Reddit test: add expected files
[gofetch.git] / test / expected / SLASHDOT / 0102637868.header
... / ...
10Robot Boat Sails Into History By Finishing Atlantic Crossing ( null/SLASHDOT/0102637868 70\r
2i Thursday September 06, 2018 @11:30PM (msmash)\r
3i from the impressive-feat dept.\r
5i An anonymous reader writes:\r
6i \r
7i > For the first time an autonomous sailing robot has completed\r
8i the [1]Microtransat Challenge by [2]crossing the Atlantic from\r
9i Newfoundland, Canada to Ireland . The Microtransat has been\r
10i running since 2010 and has seen 23 previous entries all fail\r
11i to make it across. The successful boat, [3]SB Met was built by\r
12i the Norwegian company [4]Offshore Sensing AS and is only 2\r
13i metres (6.5 ft) long. It completed the crossing on August\r
14i 26th, 79 days and 5000 km (3100 miles) of sailing after\r
15i departing Newfoundland on June 7th.\r
16i \r
17i Further reading: [5]A Fleet of Sailing Robots Sets Out To\r
18i Quantify the Oceans .\r
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31i of-sailing-robots-sets-out-to-quantify-the-oceans\r