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89 <h1>A set of stable kernels</h1>
90 <div class="Byline">[Posted September 5, 2018 by ris]
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95 Greg Kroah-Hartman has released stable kernels <a
96 href="/Articles/764185/">4.18.6</a>, <a
97 href="/Articles/764186/">4.14.68</a>, <a
98 href="/Articles/764187/">4.9.125</a>, <a
99 href="/Articles/764188/">4.4.154</a>, and <a
100 href="/Articles/764189/">3.18.121</a>. They all contain important fixes and
101 users should upgrade.<hr width="60%" align="left">
102 (<a href="https://lwn.net/Login/?target=/Articles/764184/">Log in</a> to post comments)
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