generated is better than vendor in this case
[gofetch.git] / 0000764057.header
... / ...
10[$] IDA: simplifying the complex task of allocating integers null/LWN/0000764057 70\r
2i [Kernel] Sep 4, 2018 0:15 UTC (Tue) (corbet)\r
4i It is common for kernel code to generate unique integers for\r
5i identifiers. When one plugs in a flash drive, it will show up\r
6i as /dev/sdN ; that N (a letter derived from a number) must be\r
7i generated in the kernel, and it should not already be in use\r
8i for another drive or unpleasant things will happen. One might\r
9i think that generating such numbers would not be a difficult\r
10i task, but that turns out not to be the case, especially in\r
11i situations where many numbers must be tracked. The IDA (for\r
12i "ID allocator", perhaps) API exists to handle this specialized\r
13i task. In past kernels, it has managed to make the process of\r
14i getting an unused number surprisingly complex; the 4.19 kernel\r
15i has a new IDA API that simplifies things considerably.\r