generated is better than vendor in this case
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10[$] An introduction to the Julia language, part 2 null/LWN/0000764001 70\r
2i [Development] Sep 4, 2018 15:57 UTC (Tue) (jake)\r
4i Part 1 of this series introduced the Julia project's goals and\r
5i development process, along with the language syntax, including\r
6i the basics of control flow, data types, and, in more detail,\r
7i how to work with arrays. In this part, user-defined functions\r
8i and the central concept of multiple dispatch are described. It\r
9i will also survey Julia's module and package system, cover some\r
10i syntax features, show how to make plots, and briefly dip into\r
11i macros and distributed computing.\r