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12 <h2>[Small Update] Linux user numbers on Steam increased to 0.78% (from 0.71%) after fixing a rounding error</h2>
13 <div class='details'>([linux_gaming] 2018-10-09_08-00)</div>
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16 <li>Reference: <a href=''>2018-10-09_08-00__Small_Update__Linux_us</a></li>
17 <li>News link: <a href=''></a></li>
18 <li>Source link: <a href=''></a></li>
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22 Lets get to 1.00% before the end of the year. :)
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26 <h3>ryao</h3>
27 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
28 <div class='comment_content'><p>Lets get to 1.00% before the end of the year. :)</p></div>
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30 <h3>Dirkan</h3>
31 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
32 <div class='comment_content'><p>The top 1%.</p></div>
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34 <h3>PM_mePicturesYouLike</h3>
35 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
36 <div class='comment_content'><p>soon they'll be mad about the our privileges</p></div>
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38 <h3>salsadoom</h3>
39 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
40 <div class='comment_content'><p>Fucking uppity peasants!</p></div>
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42 <h3>grandmastermoth</h3>
43 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
44 <div class='comment_content'><p>we can always burninate them.</p></div>
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46 <h3>Swiftpaw22</h3>
47 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
48 <div class='comment_content'><p>By setting their Windows computers on fire? Nah, besides that happens already. Instead we show them Linux can save their computers, and their privacy, and their sanity, and give them better performance, all at once!</p></div>
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50 <h3>grandmastermoth</h3>
51 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
52 <div class='comment_content'><p>No we set the peasants on fire. Like so:</p><p>[1]</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
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54 <h3>Swiftpaw22</h3>
55 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
56 <div class='comment_content'><p>I'm familiar already, yep, was moving beyond that old reference. Homestar is still great, though. :3</p></div>
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64 <h3>Swiftpaw22</h3>
65 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
66 <div class='comment_content'><p>Except instead of being thieves who have corrupted and rigged the system, we're Robin Hoods working on teaching the poor 99% about a better way to game until the establishment is overthrown. :3</p></div>
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69 <h3>electricprism</h3>
70 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
71 <div class='comment_content'><p>The higher, the fewer. We are the top of the tech industry.</p></div>
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74 <h3>alexandre9099</h3>
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76 <div class='comment_content'><p>Of the top 1%</p></div>
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81 <h3>ReadAParadox</h3>
82 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
83 <div class='comment_content'><p>Am I the only one who feels sad that the number of users for our platform can be changed with a reasonable difference only from a rounding error ...</p></div>
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85 <h3>FurbyOnSteroid</h3>
86 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
87 <div class='comment_content'><p>I don't think it's sad. There are a lot of different distros for any kind of people. Which is a good thing in my opinion (as long as they are maintained obviously).</p></div>
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90 <h3>Zach_Attakk</h3>
91 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
92 <div class='comment_content'><p>Welcome to statistical insignificance. Give it time.</p></div>
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96 <h3>FurbyOnSteroid</h3>
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98 <div class='comment_content'><p>[1]Link to the tweet regarding that change</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
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101 <h3>Finniss</h3>
102 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
103 <div class='comment_content'><p>I work hard to allow my kids to have a great gaming experience on Linux, so we can raise the next generation right. :) Let's keep up the work; those are rookie numbers.</p></div>
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105 <h3>moonwork</h3>
106 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
107 <div class='comment_content'><p>I did that for my niece and nephew. It worked great until Fortnite. Goddamn Epic and their goddamn assumptions.</p></div>
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109 <h3>pdp10</h3>
110 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
111 <div class='comment_content'><p>Epic has deals with Microsoft, and is partially owned by PRC interests.</p><p>Now, I'm not saying that causes them not to be on Linux; they're currently on non-Microsoft platforms from Apple, Sony, and Nintendo. I am saying that their deals with Microsoft could be correlated in some way with their platform decisions, however. Valve has no deals with Microsoft as far as I know, which could be correlated with their support of Linux/SteamOS.</p></div>
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114 <h3>FartCompany</h3>
115 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
116 <div class='comment_content'><p>Social pressure right? Normie sees linux for the first time Wat iaasa that You : linux</p><p>Normie : WHY YOU NO WINDOWS YOU ARE SUCH AN NERD (and then social pressures you to switch to windows)</p><p>Normie strenght = ignorance</p></div>
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118 <h3>moonwork</h3>
119 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
120 <div class='comment_content'><p>I mean, I wouldn't call Tim Sweeney a "normie", but sure.</p><p></p><p>Installing Linux is sort of the equivalent of moving to Canada when one doesn’t like US political trends.</p><p>Nope, we’ve got to fight for the freedoms we have today, where we have them today.</p><p>Source: [1]</p><p>I'm just frustrated that Epic made their game engine (Unreal 4) support Linux, and then decided their flagship game shouldn't demonstrate that capability, because that's somehow a bad investment.</p><p>One would hope that Publishers would at some point stop seeing Linux users as the market potential, when, in fact, it's the Windows Users that are the untapped part of the market. Any old indie company can't do that, but major AAA game publishers could, if they wanted to.</p><p>Brb counting to 10 before I blow a casket.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
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122 <h3>colonel_p4n1c</h3>
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124 <div class='comment_content'><p>blow a casket</p><p>A bit early for necrophilia, no?</p></div>
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126 <h3>moonwork</h3>
127 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
128 <div class='comment_content'><p>Hey, am I coming to YOUR reddits and tell YOU how to MORTAL? No. So kindly back off and let me lich the way I like to lich.</p></div>
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133 <h3>gentlegiant1972</h3>
134 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
135 <div class='comment_content'><p>I brought up Linux on a thread in [1]/r/pcgaming where people were bitching about how shitty windows 10 is and I was instantly downvoted.</p><p>It's like these people are standing in a pool of shit and complaining about how much it stinks but if you tell them they don't have to stand in a pool of shit they tell you to fuck off.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
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137 <h3>pdp10</h3>
138 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
139 <div class='comment_content'><p>It's been that way for a long time. People seem willing to give deep, nuanced opinions why the users of the world can't possibly use an office suite other than the one from Microsoft, but when you ask them to articulate a reproducible (therefore fixable) bug with any competitor, such as LibreOffice, it's nothing but crickets. Most of them never chose to switch from other apps to Microsoft's, so they don't really have reasons to give, you see. They're just uninterested in making problems for themselves for what they see as other people's crusade.</p><p>I suppose that psychologically speaking, it's the urge to defend one's behavior in the face of criticism. That's why criticizing Windows in general, and Windows users in particular , is not a very good method of persuasion.</p><p>The best persuasion isn't persuasion at all, and it's not a debate or provocation. It's gentle statement of fact: we use Linux to accomplish a, b, c, 1, 2, 3, successfully. No tool is best for all uses, but Linux is particularly good for x, y, z, 7, 8, 9.</p></div>
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141 <h3>epaaj</h3>
142 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
143 <div class='comment_content'><p>We're migrating back to Windows where I work. Users were complaining about missing features and compatibility issues in Libre Office sheets/excel. Unfortunately Microsoft Office is very good and it's hard to find any replacement that matches the overall experience.</p><p>I rarely use any office suite applications at all so can't really point at specific things myself.</p></div>
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145 <h3>pdp10</h3>
146 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
147 <div class='comment_content'><p>I don't really use office apps any more either, but I'm relatively aware of issues involving app migration by users because I do a lot of scale migrations, since before Windows was even used in enterprise.</p><p>What's key is to identify how users are using the apps, and then which functionality. There are certain things that will never probably work perfectly in a competitor, but then for example [1]Excel macros don't necessarily even work in Microsoft's Mac version of Excel .</p><p>So on one hand, users in some industries and situations might have a lot of legacy macro-laden spreadsheets. But on the other hand, in a great many cases, workflows done in spreadsheets need to move to a more-structured system for risk reasons anyway (search on: "spreadsheet risk"). So we need to replace these [2]so-called "spreadmarts" with managed, audited, far less risky systems where it's hard for error to creep in due to human error and hard for unintentional forks of data and "code" to be made every time a spreadsheet is copied and e-mailed around.</p><p>Of course, replacing or implementing enterprise systems is complicated and takes time. More than a few firms are in the process of de-coupling themselves from proprietary apps from dBASE to Excel to Photoshop, with a goal of being dramatically more flexible in how their staff can work. Offsite from a cafe with a Chromebook? No problem. Update and approve data from iOS? No problem. Power users working miracles with Emacs on Linux? No problem.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p><p>[2]</p></div>
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151 <h3>TheConquistaa</h3>
152 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
153 <div class='comment_content'><p>The bad thing is that open source software is pretty much inoperable more or less with proprietary formats. And open formats don't work that well inside proprietary suites.</p><p>You may have ODF but people use OOXML.</p><p>You may have .xcf but people use .psd</p><p>I only yesterday had to edit a poster that had some text in it and found that GIMP cannot edit text inside a .psd file (it renders it as raster image). There was no plug-in for this and found no converter from psd to xcf. So I had to rely on a site that can see the font in pictures and go to trial and error to make the text similar. Not quite the best alternative to running Photoshop.</p></div>
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157 <h3>ShugoWah</h3>
158 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
159 <div class='comment_content'><p>Funny, this is -exactly- the same experience of watching your Twitter-using friends bitch 18 hours a day about how bad Twitter is, and then laugh at the thought of giving Mastodon a look.</p></div>
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162 <h3>KatsAwfulReddit</h3>
163 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
164 <div class='comment_content'><p>Most PC users don't really want the usability of a computer, they just want a console with better power and mouse and keyboard support</p></div>
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167 <h3>Finniss</h3>
168 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
169 <div class='comment_content'><p>Online is hard because it comes off as preachy. I just use the stuff in normal life and when someone wants to know how I do something, I show them. A number of people have switched to Libre Office and Linux because they see how I use it to do some very technical things easily, and it changes they preconceived notions about it. Sometimes I have had to work very hard to make things work, but I feel it is worth it in the long run. My biggest problem (and still occasionally is) is connecting to our MS Exchange mail/calendar server. The mail program Evolution does OK but my slightly outdated version still is missing some key calendar features. I need to check for updates on that. If people complain about Windows, I offer to set them up with a dual boot system so they can try Linux or go back to Windows if they need it for something special.</p></div>
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174 <h3>Finniss</h3>
175 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
176 <div class='comment_content'><p>My son is 7 and my wife does want him playing first person shooters yet, so we are safe there for now. My daughter has no interest in it. I figured someone would have figured out how to run that in linux. They want to play Roblox and use my phone for it for now. I tell them about how I disapprove of Microsoft and how by using alternatives, they make computing better for the world. Then I get them a new Linux game and keep them happy for a while.</p></div>
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180 <h3>ReadAParadox</h3>
181 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
182 <div class='comment_content'><p>True father/mother.</p></div>
183 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
184 <h3>JonaldLovesDong</h3>
185 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
186 <div class='comment_content'><p>parent</p></div>
187 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
188 <h3>grandmastermoth</h3>
189 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
190 <div class='comment_content'><p>we need to breed more</p></div>
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192 <h3>pr0ghead</h3>
193 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
194 <div class='comment_content'><p>You can't straight-up breed parents. That's not how that works.</p></div>
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201 <h3>StardusterPrime</h3>
202 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
203 <div class='comment_content'><p>Jesus, how thirsty am I to celebrate a .07% jump?</p></div>
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205 <h3>Two-Tone-</h3>
206 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
207 <div class='comment_content'><p>Well, if you put it in perspective, since Proton was announced, our total user base has increased by 59% .</p><p>And that is just in less than two months, not even a month and a half. That is insane growth. [1]It's so insane that we actually reversed over a year's worth of decline in less than two months .</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
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209 <h3>Zach_Attakk</h3>
210 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
211 <div class='comment_content'><p>I think not everyone boots up Steam every day, especially if they're a Linux gamer that was only playing the SteamOS compatible games until now, and maybe doesn't follow the news as much. There's also a whole bunch of Linux players running the Windows Steam client in wine, which means when that survey (that popped up this week) reports back, it'll report Windows.</p><p></p><p>In short, I think there's a whole bunch of Linux gamers that haven't come on board yet.</p></div>
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213 <h3>Two-Tone-</h3>
214 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
215 <div class='comment_content'><p>I think not everyone boots up Steam every day, especially if they're a Linux gamer that was only playing the SteamOS compatible games until now, and maybe doesn't follow the news as much</p><p>How did nearly an extra 60% of users all decided to just start running Steam again in the last month and a half, completely unrelated to the announcement of Proton?</p><p>And even then, what about the substantial loss of percentage over the last couple of years? Surely we wouldn't have seen our numbers steadily drop lower and lower too we were nearly reduced by half if these people were still there.</p><p></p><p>There's also a whole bunch of Linux players running the Windows Steam client in wine, which means when that survey (that popped up this week) reports back, it'll report Windows.</p><p>In the past the hardware survey explicitly detected that steam is running in wine and even what version, all to be counted as Linux or Other (iirc). I see no reason that'd change now or any time in the last year+.</p><p>E: rereading this I may come across as rather angry. Not my intent, I'm just tired. Sorry</p></div>
216 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
217 <h3>Zach_Attakk</h3>
218 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
219 <div class='comment_content'><p>unrelated to the announcement of Proton?</p><p>I'm not saying "nobody" did it, I'm saying there might be a significant portion that didn't see the article. Maybe not as significant as I initially thought, but I'm sure more users will trickle in over time. Or users that saw the news but didn't think it's a priority for their gaming habits, installing Steam Linux when their wine version was working fine. Not everyone jumps on something the moment they find out about it. Was just a thought... I happened to install Linux on my old netbook literally days before the news dropped, so I was still in the "what can I do with my new favourite OS" phase, but not everyone is like this. They're just happy if it works.</p><p></p><p>In the past the hardware survey explicitly detected that steam is running in wine and even what version, all to be counted as Linux or Other (iirc)</p><p>Oh I didn't know this.</p></div>
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222 <h3>dlove67</h3>
223 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
224 <div class='comment_content'><p>Surely we wouldn't have seen our numbers steadily drop lower and lower too we were nearly reduced by half if these people were still there.</p><p>Percentage-wise, you could have. Assuming more new windows/macOS users come, while most linux users that were using steam are already on it.</p></div>
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228 <h3>graemeLinux</h3>
229 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
230 <div class='comment_content'><p>The survey isn't what counts the OS. The OS is auto-reported on sign on. The survey reports things that the sign-on doesn't know or don't want to figure out, like speed tests, etc. They know exactly how many people are online with linux, mac, windows, etc at any point in time.</p></div>
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234 <h3>mishugashu</h3>
235 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
236 <div class='comment_content'><p>I don't think we actually declined, we just grew slower than Windows. Looking at market share to see growth on a single platform isn't really correct. What if a bunch of Mac users suddenly stop gaming on Steam? Linux will go up... but did we grow?</p></div>
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240 <h3>SteveHeist</h3>
241 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
242 <div class='comment_content'><p>Considering that pushes our number from about an additional 1/3 over last month to close to 2/5, it's nice to see at least.</p></div>
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244 <h3>HER0_01</h3>
245 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
246 <div class='comment_content'><p>Except that this error was present before this fix, which means it likely effected every stat they released from the start of Steam on Linux. If they updated past stats after applying this and you recalculated it, the growth would certainly be lower.</p></div>
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248 <h3>eggman_jr</h3>
249 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
250 <div class='comment_content'><p>They do this every month.</p></div>
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252 <h3>HER0_01</h3>
253 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
254 <div class='comment_content'><p>Yes, they publish stats every month, and all of those likely are effected by that error except for the updated September ones. The old data is not correct.</p></div>
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256 <h3>eggman_jr</h3>
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258 <div class='comment_content'><p>What I mean is they update their stats every month, about a week after publication.</p></div>
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260 <h3>HER0_01</h3>
261 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
262 <div class='comment_content'><p>Yes, I know, which is why I said "they publish stats every month."</p><p>The problem is all of those stats except for September, which they corrected are likely affected by this error. This throws off our calculations of growth, because groups that were not represented before are now represented, creating an artificial boost in apparent growth.</p></div>
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270 <h3>pr0ghead</h3>
271 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
272 <div class='comment_content'><p>It's roughly a 10% increase actually.</p></div>
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275 <h3>Bobby_Bonsaimind</h3>
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277 <div class='comment_content'><p>Which translates to ~50k people.</p></div>
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281 <h3>Offensive_joke_lord</h3>
282 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
283 <div class='comment_content'><p>I helped a teeny bit by getting 2 people to switch to Linux recently. But mostly thanks to all the people working on all the software that makes up the systems we use!</p><p>I'll just keep trying to convert more people! Hopefully once we break 1% we can take over the world, mwahahaha >:)</p></div>
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286 <h3>LucasZanella</h3>
287 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
288 <div class='comment_content'><p>Wait. There was an error... and it went up ?</p></div>
289 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
290 <h3>zmaile</h3>
291 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
292 <div class='comment_content'><p>Another way to look at it - there was an error... and windows went down.</p></div>
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296 <h3>Breadland</h3>
297 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
298 <div class='comment_content'><p>If they add all the fixes that were found for a lot of the non-whitelisted games, I think a lot more people would use it.</p><p>Fallout 4 didn't work for me at first. But after looking at and the github issues page for proton, I found the 3 things I had to do to fix all my problems. Now it runs flawlessly. Well it hangs on exit, but apart from that, I never had any issues ingame.</p><p>If Valve would add a way to implement these community fixes, so the average user doesn't have to do anything in the terminal or in the fallout .ini files, then playing Windows only games on Linux would be a lot more accessible.</p><p>So hopefully by the time Proton comes out of beta, we'll have this feature implemented.</p></div>
299 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
300 <h3>FurbyOnSteroid</h3>
301 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
302 <div class='comment_content'><p>I'm almost certain that this is where it's heading. As soon as they know how a certain game can be played, all they need to do is to put these instructions into the "first-time-run" setup present on any game which sets these things automatically.</p></div>
303 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
304 <h3>PolygonKiwii</h3>
305 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
306 <div class='comment_content'><p>Ironically, the "first-time-run" setup on some games is the only thing blocking them from working perfectly out of the box. Having Proton-specific ones would be a great step. They could start by removing runtimes that are built into Wine already and won't install cleanly anyway.</p></div>
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311 <h3>jaykstah</h3>
312 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
313 <div class='comment_content'><p>I'm very excited to see this momentum. I switched to Linux Mint and quickly fell back into Win10 due to friends still regularly playing PUBG and some other games that are broken on Linux. This past month I've switched back to 100% Linux usage going from Kubuntu to Ubuntu back to Mint on my main machine (have also been only using Linux Mint or Ubuntu on my laptop for the past year and a half or so).</p><p>I'm glad I hopped back in to contribute to this growth. Moving into 2019 let's make some big moves and make sure everyone knows that Linux is the place to be if you want to play games and simply have fun with your computer! One of my favorite things about Linux is still customization as it lets you have fun in doing menial tasks.</p><p>Everyone in this community is awesome for the most part so as long as we still act as a positive influence and encourage others in the gaming community to make the switch in a welcoming manner then we should be able to come back here month after month and celebrate even more growth!</p></div>
314 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
315 <h3>INITMalcanis</h3>
316 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
317 <div class='comment_content'><p>I'm very excited to see this momentum.</p><p></p><p>It is exciting! And I'm delighted to find that Linux is become so new-user friendly just when MS appears to be dialing all the things that people dislike about Windows up to 11.</p><p>It's long been an aphorism of mine that the future happens either half as fast or 10 times quicker than anyone expects. Linux has had a long run of "half as fast" - I find myself hoping that there's going to be a phase change to "10 times as quick".</p></div>
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321 <h3>MomoSinX</h3>
322 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
323 <div class='comment_content'><p>Wow, nice!</p></div>
324 </div>
325 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
326 <h3>AskJeevesIsBest</h3>
327 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
328 <div class='comment_content'><p>I'm sure the number will keep growing</p></div>
329 </div>
330 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
331 <h3>liamdawe</h3>
332 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
333 <div class='comment_content'><p>Updated [1]GOL's dedicated page that shows some history of it.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
334 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
335 <h3>pr0ghead</h3>
336 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
337 <div class='comment_content'><p>So we've now regained the last 15 months lost to the Chinese invasion. Neat.</p></div>
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341 <h3>Gundurr</h3>
342 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
343 <div class='comment_content'><p>i need a more powerful gaming rig</p></div>
344 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
345 <h3>ws-ilazki</h3>
346 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
347 <div class='comment_content'><p>So do a lot of people, if those statistics are even remotely accurate. 30% of users still only have 2 physical cores, and 60% have 4. No hyperthreading stats in that section, but elsewhere it says only about half of surveyed systems have it. The number of users with 8-core chips is only slightly higher than the total Linux user stats. It's no wonder devs don't bother making their code use more threads, if only about 5% of Steam users have 6+ cores. Even scarier when you consider that, since it's restricted to Steam users, the survey probably over-represents higher-end systems.</p><p>RAM is more in line with what I expected, with the majority having 8 or 16GB. I did expect >16GB to be a bit higher than it was, though.</p><p>Also unsurprisingly, two 1920x1080 displays is the most common multi-monitor configuration. I'm disappointed that it doesn't give any sort of idea how many multi-monitor users there are in comparison to people still only using one.</p><p>Most of the stats are pretty consistent between Linux-only and Windows-only, too. Exceptions being higher representation of 16GB in Linux, and total disk space in Linux is much lower. The latter is probably because of people dual booting and allocating less space to Linux, since most of their space-eating games are in Windows.</p></div>
348 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
349 <h3>PolygonKiwii</h3>
350 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
351 <div class='comment_content'><p>and total disk space in Linux is much lower. The latter is probably because of people dual booting and allocating less space to Linux, since most of their space-eating games are in Windows.</p><p>It's also because it's not detecting it correctly. For me it always lists the amount of free space on my root filesystem as the "total" disk space, no matter how many other drives are mounted.</p></div>
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353 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
354 <h3>INITMalcanis</h3>
355 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
356 <div class='comment_content'><p>RAM is God damb expensive these days, that's maybe why</p></div>
357 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
358 <h3>ws-ilazki</h3>
359 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
360 <div class='comment_content'><p>That's true. It was already stupidly expensive when I built this PC last year, and it's only gotten worse since then apparently. I wish I could have maxed the board out then, but I was already pushing the budget when I went for 32GB. I was upgrading from a ridiculously outdated system that had 6GB, with an 8GB maximum (but one of the sticks died), so even the idea of using that much seemed insane at the time. I figured it would take years before I'd actually use 32... but then I got the PC built and immediately started using 50-90% of it regularly. Doesn't matter how much I have I'll find a way to use it, even if I have to install Steam games onto a ramdisk to do it.</p></div>
361 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
362 <h3>pdp10</h3>
363 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
364 <div class='comment_content'><p>I figured it would take years before I'd actually use 32... but then I got the PC built and immediately started using 50-90% of it regularly.</p><p>That's always how it works, especially in modern systems with virtual memory.</p><p>Back when we had RISC workstations that had 8 to 32 times as much memory as a contemporary gaming PC, those with the latter just couldn't see how the memory would ever get used.</p></div>
365 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
366 <h3>ws-ilazki</h3>
367 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
368 <div class='comment_content'><p>See, I knew when I made it that I could find ways to utilise it if I tried . One of the first things I did with the newly built system was mount half of it as a ramdisk and compile something using all cores and no disk bottleneck, just to watch it fly, and after that I played a couple games off ramdisk to compare load times. I've been abusing Linux features in stupid ways for a long time, so I was looking forward to doing dumb stuff like that. Plus I knew I'd be doing GPU passthrough and using a large chunk of it for that VM.</p><p>The thing that surprised me is how quickly I went past 16 and even 24GB without intentionally doing things to use every scrap of memory available. Casual usage tends to sit at 10-14GB, and it goes up quickly from there when I start doing anything other than browsing.</p><p>It also didn't take long to adopt a "screw it, I don't need to close this program" mentality with programs I'm not using, only closing things when I get over ~80% usage or need more memory free to start the VM. I have a couple xkill -esque global shortcut that send SIGSTOP or SIGCONT to a window I click, so when I get done using a program for a while I tend to "pause" it instead of closing, so that I can leave even cpu-heavy programs open and avoid startup times.</p></div>
369 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
370 <h3>pdp10</h3>
371 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
372 <div class='comment_content'><p>I have a couple xkill-esque global shortcut that send SIGSTOP or SIGCONT to a window I click, so when I get done using a program for a while I tend to "pause" it instead of closing, so that I can leave even cpu-heavy programs open and avoid startup times.</p><p>That's interesting!</p></div>
373 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
374 <h3>ws-ilazki</h3>
375 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
376 <div class='comment_content'><p>Actually, I forgot that I recently merged them into a single shortcut/script, so that was slightly incorrect. I originally started with a couple shell functions, stop and cont , that would do kill -STOP (or -CONT) if given a PID or assume a process name and use killall otherwise. Then I reproduced that as-is with two shortcuts and xdotool and did that for a bit. Finally, the current setup, which checks if the selected window is paused with ps and sends the appropriate signal to toggle state.</p><p>Here's the current script: #!/bin/sh</p><p></p><p># Get a pid via cursor, similar to xkill, and STOP it.</p><p># If pid is already stopped (state T), CONT instead.</p><p></p><p>pid="$(xdotool selectwindow getwindowpid)"</p><p>state="$(ps -q $pid -o state --no-headers)"</p><p>signal="-STOP"</p><p></p><p>if [ "x$state" = "xT" ] ; then</p><p>signal="-CONT"</p><p>fi</p><p></p><p>kill $signal $pid</p><p>Right now I have it bound to meta+s as a mnemonic for "stop" but meta+p for "play|pause" would probably make more sense.</p></div>
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383 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
384 <h3>pdp10</h3>
385 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
386 <div class='comment_content'><p>It's no wonder devs don't bother making their code use more threads, if only about 5% of Steam users have 6+ cores.</p><p>One generally-accepted theory is that both major consoles being 8-core AMD APUs since 2013 has already been pushing developers of performance-intensive titles to use ~7 cores effectively in their cross-platform games.</p><p></p><p>Also unsurprisingly, two 1920x1080 displays is the most common multi-monitor configuration.</p><p>Multiple 1920x1080 has been the most cost-effective, high-value configuration for a number of years, and I assume that's why the popularity.</p><p>The Hardware Survey says that Linux users are significantly more likely to be using both UHD/4K 3840x2160 and also laptop-res 1366x768, interestingly enough. Basically, there's more hardware diversity at the low and high end with Linux, which suggests that Linux is less likely to be used to game on dedicated gaming rigs, and more likely to be used to game where it's already installed on high-end workstations and on regular laptops.</p></div>
387 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
388 <h3>ws-ilazki</h3>
389 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
390 <div class='comment_content'><p>One generally-accepted theory is that both major consoles being 8-core AMD APUs since 2013 has already been pushing developers of performance-intensive titles to use ~7 cores effectively in their cross-platform games.</p><p>I noticed that myself. And now that Ryzen finally dragged Intel kicking and screaming into the >4 core world, hopefully it will continue to improve.</p><p></p><p>Multiple 1920x1080 has been the most cost-effective, high-value configuration for a number of years, and I assume that's why the popularity</p><p>Probably, it's what I favour for the same reason, though I use more than two displays because there's never enough screen real estate. I sort of hoped to see a larger portion of users with resolutions indicating more than two displays when I saw the gtx 1060 (which has at least 4 outputs) was the most popular GPU.</p><p>I really wish the survey gave some indication of the ratio of multi-display vs. single-display users, like I already said. I've noticed it's a lot more common than it was when I first started doing it, but I'm curious to know how common it's gotten. People tend to scoff at the idea until they try it and then they never go back.</p></div>
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393 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
394 <h3>Parareda8</h3>
395 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
396 <div class='comment_content'><p>Also money</p></div>
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398 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
399 <h3>silmeth</h3>
400 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
401 <div class='comment_content'><p>The num of cores thing is also kind of a chicken and egg situation. I have a pretty decent PC with “only” 4 cores i5-6600 because for games and most workloads it’s more than enough while the saved money could be spent by me on faster RAM and stronger GPU.</p><p>My gf’s PC has 6 cores not because having 6+ cores made great sense at the time of buying it (nor atm IMO) but only because the new Coffee Lake i5 CPUs increased the cores number and her PC is about a year newer than mine.</p><p>It just makes sense, if games are the main intended workload, to buy a better GPU even at a cost of a weaker CPU, so I’d expect much lower number of high-end CPUs than GPUs in the Steam survey.</p></div>
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404 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
405 <h3>pdp10</h3>
406 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
407 <div class='comment_content'><p>Hardware pricing and availability has been a roller-coaster for the last couple of years.</p><p>It's entirely possible that we've seen the turning point where hardware stops getting cheaper and faster as time goes on. If so, it will take the general public a long time to accept it, just as it took them a long time to accept that semiconductor manufacturing made everything cheaper, better, faster, and use less powerful as time went on.</p><p>Nobody had any reason to think that the DRAM price increases that started slowly in 2016 would be the beginning of the end of hardware getting cheaper, but right now it's looking like that will have been the case.</p><p>The big opportunity going forward is from used hardware, as the prices are largely going to reflect the past when used hardware retained very little value after a couple of years. Linux users aren't chained to OEM operating system licenses and [1]activations when changing hardware . That gives Linux users a notable advantage because they can ignore activations and license concerns when shopping for used hardware and when incrementally upgrading their machine, unlike Windows users.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>[1]</p></div>
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410 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
411 <h3>Oxxy_moron</h3>
412 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
413 <div class='comment_content'><p>I moved to Linux full time about a month or so ago, been trying to launch new steam games to just see if they work and edge up the stats (as I have no time to play them any more).</p><p>Hope I was captured in that rise!</p></div>
414 </div>
415 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
416 <h3>indiepenguins</h3>
417 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
418 <div class='comment_content'><p>so, with 10.5mil active players, that brings us to around 375k lnx players? and the rounding error was good for about 35k?</p></div>
419 </div>
420 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
421 <h3>Crespyl</h3>
422 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
423 <div class='comment_content'><p>Do we know if Steam Play sessions still count as Linux? At least as far as whatever distribution stats the devs/publishers will see?</p></div>
424 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
425 <h3>Matty_R</h3>
426 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
427 <div class='comment_content'><p>Yes, Steam Play counts towards Linux.</p></div>
428 </div>
429 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
430 <h3>FurbyOnSteroid</h3>
431 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
432 <div class='comment_content'><p>AFAIK Steam doesn't count these stats if you play games on certain operating systems. All they count is the survey you get every now and then (APPARENTLY.. I never got one on linux). So it shouldn't matter how you play your games.</p><p>I thought you meant the statistics of the stat page. My bad.</p></div>
433 </div>
434 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
435 <h3>aaronfranke</h3>
436 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
437 <div class='comment_content'><p>Steam Play counts as Linux but Steam in Wine counts as Windows.</p></div>
438 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
439 <h3>toidiboy</h3>
440 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
441 <div class='comment_content'><p>Not true Steam wine counts as Linux or "other" depending on your setup. Has done for some years. It was also mentioned earlier in this thread.</p></div>
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446 <h3>kingpers</h3>
447 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
448 <div class='comment_content'><p>And that including me 😁</p></div>
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450 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
451 <h3>VisceralMonkey</h3>
452 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
453 <div class='comment_content'><p>Haha, oh man.</p></div>
454 </div>
455 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
456 <h3>not_usually_serious</h3>
457 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
458 <div class='comment_content'><p>nah its because I installed kubuntu on my gaming machine</p></div>
459 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
460 <h3>PolygonKiwii</h3>
461 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
462 <div class='comment_content'><p>Ah, I see you are also one of the 1428 and a half users of Steam.</p></div>
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465 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
466 <h3>Leopard1907</h3>
467 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
468 <div class='comment_content'><p>That happens from time to time. A few months back , opposite of that happened. After a fix , Linux numbers dropped.</p></div>
469 </div>
470 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
471 <h3>mithron</h3>
472 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
473 <div class='comment_content'><p>Those percents are misleading: they hide a big userbase that is greater than almost any game has. Yes, it's still a minority, but as with minorities that also has some beneficial implications. It's easier to get bigger traction. Also I wonder if there is a general genre bias in Linux userbase, but that probably cannot be researched as per-game Linux users stats are not published.</p></div>
474 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
475 <h3>PM_ME_PC_GAME_KEYS</h3>
476 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
477 <div class='comment_content'><p>Those percents are misleading: they hide a big userbase that is greater than almost any game has.</p><p>How exactly do they "hide" the GNU/Linux userbase? Just because there's a small number (percentage) describing something that could also be described with a big number (count of users)? Or am I missing something?</p></div>
478 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
479 <h3>MNfrstrtD</h3>
480 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
481 <div class='comment_content'><p>How exactly do they "hide" the GNU/Linux userbase?</p><p>If they offer 15,000 titles, IDK how many they really do offer, and have 20 million subscribers with .78% using "GNU/Linux" you would think that GNU/Linux is a small segment maybe not worth developing software for. Yet if those .78% total userbase subscribers only play 10 titles, and of those 10 titles, 1 or 2 titles have 30% GNU/Linux userbase, than you have an obscured number. Especially if those 1 or 2 titles are in the top 10 most popular games on Steam.</p><p>Another way that .78% can be misleading is if the GNU/Linux crowd as a whole counts for a higher ratio of income than other players, and/or are as a whole spending more time per week than other groups. Let's say that the overwhelming majority of GNU/Linux users spend 22 hours a week using Steam where as only 5% of Windows users spend 20 hours or more playing Steam per week.</p><p></p><p>There are other metrics that can be easily exploited. My point is that maybe if it were reported in a more meaningful way, such as by reporting on how GNU/Linux gamers compare in metrics the Steam executives use to decide whether to continue supporting or even expanding services for the GNU/Linux market, we could all appreciate whether .78% is really a good thing, or a sign that we still on the fringe.</p></div>
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485 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
486 <h3>RedDeadRevengeance</h3>
487 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
488 <div class='comment_content'><p>THE WHEELS OF PROGRESS TURN</p></div>
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490 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
491 <h3>moonwork</h3>
492 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
493 <div class='comment_content'><p>Anybody else thinking the Ubuntu's probably include Linux Mint..?</p></div>
494 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
495 <h3>D49A1D852468799CAC08</h3>
496 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
497 <div class='comment_content'><p>Possibly. Fedora is reported as "Linux 4.x". :)</p></div>
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500 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
501 <h3>Aka_Erus</h3>
502 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
503 <div class='comment_content'><p>Just thinking about how many "Windows users" are actually running Windows Steam through wine or even using virtualisation...</p><p>We won't get true numbers.</p></div>
504 </div>
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506 <h3>der_pelikan</h3>
507 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
508 <div class='comment_content'><p>I just calculated how long it would take to take windows 96% if we continue to grow with 31% a month: 19 months. 2020 will be the year of total linux gaming domination ;)</p></div>
509 </div>
510 <div class='comment' style='display: block; margin-left: 80px'>
511 <h3>Truthfudge1</h3>
512 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
513 <div class='comment_content'><p>i blame steamplay for this :)</p></div>
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516 <h3>RougeFalconer</h3>
517 <div class='by' style='font-style: italic;'></div>
518 <div class='comment_content'><p>Time to join the 0.78</p></div>
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