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87 <blockquote style="margin-top: 0">
88 is a reader-supported news site dedicated to producing the best
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96 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Writing network flow dissectors in BPF</b></div>
98 <div class="BlurbListing">
99 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Sep 6, 2018 15:59 UTC (Thu) by corbet</font>
100 <p>
101 Network packet headers contain a great deal of information, but the
102 kernel often only needs a subset of that information to be able to perform
103 filtering or associate any given packet with a flow. The piece of code that
104 follows the different layers of packet encapsulation to find the important
105 data is called a flow dissector. In current Linux kernels, the <a
106 href="">flow
107 dissector</a>
108 is written in C. A <a href="/Articles/763938/">patch set</a> has been
109 proposed recently to implement it in BPF with the clear goal of improving
110 security, flexibility, and maybe even performance.
112 <p>
113 <a href="/Articles/764200/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764200/#Comments">comments: 1</a>)
114 <p>
115 </div>
116 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
117 <div class="Headline"><b>The Hidden Benefit of Giving Back to Open Source Software (Working Knowledge)</b></div>
119 <div class="BlurbListing">
120 <font size="-1">[Briefs] Posted Sep 6, 2018 16:56 UTC (Thu) by corbet</font>
121 <p>
122 The Harvard Business School's "Working Knowledge" site has <a
123 href="">an
124 article</a> arguing that it can pay for companies to allow their developers
125 to contribute back to the projects whose software they use.
126 "<span>And that presents an interesting dilemma for firms that rely heavily
127 on open source. Should they allow employees on company time to make updates
128 and edits to the software for community use that could be used by
129 competitors? New research by Assistant Professor Frank Nagle, a member of
130 the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School, shows that paying employees
131 to contribute to such software boosts the company’s productivity from using
132 the software by as much as 100 percent, when compared with free-riding
133 competitors.</span>"
134 <p>
135 <a href="/Articles/764321/">Comments (3 posted)</a>
136 <p>
137 </div>
138 </div>
139 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
140 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Weekly Edition for September 6, 2018</b></div>
142 <font size="-1">Posted Sep 6, 2018 3:03 UTC (Thu)</font><p>
143 The Weekly Edition for September 6, 2018 is available.
144 <p>
145 <b>Inside this week's Weekly Edition</b>
146 <ul>
147 <li> <a href="/Articles/763789/">Front</a>: Life behind the tinfoil curtain; User-space Spectre protection; fs-verity; IDA; Julia part 2; GopherCon.
148 <li> <a href="/Articles/763791/">Briefs</a>: Tink; Kernel &amp; Maintainer Summit topics; LMDE 3; Firefox 62; GNOME 3.30; Quotes; ...
149 <li> <a href="/Articles/763792/">Announcements</a>: Newsletters; events; security updates; kernel patches; ...
150 </ul>
151 <a href="/Articles/763789/">Read more</a>
152 <p>
154 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
155 <div class="Headline"><b>Security updates for Thursday</b></div>
157 <div class="BlurbListing">
158 <font size="-1">[Security] Posted Sep 6, 2018 13:55 UTC (Thu) by jake</font>
159 <p>
160 Security updates have been issued by <b>Debian</b> (curl, gdm3, git-annex, lcms2, and sympa), <b>Fedora</b> (discount, dolphin-emu, gd, obs-build, osc, tcpflow, and yara), <b>openSUSE</b> (wireshark), <b>Slackware</b> (curl, firefox, ghostscript, and thunderbird), <b>SUSE</b> (apache-pdfbox, curl, dovecot22, and libvirt), and <b>Ubuntu</b> (libtirpc).
162 <p>
163 <a href="/Articles/764300/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764300/#Comments">comments: none</a>)
164 <p>
165 </div>
166 </div>
167 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
168 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Life behind the tinfoil curtain</b></div>
170 <div class="BlurbListing">
171 <font size="-1">[Security] Posted Sep 5, 2018 22:11 UTC (Wed) by jake</font>
172 <p>
173 <p>
174 Security and convenience rarely go hand-in-hand, but if your job (or life)
175 requires extraordinary care against potentially targeted attacks, the
176 security side of that tradeoff may win out. If so, running a system like
177 <a href="">Qubes&nbsp;OS</a> on your desktop or <a
178 href="">CopperheadOS</a> on your phone might make sense,
179 which is just what Konstantin Ryabitsev, Linux Foundation (LF) director of IT
180 security, has done. He reported on the experience in a <a
181 href="">talk
182 [YouTube video]</a> entitled "Life Behind the Tinfoil Curtain" at the 2018
183 <a
184 href="">Linux
185 Security Summit North America</a>.
187 <p>
188 <a href="/Articles/764048/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764048/#Comments">comments: 9</a>)
189 <p>
190 </div>
191 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
192 <div class="Headline"><b>GNOME 3.30 released</b></div>
194 <div class="BlurbListing">
195 <font size="-1">[Development] Posted Sep 5, 2018 21:17 UTC (Wed) by ris</font>
196 <p>
197 The GNOME Project has announced the release of GNOME 3.30
198 "Almería". "<span>This release brings automatic updates in Software, more
199 games, and a new Podcasts application. Improvements to core GNOME
200 applications include a refined location and search bar in Files, a
201 [Thunderbolt] panel in Settings, support for remoting using RDP in Boxes, and
202 many more.</span>" The <a
203 href="">release notes</a>
204 contain more information.
206 <p>
207 <a href="/Articles/764219/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764219/#Comments">comments: none</a>)
208 <p>
209 </div>
210 </div>
211 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
212 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Strengthening user-space Spectre v2 protection</b></div>
214 <div class="BlurbListing">
215 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Sep 5, 2018 21:47 UTC (Wed) by corbet</font>
216 <p>
217 The Spectre variant 2 vulnerability allows the speculative execution of
218 incorrect (in an attacker-controllable way) indirect branch predictions,
219 resulting in
220 the ability to exfiltrate information via side channels. The kernel has
221 been reasonably well protected against this variant since shortly after its
222 disclosure in January. It is, however, possible for user-space processes
223 to use Spectre v2 to attack each other; thus far, the mainline kernel has
224 offered relatively little protection against such attacks. A recent <a
225 href="/ml/linux-kernel/">proposal</a>
226 from Jiri Kosina may change that situation, but there are still some
227 disagreements around the details.
229 <p>
230 <a href="/Articles/764209/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764209/#Comments">comments: 1</a>)
231 <p>
232 </div>
233 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
234 <div class="Headline"><b>Firefox 62.0 released</b></div>
236 <div class="BlurbListing">
237 <font size="-1">[Development] Posted Sep 5, 2018 17:31 UTC (Wed) by ris</font>
238 <p>
239 Mozilla has released Firefox 62.0, with several new features. The Firefox
240 Home (default New Tab) allows users to display up to 4 rows of top sites,
241 Pocket stories, and highlights; for those using containers there is menu
242 option to reopen a tab in a different container; Firefox 63 will remove all
243 trust for Symantec-issued certificates, and it is optional in Firefox
244 62; FreeBSD support for WebAuthn was added; and more. See the <a
245 href="">release
246 notes</a> for details.
247 <p>
248 <a href="/Articles/764202/">Comments (none posted)</a>
249 <p>
250 </div>
251 </div>
252 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
253 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Learning about Go internals at GopherCon</b></div>
255 <div class="BlurbListing">
256 <font size="-1">[Front] Posted Sep 5, 2018 19:20 UTC (Wed) by jake</font>
257 <p>
258 <p><a href="">GopherCon</a> is the major
259 conference for the <a href="">Go language</a>, attended
260 by 1600
261 dedicated "gophers", as the members of its community like to call
262 themselves. Held for the last five years in Denver, it attracts programmers,
263 open-source contributors, and technical managers from all over North
264 America and the world. GopherCon's highly-technical program is an intense
265 mix of Go internals and programming tutorials, a few of which we will
266 explore in this article.
267 <p>
268 Subscribers can read on for a report from GopherCon by guest author Josh
269 Berkus.
271 <p>
272 <a href="/Articles/764131/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764131/#Comments">comments: 10</a>)
273 <p>
274 </div>
275 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
276 <div class="Headline"><b>A set of stable kernels</b></div>
278 <div class="BlurbListing">
279 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Sep 5, 2018 15:15 UTC (Wed) by ris</font>
280 <p>
281 Greg Kroah-Hartman has released stable kernels <a
282 href="/Articles/764185/">4.18.6</a>, <a
283 href="/Articles/764186/">4.14.68</a>, <a
284 href="/Articles/764187/">4.9.125</a>, <a
285 href="/Articles/764188/">4.4.154</a>, and <a
286 href="/Articles/764189/">3.18.121</a>. They all contain important fixes and
287 users should upgrade.
288 <p>
289 <a href="/Articles/764184/">Comments (none posted)</a>
290 <p>
291 </div>
292 </div>
293 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
294 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] An introduction to the Julia language, part 2</b></div>
296 <div class="BlurbListing">
297 <font size="-1">[Development] Posted Sep 4, 2018 15:57 UTC (Tue) by jake</font>
298 <p>
299 <p><a
300 href="/Articles/763626/">Part 1</a> of this series introduced
301 the <a href="">Julia</a> project's goals and
302 development process, along with
303 the language syntax, including the basics of control flow, data
304 types, and, in more detail, how to work with arrays. In this part,
305 user-defined functions and the central
306 concept of multiple dispatch are described. It will also survey Julia's
307 module and
308 package system, cover some syntax features, show how to make
309 plots, and briefly dip into macros and distributed computing.
311 <p>
312 <a href="/Articles/764001/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764001/#Comments">comments: 7</a>)
313 <p>
314 </div>
315 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
316 <div class="Headline"><b>Security updates for Wednesday</b></div>
318 <div class="BlurbListing">
319 <font size="-1">[Security] Posted Sep 5, 2018 15:01 UTC (Wed) by ris</font>
320 <p>
321 Security updates have been issued by <b>Debian</b> (lcms2), <b>openSUSE</b> (yubico-piv-tool), <b>Oracle</b> (kernel), and <b>SUSE</b> (cobbler and kvm).
323 <p>
324 <a href="/Articles/764182/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764182/#Comments">comments: none</a>)
325 <p>
326 </div>
327 </div>
328 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
329 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] IDA: simplifying the complex task of allocating integers</b></div>
331 <div class="BlurbListing">
332 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Sep 4, 2018 0:15 UTC (Tue) by corbet</font>
333 <p>
334 It is common for kernel code to generate unique integers for identifiers.
335 When one plugs in a flash drive, it will show up as
336 <tt>/dev/sdN</tt>; that <tt>N</tt> (a letter derived from a
337 number) must be generated in the
338 kernel, and it should not already be in use for another drive or unpleasant
339 things will happen. One might think that generating such numbers would not
340 be a difficult task, but that turns out not to be the case, especially in
341 situations where many numbers must be tracked. The IDA (for "ID
342 allocator", perhaps) API exists to handle this specialized task. In past
343 kernels, it has managed to make the process of getting an unused number
344 surprisingly
345 complex; the 4.19 kernel has a new IDA API that simplifies things
346 considerably.
348 <p>
349 <a href="/Articles/764057/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764057/#Comments">comments: 8</a>)
350 <p>
351 </div>
352 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
353 <div class="Headline"><b>Security updates for Tuesday</b></div>
355 <div class="BlurbListing">
356 <font size="-1">[Security] Posted Sep 4, 2018 15:14 UTC (Tue) by ris</font>
357 <p>
358 Security updates have been issued by <b>openSUSE</b> (ImageMagick, libressl, postgresql10, spice, and spice-gtk), <b>Red Hat</b> (collectd, kernel, Red Hat Gluster Storage, Red Hat Virtualization, RHGS WA, rhvm-appliance, and samba), and <b>SUSE</b> (crowbar, crowbar-core, crowbar-ha, crowbar-openstack, crowbar-ui, kernel, spice, and spice-gtk).
360 <p>
361 <a href="/Articles/764130/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764130/#Comments">comments: none</a>)
362 <p>
363 </div>
364 </div>
365 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
366 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Protecting files with fs-verity</b></div>
368 <div class="BlurbListing">
369 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Aug 30, 2018 18:50 UTC (Thu) by corbet</font>
370 <p>
371 The developers of the Android system have, among their many goals, the wish
372 to better protect Android devices against persistent compromise. It is bad
373 if a device is taken over by an attacker; it's worse if it remains
374 compromised even after a reboot. Numerous mechanisms for ensuring the
375 integrity of installed system files have been proposed and implemented
376 over the years. But it seems there is always room for one more; to fill
377 that space, the <a
378 href="/ml/linux-fsdevel/">fs-verity</a>
379 mechanism is being proposed as a way to protect individual files from
380 malicious modification.
382 <p>
383 <a href="/Articles/763729/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/763729/#Comments">comments: 6</a>)
384 <p>
385 </div>
386 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
387 <div class="Headline"><b>Topics sought for the Kernel and Maintainer Summits</b></div>
389 <div class="BlurbListing">
390 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Sep 3, 2018 19:07 UTC (Mon) by corbet</font>
391 <p>
392 The annual Maintainer and Kernel Summits will be held in Vancouver, BC on
393 November&nbsp;12 to&nbsp;15, in conjunction with the Linux Plumbers Conference.
394 The program committee is looking for topics for both summits; read on for
395 details on how to submit ideas and, perhaps, get an invitation to the
396 Maintainer Summit.
398 <p>
399 <a href="/Articles/764055/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764055/#Comments">comments: none</a>)
400 <p>
401 </div>
402 </div>
403 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
404 <div class="Headline"><b> Weekly Edition for August 30, 2018</b></div>
406 <font size="-1">Posted Aug 30, 2018 1:06 UTC (Thu)</font><p>
407 The Weekly Edition for August 30, 2018 is available.
408 <p>
409 <b>Inside this week's Weekly Edition</b>
410 <ul>
411 <li> <a href="/Articles/763252/">Front</a>: Julia; C considered dangerous; 4.19 Merge window; I/O controller throughput; KDE onboarding; Dat.
412 <li> <a href="/Articles/763254/">Briefs</a>: OpenSSH 7.8; 4.19-rc1; Which stable?; Netdev 0x12; Bison 3.1; Quotes; ...
413 <li> <a href="/Articles/763255/">Announcements</a>: Newsletters; events; security updates; kernel patches; ...
414 </ul>
415 <a href="/Articles/763252/">Read more</a>
416 <p>
418 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
419 <div class="Headline"><b>Security updates for Monday</b></div>
421 <div class="BlurbListing">
422 <font size="-1">[Security] Posted Sep 3, 2018 15:41 UTC (Mon) by ris</font>
423 <p>
424 Security updates have been issued by <b>Debian</b> (dojo, libtirpc, mariadb-10.0, php5, ruby-json-jwt, spice, spice-gtk, tomcat8, and trafficserver), <b>Fedora</b> (ghc-hakyll, ghc-hs-bibutils, ghostscript, mariadb, pandoc-citeproc, phpMyAdmin, and xen), <b>Mageia</b> (java-1.8.0-openjdk, libarchive, libgd, libraw, libxcursor, mariadb, mercurial, openssh, openssl, poppler, quazip, squirrelmail, and virtualbox), <b>openSUSE</b> (cobbler, libressl, wireshark, and zutils), and <b>SUSE</b> (couchdb, java-1_7_0-ibm, java-1_7_1-ibm, OpenStack, and spice).
426 <p>
427 <a href="/Articles/764046/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/764046/#Comments">comments: none</a>)
428 <p>
429 </div>
430 </div>
431 <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2 fp-feature">
432 <div class="Headline"><b>[<font class="Subscription">$</font>] Measuring (and fixing) I/O-controller throughput loss</b></div>
434 <div class="BlurbListing">
435 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Aug 29, 2018 21:20 UTC (Wed) by corbet</font>
436 <p>
437 Many services, from web hosting and video streaming to cloud storage,
438 need to move data to and from storage. They also often require that each per-client
439 I/O flow be guaranteed a non-zero amount of bandwidth and a bounded latency. An
440 expensive way to provide these guarantees is to over-provision
441 storage resources, keeping each resource underutilized, and thus
442 have plenty of bandwidth available for the few I/O flows dispatched to
443 each medium. Alternatively one can use an I/O controller. Linux provides
444 two mechanisms designed to throttle some I/O streams to allow others to
445 meet their bandwidth and latency requirements. These mechanisms work, but
446 they come at a cost: a loss of as much as 80% of total available I/O
447 bandwidth. I have run some tests to demonstrate this problem; some
448 upcoming improvements to the <a href="/Articles/601799/">bfq I/O
449 scheduler</a> promise to improve the situation considerably.
451 <p>
452 <a href="/Articles/763603/">Full Story</a> (<a href="/Articles/763603/#Comments">comments: 4</a>)
453 <p>
454 </div>
455 </div><div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
456 <div class="Headline"><b>Kernel prepatch 4.19-rc2</b></div>
458 <div class="BlurbListing">
459 <font size="-1">[Kernel] Posted Sep 2, 2018 22:29 UTC (Sun) by corbet</font>
460 <p>
461 The <a href="/Articles/763988/">4.19-rc2</a> kernel prepatch is out for
462 testing.
463 "<span>As usual, the rc2 release is pretty small. People are taking a
464 breather after the merge window, and it takes a bit of time for bug
465 reports to start coming in and get identified.</span>"
466 <p>
467 <a href="/Articles/763987/">Comments (none posted)</a>
468 <p>
469 </div>
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