</a>: Julia is a language designed for intensive numerical
100 calculations; this article gives an overview of its core features.
102 <li> <a href="/Articles/763641/">C considered dangerous</a>: a Linux
103 Security Summit talk on what is being done to make the use of C in the
104 kernel safer.
106 <li> <a href="/Articles/763106/">The second half of the 4.19 merge
107 window</a>: the final features merged (or not merged) before the merge
108 window closed for this cycle.
111 <li> <a href="/Articles/763603/">Measuring (and fixing) I/O-controller
112 throughput loss</a>: the kernel's I/O controllers can provide useful
113 bandwidth guarantees, but at a significant cost in throughput.
115 <li> <a href="/Articles/763175/">KDE's onboarding initiative, one year
116 later</a>: what has gone right in KDE's effort to make it easier for
117 contributors to join the project, and what remains to be done.
119 <li> <a href="/Articles/763492/">Sharing and archiving data sets with
120 Dat</a>: an innovative approach to addressing and sharing data on the
121 net.
123 </ul>
125 <p>
126 This week's edition also includes these inner pages:
127 <p>
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130 <li> <a href="/Articles/763254/">Brief items</a>: Brief news items from throughout the community.
132 <li> <a href="/Articles/763255/">Announcements</a>: Newsletters, conferences, security updates, patches, and more.
134 </ul>
135 <p>
136 Please enjoy this week's edition, and, as always, thank you for
137 supporting LWN.net.
138 <p><a href="/Articles/763743/#Comments">Comments (none posted)</a>
139 <p>
140 <a name="763626"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763626/">An introduction to the Julia language, part 1</a></h2>
142 <div class="GAByline">
143 <p>August 28, 2018</p>
144 <p>This article was contributed by Lee Phillips</p>
145 </div>
146 <p><a href="http://julialang.org/">Julia</a> is a young computer language
147 aimed at serving the needs of scientists, engineers, and other
148 practitioners of numerically intensive programming. It was first publicly
149 released in 2012. After an intense period of language development, version
150 1.0 was <a
151 href="https://julialang.org/blog/2018/08/one-point-zero">released</a> on
152 August&nbsp;8. The 1.0 release promises years of language
153 stability; users can be confident that developments in the 1.x series will
154 not break their code.
155 This is the first part of a two-part article introducing the world of Julia.
156 This part will introduce enough of the language syntax and constructs to
157 allow you to begin to write simple programs. The following installment will
158 acquaint you with the additional pieces needed to create real projects, and to
159 make use of Julia's ecosystem.
161 <h4>Goals and history</h4>
163 <p>The Julia project has ambitious goals. It wants the language to perform
164 about as well as Fortran or C when running numerical algorithms, while
165 remaining as pleasant to program in as Python. I believe the project has
166 met these goals and is poised to see increasing adoption by numerical
167 researchers, especially now that an official, stable release is
168 available.</p>
170 <p>The Julia project maintains a <a
171 href="https://julialang.org/benchmarks/">micro-benchmark page</a> that compares its
172 numerical performance against both statically compiled languages (C,
173 Fortran) and dynamically typed languages (R, Python). While it's certainly
174 possible to argue about the relevance and fairness of particular
175 benchmarks, the data overall supports the Julia team's contention that Julia
176 has generally achieved parity with Fortran and C; the benchmark
177 source code is available.</p>
179 <p>Julia began as research in computer science at MIT; its creators are
180 Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, Jeff Bezanson, and Viral Shah. These four
181 remain active developers of the language. They, along with Keno Fischer,
182 co-founder and CTO of <a href="https://juliacomputing.com/">Julia
183 Computing</a>, were kind enough to share their thoughts with us about
184 the language. I'll be drawing
185 on their comments later on; for now, let's get a taste of
186 what Julia code looks like.</p>
188 <h4>Getting started</h4>
190 <p>To explore Julia initially, start up its standard <a
191 href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop">read-eval-print
192 loop</a> (REPL)
193 by typing <code>julia</code> at the terminal, assuming that you have installed
194 it. You will then be
195 able to interact with what will seem to be an interpreted language — but,
196 behind the scenes, those commands are being compiled by a
197 just-in-time (JIT) compiler that uses the <a href="http://llvm.org/">LLVM
198 compiler framework</a>. This allows Julia to be interactive, while turning
199 the code into fast, native machine instructions. However, the JIT compiler
200 passes sometimes introduce noticeable delays at the REPL, especially when
201 using a function for the first time.</p>
203 <p>To run a Julia program non-interactively, execute a command like:
204 <pre>
205 $ julia script.jl &lt;args&gt;
206 </pre>
208 <p>Julia has all the usual data structures: numbers of various types
209 (including complex and rational numbers), multidimensional arrays,
210 dictionaries, strings, and characters. Functions are first-class: they can
211 be passed as arguments to other functions, can be members of arrays,
212 and so on.</p>
214 <p>Julia embraces Unicode. Strings, which are enclosed in double quotes,
215 are arrays of Unicode characters, which are enclosed in single quotes. The
216 &quot;<tt>*</tt>&quot; operator is used for string and character concatenation. Thus
217 'a' and 'β' are characters, and 'aβ' is a syntax error. &quot;a&quot; and
218 &quot;β&quot; are strings, as are &quot;aβ&quot;, 'a' * 'β', and
219 &quot;a&quot; * &quot;β&quot; — all evaluate to the same string.
221 <p>Variable and function names can contain non-ASCII characters. This, along
222 with Julia's clever syntax that understands numbers prepended to variables
223 to mean multiplication, goes a long way to allowing the numerical scientist
224 to write code that more closely resembles the compact mathematical notation
225 of the equations that usually lie behind it.</p>
227 <pre>
228 julia&gt; ε₁ = 0.01
229 0.01
231 julia&gt; ε₂ = 0.02
232 0.02
234 julia&gt; 2ε₁ + 3ε₂
235 0.08
236 </pre>
238 <p>And where does Julia come down on the age-old debate of what do about
239 <tt>1/2</tt>? In Fortran and Python&nbsp;2, this will get you 0, since 1 and 2 are
240 integers, and the result is rounded down to the integer 0. This was deemed
241 inconsistent, and confusing to some, so it was changed in Python&nbsp;3 to
242 return 0.5 — which is what you
243 get in Julia, too.</p>
245 <p>While we're on the subject of fractions, Julia can handle rational
246 numbers, with a special syntax: <tt>3//5&nbsp;+&nbsp;2//3</tt> returns
247 <tt>19//15</tt>, while <tt>3/5&nbsp;+&nbsp;2/3</tt>
248 gets you the floating-point answer 1.2666666666666666. Internally, Julia
249 thinks of a rational number in its reduced form, so the expression
250 <tt>6//8&nbsp;==&nbsp;3//4</tt> returns <code>true</code>, and <code>numerator(6//8)</code> returns
251 <code>3</code>.</p>
253 <h4>Arrays</h4>
255 <p>Arrays are enclosed in square brackets and indexed with an iterator that
256 can contain a step value:</p>
258 <pre>
259 julia&gt; a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
260 6-element Array{Int64,1}:
261 1
262 2
263 3
264 4
265 5
266 6
268 julia&gt; a[1:2:end]
269 3-element Array{Int64,1}:
270 1
271 3
272 5
273 </pre>
275 <p>As you can see, indexing starts at one, and the useful <code>end</code>
276 index means the obvious thing. When you define a variable in the REPL,
277 Julia replies with the type and value of the assigned data; you can suppress this output by ending your input line with a semicolon.</p>
279 <p>Since arrays are such a vital part of numerical computation, and Julia
280 makes them easy to work with, we'll spend a bit more time with them than the other data structures.</p>
282 <p>To illustrate the syntax, we can start with a couple of 2D arrays, defined at the REPL:</p>
284 <pre>
285 julia&gt; a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
286 2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
287 1 2 3
288 4 5 6
290 julia&gt; z = [-1 -2 -3; -4 -5 -6];
291 </pre>
293 <p>Indexing is as expected:</p>
295 <pre>
296 julia&gt; a[1, 2]
297 2
298 </pre>
300 <p>You can glue arrays together horizontally:</p>
302 <pre>
303 julia&gt; [a z]
304 2×6 Array{Int64,2}:
305 1 2 3 -1 -2 -3
306 4 5 6 -4 -5 -6
307 </pre>
309 <p>And vertically:</p>
311 <pre>
312 julia&gt; [a; z]
313 4×3 Array{Int64,2}:
314 1 2 3
315 4 5 6
316 -1 -2 -3
317 -4 -5 -6
318 </pre>
320 <p>Julia has all the usual operators for handling arrays, and <a
321 href="http://www.3blue1brown.com/essence-of-linear-algebra-page/">linear
322 algebra</a> functions that work with matrices (2D arrays). The linear
323 algebra functions are part of Julia's standard library, but need to be
324 imported with a command like "<code>using LinearAlgebra</code>", which is a detail
325 omitted from the current documentation. The functions include such things as
326 determinants, matrix inverses, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, many kinds of
327 matrix factorizations, etc. Julia has not reinvented the wheel here, but
328 wisely uses the <a href="http://www.netlib.org/lapack/">LAPACK</a> Fortran
329 library of battle-tested linear algebra routines.</p>
331 <p>The extension of arithmetic operators to arrays is usually intuitive:</p>
333 <pre>
334 julia&gt; a + z
335 2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
336 0 0 0
337 0 0 0
338 </pre>
340 <p>And the numerical prepending syntax works with arrays, too:</p>
342 <pre>
343 julia&gt; 3a + 4z
344 2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
345 -1 -2 -3
346 -4 -5 -6
347 </pre>
349 <p>Putting a multiplication operator between two matrices gets you matrix
350 multiplication:</p>
352 <pre>
353 julia&gt; a * transpose(a)
354 2×2 Array{Int64,2}:
355 14 32
356 32 77
357 </pre>
359 <p>You can &quot;broadcast&quot; numbers to cover all the elements in an
360 array by prepending the usual arithmetic operators with a dot:</p>
362 <pre>
363 julia&gt; 1 .+ a
364 2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
365 2 3 4
366 5 6 7
367 </pre>
369 <p>Note that the language only actually requires the dot for some
370 operators, but not for others, such as &quot;*&quot; and &quot;/&quot;. The
371 reasons for this are arcane, and it probably makes sense to be consistent
372 and use the dot whenever you intend broadcasting. Note also that the
373 current version of the official documentation is incorrect in claiming that
374 you may omit the dot from &quot;+&quot; and &quot;-&quot;; in fact, this
375 now gives an error.</p>
377 <p>You can use the dot notation to turn any function into one that operates
378 on each element of an array:</p>
380 <pre>
381 julia&gt; round.(sin.([0, π/2, π, 3π/2, 2π]))
382 5-element Array{Float64,1}:
383 0.0
384 1.0
385 0.0
386 -1.0
387 -0.0
388 </pre>
390 <p>The example above illustrates chaining two dotted functions
391 together. The Julia compiler turns expressions like this into
392 &quot;fused&quot; operations: instead of applying each function in turn to
393 create a new array that is passed to the next function, the compiler
394 combines the functions into a single compound function that is applied once
395 over the array, creating a significant optimization.</p>
397 <p>You can use this dot notation with any function, including your own, to
398 turn it into a version that operates element-wise over arrays.</p>
400 <p>Dictionaries (associative arrays) can be defined with several
401 syntaxes. Here's one:</p>
403 <pre>
404 julia&gt; d1 = Dict(&quot;A&quot;=&gt;1, &quot;B&quot;=&gt;2)
405 Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries:
406 &quot;B&quot; =&gt; 2
407 &quot;A&quot; =&gt; 1
408 </pre>
410 <p>You may have noticed that the code snippets so far have not included any
411 type declarations. Every value in Julia has a type, but the compiler will
412 infer types if they are not specified. It is generally not necessary to
413 declare types for performance, but type declarations sometimes serve other
414 purposes, that we'll return to later. Julia has a deep and sophisticated
415 type system, including user-defined types and C-like structs. Types can
416 have behaviors associated with them, and can inherit behaviors from other
417 types. The best thing about Julia's type system is that you can ignore it
418 entirely, use just a few pieces of it, or spend weeks studying its
419 design.</p>
421 <h4>Control flow</h4>
423 <p>Julia code is organized in blocks, which can indicate control flow,
424 function definitions, and other code units. Blocks are terminated with the
425 <code>end</code> keyword, and indentation is not significant. Statements
426 are separated either with newlines or semicolons.</p>
428 <p>Julia has the typical control flow constructs; here is a
429 <code>while</code> block:</p>
431 <pre>
432 julia&gt; i = 1;
434 julia&gt; while i &lt; 5
435 print(i)
436 global i = i + 1
437 end
438 1234
439 </pre>
441 <p>Notice the <code>global</code> keyword. Most blocks in Julia introduce a
442 local scope for variables; without this keyword here, we would get an error
443 about an undefined variable.</p>
445 <p>Julia has the usual <code>if</code> statements and <code>for</code>
446 loops that use the same iterators that we introduced above for array
447 indexing. We can also iterate over collections:</p>
449 <pre>
450 julia&gt; for i ∈ [&#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39;, &#39;c&#39;]
451 println(i)
452 end
453 a
454 b
455 c
456 </pre>
458 <p>In place of the fancy math symbol in this <code>for</code> loop, we can
459 use &quot;<tt>=</tt>&quot; or &quot;<tt>in</tt>&quot;. If you want to use
460 the math symbol but
461 have no convenient way to type it, the REPL will help you: type
462 &quot;<tt>\in</tt>&quot; and the TAB key, and the symbol appears; you can type many
463 <a href="/Articles/657157/">LaTeX</a> expressions into the
464 REPL in this way.</p>
466 <h4>Development of Julia</h4>
468 <p>The language is developed on GitHub, with over 700 contributors. The
469 Julia team mentioned in their email to us that the decision to use GitHub
470 has been particularly good for Julia, as it streamlined the process for
471 many of their contributors, who are scientists or domain experts in various
472 fields, rather than professional software developers.</p>
474 <p>The creators of Julia have <a
475 href="https://julialang.org/publications/julia-fresh-approach-BEKS.pdf">published
476 [PDF]</a>
477 a detailed “mission statement” for the language, describing their aims and
478 motivations. A key issue that they wanted their language to solve is what
479 they called the &quot;two-language problem.&quot; This situation is
480 familiar to anyone who has used Python or another dynamic language on a
481 demanding numerical problem. To get good performance, you will wind up
482 rewriting the numerically intensive parts of the program in C or Fortran,
483 dealing with the interface between the two languages, and may still be
484 disappointed in the overhead presented by calling the foreign routines from
485 your original code.
487 <p>
488 For Python, <a
489 href="/Articles/738915/">NumPy and SciPy</a> wrap many
490 numerical routines, written in Fortran or C, for efficient use from that
491 language, but you can only take advantage of this if your calculation fits
492 the pattern of an available routine; in more general cases, where you will
493 have to write a loop over your data, you are stuck with Python's native
494 performance, which is orders of magnitude slower. If you switch to an
495 alternative, faster implementation of Python, such as <a
496 href="https://pypy.org/">PyPy</a>, the numerical libraries may not be
497 compatible; NumPy became available for PyPy only within about the past
498 year.</p>
500 <p>Julia solves the two-language problem by being as expressive and simple
501 to program in as a dynamic scripting language, while having the native
502 performance of a static, compiled language. There is no need to write
503 numerical libraries in a second language, but C or Fortran library routines
504 can be called using a facility that Julia has built-in. Other languages,
505 such as <a href="https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyCall.jl">Python</a> or <a
506 href="https://github.com/JuliaInterop/RCall.jl">R</a>, can also interoperate
507 easily with Julia using external packages.</p>
509 <h4>Documentation</h4>
511 <p>There are many resources to turn to to learn the language. There is an
512 extensive and detailed <a
513 href="https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/">manual</a> at Julia
514 headquarters, and this may be a good place to start. However, although the
515 first few chapters provide a gentle introduction, the material soon becomes
516 dense and, at times, hard to follow, with references to concepts that are
517 not explained until later chapters. Fortunately, there is a <a
518 href="https://julialang.org/learning/">&quot;learning&quot; link</a> at the
519 top of the Julia home page, which takes you to a long list of videos,
520 tutorials, books, articles, and classes both about Julia and that use Julia
521 in teaching subjects such a numerical analysis. There is also a fairly good
522 <a
523 href="http://bogumilkaminski.pl/files/julia_express.pdf">cheat-sheet [PDF]</a>, which was
524 just updated for v. 1.0.</p>
526 <p>If you're coming from Python, <a
527 href="https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/noteworthy-differences/#Noteworthy-differences-from-Python-1">this
528 list</a> of noteworthy differences between Python and Julia syntax will
529 probably be useful.</p>
531 <p>Some of the linked tutorials are in the form of <a
532 href="https://lwn.net/Articles/746386/">Jupyter notebooks</a> — indeed,
533 the name "Jupyter" is formed from "Julia",
534 "Python", and "R", which are the three original languages supported by
535 the interface. The <a href="https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl">Julia
536 kernel for Jupyter</a> was recently upgraded to support v. 1.0. Judicious
537 sampling of a variety of documentation sources, combined with liberal
538 experimentation, may be the best way of learning the language. Jupyter
539 makes this experimentation more inviting for those who enjoy the web-based
540 interface, but the REPL that comes with Julia helps a great deal in this
541 regard by providing, for instance, TAB completion and an extensive help
542 system invoked by simply pressing the &quot;?&quot; key.</p>
544 <h4>Stay tuned</h4>
546 <p>
547 The <a href="/Articles/764001/">next installment</a> in this two-part series will explain how Julia is
548 organized around the concept of "multiple dispatch". You will learn how to
549 create functions and make elementary use of Julia's type system. We'll see how
550 to install packages and use modules, and how to make graphs. Finally, Part 2
551 will briefly survey the important topics of macros and distributed computing.
552 <p><a href="/Articles/763626/#Comments">Comments (80 posted)</a>
553 <p>
554 <a name="763641"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763641/">C considered dangerous</a></h2>
556 <div class="FeatureByline">
557 By <b>Jake Edge</b><br>August 29, 2018
558 <hr>
559 <a href="/Archives/ConferenceByYear/#2018-Linux_Security_Summit_NA">LSS NA</a>
560 </div>
561 <p>
562 At the North America edition of the <a
563 href="https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linux-security-summit-north-america-2018/">2018
564 Linux Security Summit</a> (LSS NA), which was held in late August in Vancouver,
565 Canada, Kees Cook gave a presentation on some of the dangers that come with
566 programs written in C. In particular, of course, the Linux kernel is
567 mostly written in C, which means that the security of our systems rests on
568 a somewhat dangerous foundation. But there are things that can be done to
569 help firm things up by "<span>Making C Less Dangerous</span>" as the title
570 of his talk suggested.
571 </p>
573 <p>
574 He began with a brief summary of the work that he and others are doing as
575 part of the <a
576 href="https://kernsec.org/wiki/index.php/Kernel_Self_Protection_Project">Kernel
577 Self Protection Project</a> (KSPP). The goal of the project is to get
578 kernel protections merged into the mainline. These protections are not
579 targeted at protecting user-space processes from other (possibly rogue)
580 processes, but are, instead, focused on protecting the kernel from
581 user-space code. There are around 12 organizations and ten individuals
582 working on roughly 20 different technologies as part of the KSPP, he said. The
583 progress has been "slow and steady", he said, which is how he thinks it
584 should go.
585 </p>
587 <a href="/Articles/763644/">
588 <img src="https://static.lwn.net/images/2018/lssna-cook-sm.jpg" border=0 hspace=5 align="right"
589 alt="[Kees Cook]" title="Kees Cook" width=214 height=300>
590 </a>
592 <p>
593 One of the main problems is that C is treated mostly like a fancy assembler.
594 The kernel developers do this because they want the kernel to be as fast
595 and as small as possible. There are other reasons, too, such as the need to do
596 architecture-specific tasks that lack a C API (e.g. setting up page tables,
597 switching to 64-bit mode).
598 </p>
600 <p>
601 But there is lots of undefined behavior in C. This "operational baggage"
602 can lead to various problems. In addition, C has a weak standard library
603 with multiple utility functions that have various pitfalls. In C, the content
604 of uninitialized automatic variables is undefined, but in the machine code that it
605 gets translated to, the value is whatever happened to be in that memory
606 location before. In C, a function pointer can be called even if the type
607 of the pointer does not match the type of the function being
608 called—assembly doesn't care, it just jumps to a location, he said.
609 </p>
611 <p>
612 The APIs in the standard library are also bad in many cases. He asked: why
613 is there no argument to <tt>memcpy()</tt> to specify the maximum
614 destination length? He noted a recent <a
615 href="https://raphlinus.github.io/programming/rust/2018/08/17/undefined-behavior.html">blog
616 post</a> from Raph Levien entitled "With Undefined Behavior, Anything is
617 Possible". That obviously resonated with Cook, as he pointed out his
618 T-shirt—with the title and artwork from the post.
619 </p>
621 <h4>Less danger</h4>
623 <p>
624 He then moved on to some things that kernel developers can do (and are
625 doing) to get away from some of the dangers of C. He began with
626 variable-length arrays (VLAs), which can be used to overflow the stack to
627 access
628 data outside of its region. Even if the stack has a guard page, VLAs can
629 be used to jump past it to write into other memory, which can then be used
630 by some other kind of attack. The C language is "perfectly fine with
631 this". It is easy to find uses of VLAs with the <tt>-Wvla</tt> flag, however.
632 </p>
634 <p>
635 But it turns out that VLAs are <a href="/Articles/749064/">not just bad
636 from a security perspective</a>,
637 they are also slow. In a micro-benchmark associated with a <a
638 href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=02361bc77888">patch
639 removing a VLA</a>, a 13% performance boost came from using a fixed-size
640 array. He dug in a bit further and found that much more code is being
641 generated to handle a VLA, which explains the speed increase. Since Linus
642 Torvalds has <a
643 href="https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFzCG-zNmZwX4A2FQpadafLfEzK6CC=qPXydAacU1RqZWA@mail.gmail.com/T/#u">declared
644 that VLAs should be removed</a> from the kernel because they cause security
645 problems and also slow the kernel down; Cook said "don't use VLAs".
646 </p>
648 <p>
649 Another problem area is <tt>switch</tt> statements, in particular where
650 there is no <tt>break</tt> for a <tt>case</tt>. That could mean that the
651 programmer expects and wants to fall through to the next case or it could
652 be that the <tt>break</tt> was simply forgotten. There is a way to get a
653 warning from the compiler for fall-throughs, but there needs to be a way to
654 mark those that are truly meant to be that way. A special fall-through
655 "statement" in the form of a comment is what has been agreed on within the
656 static-analysis community. He and others have been going through each of
657 the places where there is no <tt>break</tt> to add these comments (or a
658 <tt>break</tt>); they
659 have "found a lot of bugs this way", he said.
660 </p>
662 <p>
663 Uninitialized local variables will generate a warning, but not if the
664 variable is passed in by reference. There are some GCC plugins that will
665 automatically initialize these variables, but there are also patches for
666 both GCC and Clang to provide a compiler option to do so. Neither of those
667 is upstream yet, but Torvalds has praised the effort so the kernel would
668 likely use the option. An interesting side
669 effect that came about while investigating this was a warning he got about
670 unreachable code when he
671 enabled the auto-initialization. There were two variables declared just
672 after a <tt>switch</tt> (and outside of any <tt>case</tt>), where they
673 would never be reached.
674 </p>
676 <p>
677 Arithmetic overflow is another undefined behavior in C that can cause various
678 problems. GCC can check for signed overflow, which performs well
679 (the overhead is in the noise, he said), but adding warning messages for it does grow
680 the kernel by 6%; making the overflow abort, instead, only adds 0.1%.
681 Clang can check for both signed and unsigned overflow; signed overflow is
682 undefined, while unsigned overflow is defined, but often unexpected.
683 Marking places where unsigned overflow is expected is needed; it
684 would be nice to get those annotations put into the kernel, Cook said.
685 </p>
687 <p>
688 Explicit bounds checking is expensive. Doing it for
689 <tt>copy_{to,from}_user()</tt> is a less than 1% performance hit, but
690 adding it to the <tt>strcpy()</tt> and <tt>memcpy()</tt> families are
691 around a 2% hit. Pre-Meltdown that would have been a totally impossible
692 performance regression for security, he said; post-Meltdown, since it is
693 less than 5%, maybe there is a chance to add this checking.
694 </p>
696 <p>
697 Better APIs would help as well. He pointed to the evolution of
698 <tt>strcpy()</tt>, through <tt>str<b>n</b>cpy()</tt> and
699 <tt>str<b>l</b>cpy()</tt> (each with their own bounds flaws) to
700 <tt>str<b>s</b>cpy()</tt>, which seems to be "OK so far". He also mentioned
701 <tt>memcpy()</tt> again as a poor API with respect to bounds checking.
702 </p>
704 <p>
705 Hardware support for bounds checking is available in the application
706 data integrity (ADI) feature for SPARC and is coming for Arm; it may also be
707 available for Intel processors at some point. These all use a form of
708 "memory tagging", where allocations get a tag that is stored in the
709 high-order byte of the address. An offset from the address can be checked
710 by the hardware to see if it still falls within the allocated region based
711 on the tag.
712 </p>
714 <p>
715 Control-flow integrity (CFI) has become more of an issue lately because
716 much of what attackers had used in the past has been marked as "no execute"
717 so they are turning to using existing code "gadgets" already present in the
718 kernel by hijacking existing indirect function calls. In C, you can just call
719 pointers without regard to the type as it just treats them as an
720 address to jump to. Clang has a CFI-sanitize feature that enforces the
721 function prototype to restrict the calls that can be made. It is done at
722 runtime and is not perfect, in part because there are lots of functions in
723 the kernel that take one unsigned long parameter and return an unsigned long.
724 </p>
726 <p>
727 Attacks on CFI have both a "forward edge", which is what CFI sanitize
728 tries to handle, and a "backward edge" that comes from manipulating the stack
729 values, the return address in particular. Clang has two methods available
730 to prevent the stack manipulation. The first is the "safe stack", which
731 puts various important items (e.g. "safe" variables, register spills, and
732 the return address) on a separate stack. Alternatively, the "shadow stack"
733 feature creates a separate stack just for return addresses.
734 </p>
736 <p>
737 One problem with these other stacks is that they are still writable, so if
738 an attacker can find them in memory, they can still perform their attacks.
739 Hardware-based protections, like Intel's Control-Flow Enforcement
740 Technology (CET), <a href="/Articles/758245/">provides a read-only shadow
741 call stack</a> for return addresses. Another hardware protection is <a
742 href="/Articles/718888/">pointer authentication</a> for Arm, which adds a
743 kind of encrypted tag to the return address that can be verified before it
744 is used.
745 </p>
747 <h4>Status and challenges</h4>
749 <p>
750 Cook then went through the current status of handling these different
751 problems in the kernel. VLAs are almost completely gone, he said, just a
752 few remain in the crypto subsystem; he hopes those VLAs will be gone by 4.20 (or
753 whatever the number of the next kernel release turns out to be). Once that
754 happens, he plans to turn on <tt>-Wvla</tt> for the kernel build so that
755 none creep back in.
756 </p>
758 <p>
759 There has been steady progress made on marking fall-through cases in
760 <tt>switch</tt> statements. Only 745 remain to be handled of the 2311 that
761 existed when this work started; each one requires scrutiny to determine
762 what the author's intent is. Auto-initialized local variables can be done
763 using compiler plugins, but that is "not quite what we want", he said.
764 More compiler support would be helpful there. For arithmetic overflow, it
765 would be nice to see GCC get support for the unsigned case, but memory
766 allocations are now doing explicit overflow checking at this point.
767 </p>
769 <p>
770 Bounds checking has seen some "crying about performance hits", so we are
771 waiting impatiently for hardware support, he said. CFI forward-edge
772 protection needs <a href="/Articles/744507/">link-time optimization</a>
773 (LTO) support for Clang in the kernel, but it is currently working on
774 Android. For backward-edge mitigation, the Clang shadow call stack is
775 working on Android, but we are impatiently waiting for hardware support for
776 that too.
777 </p>
779 <p>
780 There are a number of challenges in doing security development for the
781 kernel, Cook said. There are cultural boundaries due to conservatism
782 within the kernel community; that requires patiently working and reworking
783 features in order to get them upstream. There are, of course, technical
784 challenges because of the complexity of security changes; those kinds of
785 problems can be solved. There are also resource limitations in terms of
786 developers, testers, reviewers, and so on. KSPP and the other kernel
787 security developers are still making that "slow but steady" progress.
788 </p>
790 <p>
791 Cook's <a href="https://outflux.net/slides/2018/lss/danger.pdf">slides
792 [PDF]</a> are available for interested readers; before long, there should
793 be a video available of the talk as well.
795 <p>
796 [I would like to thank LWN's travel sponsor, the Linux Foundation, for
797 travel assistance to attend the Linux Security Summit in Vancouver.]
798 <p><a href="/Articles/763641/#Comments">Comments (70 posted)</a>
799 <p>
800 <a name="763106"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763106/">The second half of the 4.19 merge window</a></h2>
802 <div class="FeatureByline">
803 By <b>Jonathan Corbet</b><br>August 26, 2018
804 </div>
805 By the time Linus Torvalds <a href="/Articles/763497/">released
806 4.19-rc1</a> and closed
807 the merge window for this development cycle, 12,317 non-merge
808 changesets had found their way into the mainline; about 4,800 of those
809 landed after <a href="/Articles/762566/">last week's summary</a> was
810 written. As tends to be the case
811 late in the merge window, many of those changes were fixes for the bigger
812 patches that went in early, but there were also a number of new features
813 added. Some of the more significant changes include:
814 <br clear="all">
815 <p>
817 <h4>Core kernel</h4>
818 <p>
819 <ul class="spacylist">
821 <li> The full set of patches adding <a
822 href="/Articles/761118/">control-group awareness to the out-of-memory
823 killer</a> has <i>not</i> been merged due to ongoing disagreements,
824 but one piece of it has: there is a new <tt>memory.oom.group</tt>
825 control knob that will cause all processes within a control group to
826 be killed in an out-of-memory situation.
827 <li> A new set of protections has been added to prevent an attacker from
828 fooling a program into writing to an existing file or FIFO. An open
829 with the <tt>O_CREAT</tt> flag to a file or FIFO in a world-writable,
830 sticky
831 directory (e.g. <tt>/tmp</tt>) will fail if the owner of the opening
832 process is not the owner of either the target file or the containing
833 directory. This behavior, disabled by default, is controlled by the
834 new <tt>protected_regular</tt> and <tt>protected_fifos</tt> sysctl
835 knobs.
837 </ul>
839 <h4>Filesystems and block layer</h4>
840 <p>
841 <ul class="spacylist">
843 <li> The dm-integrity device-mapper target can now use a separate device
844 for metadata storage.
845 <li> EROFS, the "enhanced read-only filesystem", has been added to the
846 staging tree. It is "<span>a lightweight read-only file system with
847 modern designs (eg. page-sized blocks, inline xattrs/data, etc.) for
848 scenarios which need high-performance read-only requirements,
849 eg. firmwares in mobile phone or LIVECDs</span>"
850 <li> The new "metadata copy-up" feature in overlayfs will avoid copying a
851 file's contents to the upper layer on a metadata-only change. See <a
852 href="https://git.kernel.org/linus/d5791044d2e5749ef4de84161cec5532e2111540">this
853 commit</a> for details.
855 </ul>
856 <p>
858 <h4>Hardware support</h4>
859 <p>
860 <ul class="spacylist">
862 <li> <b>Graphics</b>:
863 Qualcomm Adreno A6xx GPUs.
865 <li> <b>Industrial I/O</b>:
866 Spreadtrum SC27xx series PMIC analog-to-digital converters,
867 Analog Devices AD5758 digital-to-analog converters,
868 Intersil ISL29501 time-of-flight sensors,
869 Silicon Labs SI1133 UV index/ambient light sensor chips, and
870 Bosch Sensortec BME680 sensors.
873 <li> <b>Miscellaneous</b>:
874 Generic ADC-based resistive touchscreens,
875 Generic ASIC devices via the Google <a
876 href="/ml/linux-kernel/20180630000253.70103-1-sque@chromium.org/">Gasket
877 framework</a>,
878 Analog Devices ADGS1408/ADGS1409 multiplexers,
879 Actions Semi Owl SoCs DMA controllers,
880 MEN 16Z069 watchdog timers,
881 Rohm BU21029 touchscreen controllers,
882 Cirrus Logic CS47L35, CS47L85, CS47L90, and CS47L91 codecs,
883 Cougar 500k gaming keyboards,
884 Qualcomm GENI-based I2C controllers,
885 Actions Semiconductor Owl I2C controllers,
886 ChromeOS EC-based USBPD chargers, and
887 Analog Devices ADP5061 battery chargers.
889 <li> <b>USB</b>:
890 Nuvoton NPCM7XX on-chip EHCI USB controllers,
891 Broadcom Stingray PCIe PHYs, and
892 Renesas R-Car generation 3 PCIe PHYs.
894 <li> There is also a new subsystem for the abstraction of GNSS (global
895 navigation satellite systems — GPS, for example) receivers in the
896 kernel. To date, such devices have been handled with an abundance of
897 user-space drivers; the hope is to bring some order in this area.
898 Support for u-blox and SiRFstar receivers has been added as well.
900 </ul>
903 <p>
904 <h4>Kernel internal</h4>
905 <p>
906 <ul class="spacylist">
908 <li> The <tt>__deprecated</tt> marker, used to mark interfaces that should
909 no longer be used, has been deprecated and removed from the kernel
910 entirely. <a
911 href="https://git.kernel.org/linus/771c035372a036f83353eef46dbb829780330234">Torvalds
912 said</a>: "<span>They are not useful. They annoy
913 everybody, and nobody ever does anything about them, because it's
914 always 'somebody elses problem'. And when people start thinking that
915 warnings are normal, they stop looking at them, and the real warnings
916 that mean something go unnoticed.</span>"
917 <li> The minimum version of GCC required by the kernel has been moved up to
918 4.6.
920 </ul>
921 <p>
923 There are a couple of significant changes that failed to get in this time
924 around, including the <a
925 href="/Articles/745073/">XArray</a> data structure. The patches are
926 thought to be ready, but they had the bad luck to be based on a tree that
927 failed to be merged for other reasons, so Torvalds <a
928 href="/ml/linux-kernel/CA+55aFxFjAmrFpwQmEHCthHOzgidCKnod+cNDEE+3Spu9o1s3w@mail.gmail.com/">didn't
929 even look at them</a>. That, in turn, blocks another set of patches intended to
930 enable migration of slab-allocated objects.
931 <p>
932 The other big deferral is the <a href="/Articles/759499/">new system-call
933 API for filesystem mounting</a>. Despite ongoing <a
934 href="/Articles/762355/">concerns</a> about what happens when the same
935 low-level device is mounted multiple times with conflicting options, Al
936 Viro sent <a
937 href="/ml/linux-fsdevel/20180823223145.GK6515@ZenIV.linux.org.uk/">a pull
938 request</a> to send this work upstream. The ensuing discussion made it
939 clear that there is still not a consensus in this area, though, so it seems
940 that this work has to wait for another cycle.
941 <p>
942 Assuming all goes well, the kernel will stabilize over the coming weeks and
943 the final 4.19 release will happen in mid-October.
944 <p><a href="/Articles/763106/#Comments">Comments (1 posted)</a>
945 <p>
946 <a name="763603"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763603/">Measuring (and fixing) I/O-controller throughput loss</a></h2>
948 <div class="GAByline">
949 <p>August 29, 2018</p>
950 <p>This article was contributed by Paolo Valente</p>
951 </div>
952 <p>Many services, from web hosting and video streaming to cloud storage,
953 need to move data to and from storage. They also often require that each per-client
954 I/O flow be guaranteed a non-zero amount of bandwidth and a bounded latency. An
955 expensive way to provide these guarantees is to over-provision
956 storage resources, keeping each resource underutilized, and thus
957 have plenty of bandwidth available for the few I/O flows dispatched to
958 each medium. Alternatively one can use an I/O controller. Linux provides
959 two mechanisms designed to throttle some I/O streams to allow others to
960 meet their bandwidth and latency requirements. These mechanisms work, but
961 they come at a cost: a loss of as much as 80% of total available I/O
962 bandwidth. I have run some tests to demonstrate this problem; some
963 upcoming improvements to the <a href="/Articles/601799/">bfq I/O
964 scheduler</a> promise to improve the situation considerably.
965 <p>
967 <p>Throttling does guarantee control, even on drives that happen to be
968 highly utilized but, as will be seen, it has a hard time
969 actually ensuring that drives are highly utilized. Even with greedy I/O
970 flows, throttling
971 easily ends up utilizing as little as 20% of the available speed of a
972 flash-based drive.
974 Such a speed loss may be particularly problematic with lower-end
975 storage. On the opposite end, it is also disappointing with
976 high-end hardware, as the Linux block I/O stack itself has been
977 <a href="/Articles/552904">redesigned from the ground up</a> to fully utilize the
978 high speed of modern, fast storage. In
979 addition, throttling fails to guarantee the expected bandwidths if I/O
980 contains both reads and writes, or is sporadic in nature.
982 <p>On the bright side, there now seems to be an effective alternative for
983 controlling I/O: the proportional-share policy provided by the bfq I/O
984 scheduler. It enables nearly 100% storage bandwidth utilization,
985 at least with some of the workloads that are problematic for
986 throttling. An upcoming version of bfq may be able to
987 achieve this result with almost all workloads. Finally, bfq
988 guarantees bandwidths with all workloads. The current limitation of
989 bfq is that its execution overhead becomes significant at speeds above
990 400,000 I/O operations per second on commodity CPUs.
992 <p>Using the bfq I/O scheduler, Linux can now guarantee
993 low latency to lightweight flows containing sporadic, short I/O. No
994 throughput issues arise, and no configuration is required. This
995 capability benefits important, time-sensitive tasks, such as
996 video or audio streaming, as well as executing commands or starting
997 applications.
999 Although benchmarks are not available yet, these guarantees might also be
1000 provided by the newly proposed <a href="/Articles/758963/">I/O latency
1001 controller</a>. It allows administrators to set target latencies for I/O
1002 requests originating from each group of processes, and favors the
1003 groups with the lowest target latency.
1005 <h4>The testbed</h4>
1007 <p>I ran the tests with an ext4 filesystem mounted on a PLEXTOR
1008 PX-256M5S SSD, which features a peak rate of ~160MB/s with random I/O,
1009 and of ~500MB/s with sequential I/O. I used blk-mq, in Linux
1010 4.18. The system was equipped with a 2.4GHz Intel Core i7-2760QM
1011 CPU and 1.3GHz DDR3 DRAM. In such a system, a single thread doing
1012 synchronous reads reaches a throughput of 23MB/s.
1014 <p>
1015 For the purposes of these tests, each process is considered to be in one of
1016 two groups, termed "target" and "interferers".
1017 A target is a single-process, I/O-bound group whose I/O is focused on. In
1018 particular, I measure the I/O throughput enjoyed by this group to get
1019 the minimum bandwidth delivered to the group.
1020 An interferer is single-process group whose role is to generate
1021 additional I/O that interferes with the I/O of the target.
1022 The tested workloads contain one target and multiple interferers.
1024 <p>The single process in each group either reads or writes, through
1025 asynchronous (buffered) operations, to one file — different from the file read
1026 or written by any other process — after invalidating the buffer cache
1027 for the file. I define a reader or writer process as either "random" or
1028 "sequential", depending on whether it reads or writes its file at random
1029 positions or sequentially.
1030 Finally, an interferer is defined as being either "active" or "inactive"
1031 depending on whether it performs I/O during the test. When an
1032 interferer is mentioned, it is assumed that the interferer is active.
1034 <p>Workloads are defined so as to try to cover the combinations that, I
1035 believe, most influence the performance of the storage device and of
1036 the I/O policies. For brevity, in this article I show results for only
1037 two groups of workloads:
1038 <p>
1039 <ul class="spacylist">
1041 <li> <b>Static sequential</b>: four synchronous sequential readers or four
1042 asynchronous sequential writers, plus five inactive interferers.
1044 <li> <b>Static random</b>: four synchronous random readers, all with a block
1045 size equal to 4k, plus five inactive interferers.
1046 </ul>
1048 <p>To create each workload, I considered, for each mix of
1049 interferers in the group, two possibilities for the target: it could be
1050 either a random or a sequential synchronous reader.
1052 In <a
1053 href="http://algogroup.unimore.it/people/paolo/pub-docs/extended-lat-bw-throughput.pdf">a
1054 longer version of this article [PDF]</a>, you will also find results
1055 for workloads with varying degrees of I/O randomness, and for
1056 dynamic workloads (containing sporadic I/O sources). These extra results
1057 confirm the losses of throughput and I/O control for throttling that
1058 are shown here.
1060 <h4>I/O policies</h4>
1062 <p>Linux provides two I/O-control mechanisms for guaranteeing (a minimum)
1063 bandwidth, or at least fairness, to long-lived flows: the throttling
1064 and proportional-share I/O policies.
1065 With throttling, one can set a maximum bandwidth limit — "max limit" for
1066 brevity — for the I/O of each group. Max limits can be used,
1067 in an indirect way, to provide the service guarantee at the focus of this
1068 article. For example, to guarantee minimum bandwidths to I/O flows, a group can
1069 be guaranteed a minimum bandwidth by limiting the maximum bandwidth of
1070 all the other groups.
1072 <p>Unfortunately, max limits have two drawbacks in terms of
1073 throughput. First, if some groups do not use their allocated bandwidth,
1074 that bandwidth cannot be reclaimed by other active groups. Second,
1075 limits must comply with the worst-case speed of the device, namely,
1076 its random-I/O peak rate. Such limits will clearly leave a lot of
1077 throughput unused with workloads that otherwise would drive the
1078 device to higher throughput levels.
1080 Maximizing throughput is simply not a goal of max limits. So, for
1081 brevity, test results with max limits are not shown here. You can
1082 find these results, plus a more detailed description of the above
1083 drawbacks, in the long version of this article.
1085 <p>Because of these drawbacks, a new, still experimental, low limit
1086 has been added to the throttling policy. If a group is
1087 assigned a low limit, then the throttling policy automatically
1088 limits the I/O of the other groups in such a way to
1089 guarantee to the group a minimum bandwidth equal to its assigned low
1090 limit. This new throttling mechanism throttles no group as long as
1091 every group is getting at least its assigned minimum bandwidth. I tested
1092 this mechanism, but did not consider the interesting problem
1093 of guaranteeing minimum bandwidths while, at the same time, enforcing
1094 maximum bandwidths.
1096 <p>The other I/O policy available in Linux, proportional share,
1097 provides weighted fairness. Each group is assigned a weight, and should
1098 receive a portion of the total throughput proportional to its weight.
1099 This scheme guarantees minimum bandwidths in the same way that low limits do
1100 in throttling. In particular, it guarantees to each group a minimum
1101 bandwidth equal to the ratio between the weight of the group, and the
1102 sum of the weights of all the groups that may be active at the same
1103 time.
1105 <p>The actual implementation of the proportional-share policy, on a given
1106 drive, depends on what flavor of the block layer is in use for that
1107 drive. If the drive is using the legacy block interface, the policy is
1108 implemented by
1109 the cfq I/O scheduler. Unfortunately, cfq fails to control
1110 bandwidths with flash-based storage, especially on drives featuring
1111 command queueing. This case is not considered in these tests. With
1112 drives using the multiqueue interface,
1113 proportional share is implemented by bfq. This is the
1114 combination considered in the tests.
1116 <p>To benchmark both throttling (low limits) and proportional share, I
1117 tested, for each workload, the combinations of I/O policies and I/O
1118 schedulers reported in the table below. In the end, there are three test
1119 cases for each workload. In addition, for some workloads, I considered two
1120 versions of bfq for the proportional-share policy.
1122 <blockquote>
1123 <table class="OddEven">
1124 <tr>
1125 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Name </th>
1126 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">I/O policy </th>
1127 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Scheduler </th>
1128 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Parameter for target </th>
1129 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Parameter for each
1130 of the four active interferers </th>
1131 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Parameter for each of the five inactive
1132 interferers </th>
1133 <th align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Sum of parameters</th>
1134 </tr>
1135 <tr>
1136 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">low-none</td>
1137 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Throttling with low limits</td>
1138 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">none</td>
1139 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">10MB/s</td>
1140 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">10MB/s
1141 (tot: 40)</td>
1142 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">20MB/s (tot: 100)</td>
1143 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">150MB/s</td>
1144 </tr>
1145 <tr>
1146 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">prop-bfq</td>
1147 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">Proportional share</td>
1148 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">bfq</td>
1149 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">300</td>
1150 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">100 (tot: 400)</td>
1151 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">200
1152 (tot: 1000)</td>
1153 <td align="left" width="14%" valign="top">1700</td>
1154 </tr>
1155 </table>
1156 </blockquote>
1161 <p>For low limits, I report results with only none as the I/O scheduler,
1162 because the results are the same with kyber and mq-deadline.
1164 <p>The capabilities of the storage medium and of low limits drove the policy
1165 configurations. In particular:
1167 <ul class="spacylist">
1169 <li> The configuration of the target and of the active interferers for
1170 low-none is the one for which low-none provides
1171 its best possible minimum-bandwidth guarantee to the target: 10MB/s,
1172 guaranteed if all interferers are readers.
1173 Results remain the same regardless of the values used for target
1174 latency and idle time; I set them to 100µs and
1175 1000µs, respectively, for every group.</li>
1177 <li> Low limits for inactive interferers are set to twice the limits for
1178 active interferers, to pose greater difficulties to the
1179 policy.</li>
1181 <li> I chose weights for prop-bfq so as to guarantee about the same
1182 minimum bandwidth as low-none to the target, in the same
1183 only-reader worst case as for low-none and to preserve, between
1184 the weights of active and inactive interferers, the same ratio as
1185 between the low limits of active and inactive interferers.</li>
1186 </ul>
1187 <p>Full details on configurations can be found in the long version of this
1188 article.
1190 <p>Each workload was run ten times for each policy, plus ten times without
1191 any I/O control, i.e., with none as I/O scheduler and no I/O policy in
1192 use. For each run, I measured the I/O throughput of the target (which
1193 reveals the bandwidth provided to the target), the cumulative I/O
1194 throughput of the interferers, and the total I/O throughput. These
1195 quantities fluctuated very little during each run, as well as across
1196 different runs. Thus in the graphs I report only averages over per-run
1197 average throughputs. In particular, for the case of no I/O control, I
1198 report only the total I/O throughput, to give an idea of the throughput
1199 that can be reached without imposing any control.
1201 <h4>Results</h4>
1203 <p>
1204 This plot shows throughput results for the simplest group of
1205 workloads: the static-sequential set.
1207 <blockquote>
1208 <img src="https://static.lwn.net/images/2018/iocontrol/fig1.png" alt="[Figure 1]" class="photo">
1209 </blockquote>
1210 <p>
1212 With a random reader as
1213 the target against sequential readers as interferers, low-none does
1214 guarantee the configured low limit to the target. Yet it reaches only a
1215 low total throughput. The throughput of
1216 the random reader evidently oscillates around 10MB/s during the test.
1217 This implies that it is at least slightly below 10MB/s for a significant
1218 percentage of the time. But when this happens, the low-limit mechanism
1219 limits the maximum bandwidth of every active group to the low limit set
1220 for the group, i.e., to just 10MB/s.
1221 The end result is a total throughput lower than 10% of the throughput
1222 reached without I/O control.
1223 <p>
1224 That said, the high throughput achieved without I/O control is
1225 obtained by choking the random I/O of the target in favor of
1226 the sequential I/O of the interferers. Thus, it
1227 is probably more interesting to compare low-none throughput with the
1228 throughput reachable while actually guaranteeing 10MB/s to the target.
1229 The target is a single, synchronous, random reader, which reaches 23MB/s while
1230 active. So, to guarantee 10MB/s to the target, it is enough to
1231 serve it for about half of the time, and the interferers for the other
1232 half. Since the device reaches ~500MB/s with the sequential I/O of the
1233 interferers, the resulting throughput with this service scheme would be
1234 (500+23)/2, or about 260MB/s. low-none thus reaches less than 20%
1235 of the
1236 total throughput that could be reached while still preserving the target
1237 bandwidth.
1239 <p>prop-bfq provides the target with a slightly higher throughput than
1240 low-none. This makes it harder for prop-bfq to reach a high total
1241 throughput, because prop-bfq serves more random I/O (from the target)
1242 than low-none. Nevertheless, prop-bfq gets a much higher total
1243 throughput than low-none. According to the above estimate, this
1244 throughput is about 90% of the maximum throughput that could be reached,
1245 for this workload, without violating service guarantees. The reason for
1246 this good result is that bfq provides an effective implementation of
1247 the proportional-share service policy. At any time, each active group is
1248 granted a fraction of the current total throughput, and the sum of these
1249 fractions is equal to one; so group bandwidths naturally saturate the
1250 available total throughput at all times.
1252 <p>Things change with the second workload: a random reader against
1253 sequential writers. Now low-none reaches a much higher total
1254 throughput than prop-bfq. low-none serves
1255 much more sequential (write) I/O than prop-bfq because writes somehow
1256 break the low-limit mechanisms and prevail over the reads of the target.
1257 Conceivably, this happens because writes tend to both starve reads in
1258 the OS (mainly by eating all available I/O tags) and to cheat on their
1259 completion time in the drive. In contrast, bfq is intentionally
1260 configured to privilege reads, to counter these issues.
1262 <p>In particular, low-none gets an even higher throughput than no
1263 I/O control at all because it penalizes the random I/O of the target even more
1264 than the no-controller configuration.
1266 <p>Finally, with the last two workloads, prop-bfq reaches even
1267 higher total throughput than with the first two. It happens
1268 because the target also does sequential I/O, and serving sequential
1269 I/O is much more beneficial for throughput than serving random I/O. With
1270 these two workloads, the total throughput is, respectively, close to or
1271 much higher than that reached without I/O control. For the last
1272 workload, the total throughput is much higher because, differently from
1273 none, bfq privileges reads over asynchronous writes, and reads yield
1274 a higher throughput than writes. In contrast, low-none still gets
1275 lower or much lower throughput than prop-bfq, because of the same
1276 issues that hinder low-none throughput with the first two workloads.
1278 <p>As for bandwidth guarantees, with readers as interferers (third
1279 workload), prop-bfq, as expected, gives the target a fraction of the
1280 total throughput proportional to its weight. bfq approximates
1281 perfect proportional-share bandwidth distribution among groups doing I/O
1282 of the same type (reads or writes) and with the same locality
1283 (sequential or random). With the last workload, prop-bfq gives much
1284 more throughput to the reader than to all the interferers, because
1285 interferers are asynchronous writers, and bfq privileges reads.
1287 <p>The second group of workloads (static random), is the one, among all
1288 the workloads considered, for which prop-bfq performs worst.
1289 Results are shown below:
1290 <p>
1291 <blockquote>
1292 <img src="https://static.lwn.net/images/2018/iocontrol/fig2.png" alt="[Figure 2]" class="photo">
1293 </blockquote>
1294 <p>
1296 This chart
1297 reports results not only for mainline bfq, but also for an
1298 improved version of
1299 bfq which is currently under public testing.
1300 As can be seen, with only random readers, prop-bfq reaches a
1301 much lower total throughput than low-none. This happens because of
1302 the Achilles heel of the bfq I/O scheduler. If the process in service
1303 does synchronous I/O and has a higher weight than some other process, then, to
1304 give strong bandwidth guarantees to that process, bfq plugs I/O
1305 dispatching every time the process temporarily stops issuing
1306 I/O requests. In this respect, processes actually have differentiated
1307 weights and do synchronous I/O in the workloads tested. So bfq
1308 systematically performs I/O plugging for them. Unfortunately, this
1309 plugging empties the internal queues of the drive, which kills
1310 throughput with random I/O. And the I/O of all processes in these
1311 workloads is also random.
1313 <p>The situation reverses with a sequential reader as target. Yet, the most
1314 interesting results come from the new version of bfq, containing
1315 small changes to counter exactly the above weakness. This
1316 version recovers most of the throughput loss with the workload made of
1317 only random I/O and more; with the second workload, where the target is
1318 a sequential reader, it reaches about 3.7 times the total throughput of
1319 low-none.
1320 <p>
1322 When the main concern is the latency of flows containing short I/O,
1323 Linux seems now rather high performing, thanks to the bfq I/O
1324 scheduler and the I/O latency controller. But if the
1325 requirement is to provide explicit bandwidth guarantees (or just fairness) to
1326 I/O flows, then one must be ready to give up much or most of the speed of
1327 the storage media. bfq helps with some workloads, but loses most of
1328 the throughput with workloads consisting of mostly random
1329 I/O. Fortunately, there is apparently hope for much better
1330 performance since an improvement, still under development, seems to
1331 enable bfq to reach a high throughput with all workloads tested so
1332 far.
1336 <p>
1337 [ I wish to thank Vivek Goyal for enabling me to make this article
1338 much more fair and sound.]<div class="MakeALink">
1339 <table align="right"><tr><td>
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1342 <input type="submit" value="Send a free link"></form>
1343 </td></tr></table>
1344 </div>
1345 <br clear="all">
1347 <p><a href="/Articles/763603/#Comments">Comments (4 posted)</a>
1348 <p>
1349 <a name="763175"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763175/">KDE's onboarding initiative, one year later</a></h2>
1351 <div class="GAByline">
1352 <p>August 24, 2018</p>
1353 <p>This article was contributed by Marta Rybczyńska</p>
1354 <hr>
1355 <a href="/Archives/ConferenceByYear/#2018-Akademy">Akademy</a>
1356 </div>
1357 <p>In 2017, the KDE community decided on <a
1358 href="https://dot.kde.org/2017/11/30/kdes-goals-2018-and-beyond">three
1359 goals</a>
1360 to concentrate on for the next few years. One of them was <a
1361 href="https://phabricator.kde.org/T7116">streamlining the onboarding of new
1362 contributors</a> (the others were <a
1363 href="https://phabricator.kde.org/T6831">improving
1364 usability</a> and <a href="https://phabricator.kde.org/T7050">privacy</a>).
1365 During <a href="https://akademy.kde.org/">Akademy</a>, the yearly KDE
1366 conference
1367 that was held in Vienna in August, Neofytos Kolokotronis shared the status
1368 of the
1369 onboarding goal, the work done during the last year, and further plans.
1370 While it is a complicated process in a project as big and diverse as KDE,
1371 numerous improvements have been already made.</p>
1373 <p>Two of the three KDE community goals were proposed by relative
1374 newcomers. Kolokotronis was one of those, having joined the <a
1375 href="https://community.kde.org/Promo">KDE Promo team</a>
1376 not long before proposing
1377 the focus on onboarding. He had previously been involved with <a
1378 href="https://www.chakralinux.org/">Chakra
1379 Linux</a>, a distribution based on KDE software. The fact that new
1380 members of the community proposed strategic goals was also noted in the <a
1381 href="https://conf.kde.org/en/Akademy2018/public/events/79">Sunday keynote
1382 by Claudia Garad</a>.</p>
1384 <p>Proper onboarding adds excitement to the contribution process and
1385 increases retention, he explained. When we look at <a
1386 href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onboarding">the definition of
1387 onboarding</a>,
1388 it is a process in which the new contributors acquire knowledge, skills, and
1389 behaviors so that they can contribute effectively. Kolokotronis proposed
1390 to see it also as socialization: integration into the project's relationships,
1391 culture, structure, and procedures.</p>
1393 <p>The gains from proper onboarding are many. The project can grow by
1394 attracting new blood with new perspectives and solutions. The community
1395 maintains its health and stays vibrant. Another important advantage of
1396 efficient onboarding is that replacing current contributors becomes easier
1397 when they change interests, jobs, or leave the project for whatever reason.
1398 Finally, successful onboarding adds new advocates to the project.</p>
1400 <h4>Achievements so far and future plans</h4>
1402 <p>The team started with ideas for a centralized onboarding process for the
1403 whole of KDE. They found out quickly that this would not work because KDE
1404 is "very decentralized", so it is hard to provide tools and
1405 procedures that are going to work for the whole project. According to
1406 Kolokotronis, other characteristics of KDE that impact onboarding are high
1407 diversity, remote and online teams, and hundreds of contributors in dozens of
1408 projects and teams. In addition, new contributors already know in which
1409 area they want to take part and they prefer specific information that will
1410 be directly useful for them.</p>
1412 <p>So the team changed its approach; several changes have since been proposed
1413 and implemented. The <a href="https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved">Get
1414 Involved</a> page, which is expected to be one of the resources new
1415 contributors read first, has been rewritten. For the <a
1416 href="https://community.kde.org/KDE/Junior_Jobs">Junior Jobs page</a>, the
1417 team is
1419 <a href="/Articles/763189/"><img
1420 src="https://static.lwn.net/images/conf/2018/akademy/NeofytosKolokotronis-sm.jpg" alt="[Neofytos
1421 Kolokotronis]" title="Neofytos Kolokotronis" class="rthumb"></a>
1424 <a
1425 href="https://phabricator.kde.org/T8686">discussing</a> what the
1426 generic content for KDE as a whole should be. The team simplified <a
1427 href="https://phabricator.kde.org/T7646">Phabricator registration</a>,
1428 which
1429 resulted in documenting the process better. Another part of the work
1430 includes the <a href="https://bugs.kde.org/">KDE Bugzilla</a>; it includes,
1431 for example initiatives to limit the number of
1432 states of a ticket or remove obsolete products.</p>
1434 <p>The <a href="https://www.plasma-mobile.org/index.html">Plasma Mobile</a>
1435 team is heavily involved in the onboarding goal. The Plasma Mobile
1436 developers have simplified their
1437 development environment setup and created an <a
1438 href="https://www.plasma-mobile.org/findyourway">interactive "Get
1439 Involved"</a> page. In addition, the Plasma team changed the way task
1440 descriptions are written; they now contain more detail, so that it is
1441 easier to get
1442 involved. The basic description should be short and clear, and it should include
1443 details of the problem and possible solutions. The developers try to
1444 share the list of skills necessary to fulfill the tasks and include clear
1445 links to the technical resources needed.</p>
1447 <p>Kolokotronis and team also identified a new potential source of
1448 contributors for KDE: distributions using
1449 KDE. They have the advantage of already knowing and using the software.
1451 The next idea the team is working on is to make sure that setting up a
1452 development environment is easy. The team plans to work on this during a
1453 dedicated sprint this autumn.</p>
1455 <h4>Searching for new contributors</h4>
1457 <p>Kolokotronis plans to search for new contributors at the periphery of the
1458 project, among the "skilled enthusiasts": loyal users who actually care
1459 about the project. They "can make wonders", he said. Those
1460 individuals may be also less confident or shy, have troubles making the
1461 first step, and need guidance. The project leaders should take that into
1462 account.</p>
1464 <p>In addition, newcomers are all different. Kolokotronis
1465 provided a long list of how contributors differ,
1466 including skills and knowledge, motives and
1467 interests, and time and dedication. His advice is to "try to find their
1468 superpower", the skills they have that are missing in the team. Those
1469 "superpowers" can then be used for the benefit of the project.</p>
1471 <p>If a project does nothing else, he said, it can start with its documentation.
1472 However, this does not only mean code documentation. Writing down the
1473 procedures or information about the internal work of the project, like who
1474 is working on what, is an important part of a project's documentation and helps
1475 newcomers. There should be also guidelines on how to start, especially
1476 setting up the development environment.</p>
1478 <p>The first thing the project leaders should do, according to
1479 Kolokotronis, is to spend time on introducing newcomers to the project.
1480 Ideally every new contributor should be assigned mentors &mdash; more
1481 experienced members who can help them when needed. The mentors and project
1482 leaders should find tasks that are interesting for each person. Answering
1483 an audience question on suggestions for shy new
1484 contributors, he recommended even more mentoring. It is also very helpful
1485 to make sure that newcomers have enough to read, but "avoid RTFM", he highlighted. It
1486 is also easy for a new contributor "to fly away", he said. The solution is
1487 to keep requesting things and be proactive.</p>
1489 <h4>What the project can do?</h4>
1491 <p>Kolokotronis suggested a number of actions for a project when it wants to
1492 improve its onboarding. The first step is preparation: the project
1493 leaders should know the team's and the project's needs. Long-term
1494 planning is important, too. It is not enough to wait for contributors to
1495 come &mdash; the project should be proactive, which means reaching out to
1496 candidates, suggesting appropriate tasks and, finally, making people
1497 available for the newcomers if they need help.</p>
1499 <p>This leads to next step: to be a mentor. Kolokotronis suggests being a
1500 "great host", but also trying to phase out the dependency on the mentor
1501 rapidly. "We have
1502 been all newcomers", he said. It can be intimidating to join an existing
1503 group. Onboarding creates a sense of belonging which, in turn, increases
1504 retention.</p>
1506 <p>The last step proposed was to be strategic. This includes thinking about
1507 the emotions you want newcomers to feel. Kolokotronis explained the
1508 strategic part with an example. The overall goal is (surprise!) improve
1509 onboarding
1510 of new contributors. An intermediate objective might be to keep the
1511 newcomers after they have made their first commit. If your strategy is to keep them
1512 confident and proud, you can use different tactics like praise and
1513 acknowledgment of the work in public. Another useful tactic may be assigning
1514 simple tasks, according to the skill of the contributor.</p>
1516 <p>To summarize, the most important thing, according to Kolokotronis, is to
1517 respond quickly and spend time with new contributors. This time should be
1518 used to explain procedures, and to introduce the people and culture. It is also
1519 essential to guide first contributions and praise contributor's skill and
1520 effort.
1521 Increase the difficulty of tasks over time to keep contributors motivated and
1522 challenged. And finally, he said,
1523 "turn them into mentors".</p>
1525 <p>Kolokotronis acknowledges that onboarding "takes time" and "everyone
1526 complains" about it. However, he is convinced that it is beneficial in the
1527 long term
1528 and that it decreases developer turnover.</p>
1530 <h4>Advice to newcomers</h4>
1532 <p>Kolokotronis concluded with some suggestions for newcomers to a
1533 project. They should try
1534 to be persistent and to not get discouraged when something goes wrong.
1535 Building connections from the very beginning is helpful. He suggests
1536 asking questions as if you were already a member "and things will be fine".
1537 However, accept criticism if it happens.</p>
1539 <p>One of the next actions of the onboarding team will be to collect
1540 feedback from newcomers and experienced contributors to see if they agree
1541 on the ideas and processes introduced so far.</p>
1542 <p><a href="/Articles/763175/#Comments">Comments (none posted)</a>
1543 <p>
1544 <a name="763492"></a><h2 class="SummaryHL"><a href="/Articles/763492/">Sharing and archiving data sets with Dat</a></h2>
1546 <div class="GAByline">
1547 <p>August 27, 2018</p>
1548 <p>This article was contributed by Antoine Beaupré</p>
1549 </div>
1550 <p><a href="https://datproject.org">Dat</a> is a new peer-to-peer protocol
1551 that uses some of the concepts of
1552 <a href="https://www.bittorrent.com/">BitTorrent</a> and Git. Dat primarily
1553 targets researchers and
1554 open-data activists as it is a great tool for sharing, archiving, and
1555 cataloging large data sets. But it can also be used to implement
1556 decentralized web applications in a novel way.</p>
1558 <h4>Dat quick primer</h4>
1560 <p>Dat is written in JavaScript, so it can be installed with <code>npm</code>, but
1561 there are <a href="https://github.com/datproject/dat/releases">standalone
1562 binary builds</a> and
1563 a <a href="https://docs.datproject.org/install">desktop application</a> (as an AppImage). An <a href="https://datbase.org/">online viewer</a> can
1564 be used to inspect data for those who do not want to install
1565 arbitrary binaries on their computers.</p>
1567 <p>The command-line application allows basic operations like downloading
1568 existing data sets and sharing your own.
1569 Dat uses a 32-byte hex string that is an <a
1570 href="https://ed25519.cr.yp.to/">ed25519 public key</a>, which is
1571 is used to discover and find content on the net.
1572 For example, this will
1573 download some sample data:</p>
1575 <pre>
1576 $ dat clone \
1577 dat://778f8d955175c92e4ced5e4f5563f69bfec0c86cc6f670352c457943666fe639 \
1578 ~/Downloads/dat-demo
1579 </pre>
1581 <p>Similarly, the <code>share</code> command is used to share content. It indexes
1582 the files in a given directory and creates a new unique address like
1583 the one above. The <code>share</code>
1584 command starts a server that uses multiple discovery mechanisms (currently, the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainline_DHT">Mainline Distributed
1585 Hash Table</a> (DHT), a <a href="https://github.com/mafintosh/dns-discovery">custom DNS server</a>, and
1586 multicast DNS) to announce the content to its peers. This is how
1587 another user, armed with that public key, can download that content
1588 with <code>dat&nbsp;clone</code> or mirror the files continuously with
1589 <code>dat&nbsp;sync</code>.</p>
1591 <p>So far, this looks a lot like BitTorrent <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_URI_scheme">magnet links</a> updated
1592 with 21st century cryptography. But Dat adds revisions on top of that,
1593 so modifications are automatically shared through the swarm. That is
1594 important for public data sets as those
1595 are often dynamic in nature. Revisions also make it possible to use
1596 <a href="https://blog.datproject.org/2017/10/13/using-dat-for-automatic-file-backups/">Dat as a backup system</a> by saving the data incrementally using an
1597 <a href="https://github.com/mafintosh/hypercore-archiver">archiver</a>.</p>
1599 <p>While Dat is designed to work on larger data sets, processing them
1600 for sharing may take a while. For example, sharing the Linux
1601 kernel source code required about five minutes as Dat worked on
1602 indexing all of the files. This is comparable to the performance offered by
1603 <a href="https://ipfs.io/">IPFS</a> and BitTorrent. Data sets with
1604 more or larger files may take quite a bit more time.
1606 <p>
1607 One advantage that Dat has over IPFS is that it
1608 doesn't duplicate the data. When IPFS imports new data, it duplicates
1609 the files into <code>~/.ipfs</code>. For collections of small files like the
1610 kernel, this is not a huge problem, but for larger files like videos or
1611 music, it's a significant limitation. IPFS eventually implemented a
1612 solution to this <a href="https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/875">problem</a> in the form of the experimental
1613 <a href="https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/master/docs/experimental-features.md#ipfs-filestore">filestore feature</a>, but it's not enabled by default. Even with
1614 that feature enabled, though, changes to data sets are not automatically
1615 tracked. In comparison, Dat operation on dynamic data feels much
1616 lighter. The downside is that each set needs its own <code>dat share</code>
1617 process.</p>
1619 <p>Like any peer-to-peer system, Dat needs at least one peer to stay online to
1620 offer the content, which is impractical for mobile devices. Hosting
1621 providers like <a href="https://hashbase.io/">Hashbase</a> (which is a <a href="https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/blob/master/proposals/0003-http-pinning-service-api.md">pinning service</a> in Dat
1622 jargon) can help users keep content online without running their own
1623 <a href="https://docs.datproject.org/server">server</a>. The closest parallel in the traditional web ecosystem
1624 would probably be content distribution networks (CDN) although pinning
1625 services are not necessarily geographically distributed and a CDN does
1626 not necessarily retain a complete copy of a website.</p>
1628 <a href="/Articles/763544/">
1629 <img src="https://static.lwn.net/images/2018/dat-photoapp-sm.png" border=0 hspace=5 align="right"
1630 width=300 height=392 alt="[Photo app]" title="Photo app">
1631 </a>
1633 <p>A web browser called <a href="https://beakerbrowser.com/">Beaker</a>, based on the <a href="https://electronjs.org/">Electron</a> framework,
1634 can access Dat content natively without going through a pinning
1635 service. Furthermore, Beaker is essential to get any of the <a
1636 href="https://github.com/beakerbrowser/explore">Dat
1637 applications</a> working, as they fundamentally rely on <code>dat://</code> URLs
1638 to do their magic. This means that Dat applications won't work for
1639 most users unless they install that special web browser. There is a
1640 <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dat-p2p-protocol/">Firefox extension</a> called "<a href="https://github.com/sammacbeth/dat-fox">dat-fox</a>" for people who don't want
1641 to install yet another browser, but it requires installing a
1642 <a href="https://github.com/sammacbeth/dat-fox-helper">helper program</a>. The extension will be able to load <code>dat://</code> URLs
1643 but many applications will still not work. For example, the <a
1644 href="https://github.com/beakerbrowser/dat-photos-app">photo gallery
1645 application</a> completely fails with dat-fox.</p>
1647 <p>Dat-based applications look promising from a privacy point of view.
1648 Because of its peer-to-peer nature, users regain control over where
1649 their data is stored: either on their own computer, an online server, or
1650 by a trusted third party. But considering the protocol is not well
1651 established in current web browsers, I foresee difficulties in
1652 adoption of that aspect of the Dat ecosystem. Beyond that, it is rather
1653 disappointing that Dat applications cannot run natively in a web
1654 browser given that JavaScript is designed exactly for that.</p>
1656 <h4>Dat privacy</h4>
1658 <p>An advantage Dat has over other peer-to-peer protocols like BitTorrent
1659 is end-to-end encryption. I was originally concerned by the encryption
1660 design when reading the <a
1661 href="https://github.com/datproject/docs/raw/master/papers/dat-paper.pdf">academic
1662 paper [PDF]</a>:</p>
1664 <div class="BigQuote">
1665 <p>It is up to client programs to make design decisions around which
1666 discovery networks they trust. For example if a Dat client decides
1667 to use the BitTorrent DHT to discover peers, and
1668 they are searching
1669 for a publicly shared Dat key (e.g. a key cited publicly in a
1670 published scientific paper) with known contents, then because of the
1671 privacy design of the BitTorrent DHT it becomes public knowledge
1672 what key that client is searching for.</p>
1673 </div>
1675 <p>So in other words, to share a secret file with another user, the
1676 public key is transmitted over a secure side-channel, only to then
1677 leak during the discovery process. Fortunately, the public Dat key
1678 is not directly used during discovery as it is <a
1679 href="https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/blob/653e0cf40233b5d474cddc04235577d9d55b2934/proposals/0000-peer-discovery.md#discovery-keys">hashed
1680 with BLAKE2B</a>. Still, the security model of Dat assumes the public
1681 key is private, which is a rather counterintuitive concept that might upset
1682 cryptographers and confuse users who are frequently encouraged to type
1683 such strings in address bars and search engines as part of the Dat
1684 experience. There is a <a
1685 href="https://docs.datproject.org/security">security &amp; privacy FAQ</a>
1686 in the Dat
1687 documentation warning about this problem:</p>
1689 <div class="BigQuote">
1690 <p>One of the key elements of Dat privacy is that the public key is
1691 never used in any discovery network. The public key is hashed,
1692 creating the discovery key. Whenever peers attempt to connect to
1693 each other, they use the discovery key.</p>
1695 <p>Data is encrypted using the public key, so it is important that this
1696 key stays secure.</p>
1697 </div>
1699 <p>There are other privacy issues outlined in the
1700 document; it states that "<span>Dat faces similar privacy risks as
1701 BitTorrent</span>":</p>
1703 <div class="BigQuote">
1704 <p>When you download a dataset, your IP address is exposed to the users
1705 sharing that dataset. This may lead to honeypot servers collecting
1706 IP addresses, as we've seen in Bittorrent. However, with dataset
1707 sharing we can create a web of trust model where specific
1708 institutions are trusted as primary sources for datasets,
1709 diminishing the sharing of IP addresses.</p>
1710 </div>
1712 <p>A Dat blog post refers to this issue as <a href="https://blog.datproject.org/2016/12/12/reader-privacy-on-the-p2p-web/">reader privacy</a> and it
1713 is, indeed, a sensitive issue in peer-to-peer networks. It is how
1714 BitTorrent users are discovered and served scary verbiage from lawyers,
1715 after all. But Dat makes this a little better because, to join a swarm,
1716 you must know what you are looking for already, which means peers who
1717 can look at swarm activity only include users who know the secret
1718 public key. This works well for secret content, but for larger, public
1719 data sets, it is a real problem; it is why the Dat project has <a
1720 href="https://blog.datproject.org/2017/12/10/dont-ship/">avoided
1721 creating a Wikipedia mirror</a> so far.</p>
1723 <p>I found another privacy issue that is not documented in the security FAQ
1724 during my review of the protocol. As mentioned earlier,
1725 the <a href="https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/pull/7">Dat discovery
1726 protocol</a> routinely
1727 phones home to DNS servers operated by the Dat project.
1728 This implies that the default discovery servers (and an
1729 attacker watching over their traffic) know who is publishing or seeking
1730 content, in essence discovering the "social network" behind Dat. This
1731 discovery mechanism can be disabled in clients, but a similar privacy
1732 issue applies to the DHT as well, although that is distributed so it
1733 doesn't require trust of the Dat project itself.</p>
1735 <p>Considering those aspects of the protocol, privacy-conscious users
1736 will probably want to use Tor or other anonymization techniques to
1737 work around those concerns.</p>
1739 <h4>The future of Dat</h4>
1741 <p><a href="https://blog.datproject.org/2017/06/01/dat-sleep-release/">Dat 2.0 was released in June 2017</a> with performance improvements and
1742 protocol changes. <a href="https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs">Dat
1743 Enhancement Proposals</a> (DEPs) guide the project's
1744 future development; most work is currently geared toward
1745 implementing the draft "<a href="https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/blob/master/proposals/0008-multiwriter.md">multi-writer proposal</a>" in
1746 <a href="https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperdb">HyperDB</a>. Without
1747 multi-writer support, only the
1748 original publisher of a Dat can modify it. According to Joe Hand,
1749 co-executive-director of <a href="https://codeforscience.org/">Code for Science &amp; Society</a> (CSS) and
1750 Dat core developer, in an IRC chat, "supporting multiwriter is a big requirement for lots
1751 of folks". For example, while Dat might allow Alice to share her
1752 research results with Bob, he cannot modify or contribute back to those
1753 results. The multi-writer extension allows for Alice to assign trust
1754 to Bob so he can have write access to the data.
1756 <p>
1757 Unfortunately, the
1758 current proposal doesn't solve the "<span>hard problems</span>" of
1759 "<span>conflict merges
1760 and secure key distribution</span>". The former will be worked out through
1761 user interface tweaks, but the latter is a classic problem that security
1762 projects have typically trouble finding
1763 solutions for—Dat is no exception. How will Alice securely trust
1764 Bob? The OpenPGP web of trust? Hexadecimal fingerprints read over the
1765 phone? Dat doesn't provide a magic solution to this problem.</p>
1767 <p>Another thing limiting adoption is that Dat is not packaged in any
1768 distribution that I could find (although I <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=890565">requested it in
1769 Debian</a>) and, considering the speed of change of the JavaScript
1770 ecosystem, this is unlikely to change any time soon. A <a
1771 href="https://github.com/datrs">Rust
1772 implementation</a> of the Dat protocol has started, however, which
1773 might be easier to package than the multitude of <a href="https://nodejs.org/en/">Node.js</a>
1774 modules. In terms of mobile device support, there is an experimental
1775 Android web browser with Dat support called <a href="https://bunsenbrowser.github.io/#!index.md">Bunsen</a>, which somehow
1776 doesn't run on my phone. Some adventurous users have successfully run Dat
1777 in <a href="https://termux.com/">Termux</a>. I haven't found an app
1778 running on iOS at this
1779 point.</p>
1781 <p>Even beyond platform support, distributed protocols like Dat have a
1782 tough slope to climb against the virtual monopoly of more centralized
1783 protocols, so it remains to be seen how popular those tools will
1784 be. Hand says Dat is supported by multiple non-profit
1785 organizations. Beyond CSS, <a href="https://bluelinklabs.com/">Blue Link Labs</a> is working on the
1786 Beaker Browser as a self-funded startup and a grass-roots
1787 organization, <a href="https://www.digital-democracy.org/">Digital Democracy</a>, has contributed to the
1788 project. The <a href="https://archive.org">Internet Archive</a> has <a href="https://blog.archive.org/2018/06/05/internet-archive-code-for-science-and-society-and-california-digital-library-to-partner-on-a-data-sharing-and-preservation-pilot-project/">announced a collaboration</a>
1789 between itself, CSS, and the California Digital Library to launch a pilot
1790 project to see "<span>how members of a cooperative, decentralized
1791 network can leverage shared services to ensure data preservation while
1792 reducing storage costs and increasing replication counts</span>".
1794 <p>
1795 Hand said
1796 adoption in academia has been "slow but steady" and that the <a href="https://github.com/codeforscience/Dat-in-the-Lab">Dat in
1797 the Lab project</a> has helped identify areas that could help
1798 researchers adopt the project. Unfortunately, as is the case with many
1799 free-software projects, he said that "our team is definitely a bit
1800 limited on bandwidth to push for bigger adoption". Hand
1801 said that the project received a grant from <a
1802 href="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/moss/">Mozilla Open Source
1803 Support</a> to improve its documentation, which will be a big help.</p>
1805 <p>Ultimately, Dat suffers from a problem common to all peer-to-peer
1806 applications, which is naming. Dat addresses are not exactly
1807 intuitive: humans do not remember strings of 64 hexadecimal characters
1808 well. For this, Dat took a <a href="https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/blob/master/proposals/0005-dns.md">similar approach</a> to IPFS by using
1809 DNS <tt>TXT</tt> records and <code>/.well-known</code> URL paths to bridge existing,
1810 human-readable names with Dat hashes. So this sacrifices a part of the
1811 decentralized nature of the project in favor of usability.</p>
1813 <p>I have tested a lot of distributed protocols like Dat in the past and
1814 I am not sure Dat is a clear winner. It certainly has advantages over
1815 IPFS in terms of usability and resource usage, but the lack of
1816 packages on most platforms is a big limit to adoption for most
1817 people. This means it will be difficult to share content with my
1818 friends and family with Dat anytime soon, which would probably be my
1819 primary use case for the project. Until the protocol reaches the wider
1820 adoption that BitTorrent has seen in terms of platform support, I will
1821 probably wait before switching everything over to this
1822 promising project.</p>
1823 <p><a href="/Articles/763492/#Comments">Comments (11 posted)</a>
1824 <p>
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